Joey Paynter

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn - July 4, 2020

On July 4th, 2020 at 9:44 PM PDT and on July 5that 12:44 AM EDT, the moon glows in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. I’ll also add that she’s not easily distracted, craves solitude like no other, values integrity above all else and when she’s functioning at her highest- she carries the archetype of the wise elder. At her worst, she becomes rigid, demanding, and controlling. If she looks to approval from others, it’s likely that she’ll begin to lose clarity about herself and there’s a good chance that she’ll end up a prisoner even in her success. If this happens, then no matter what she does, nothing will ever quite seem like it’s enough.

So what does this mean for this Full Moon? 

This Full Moon also happens to be a lunar eclipse, the last of a series of three for this eclipse season, and also marks the end of the Capricorn/Cancer series of eclipses that began back in July of 2018. The emphasis on money, power, and structure in the Cancer/Capricorn axis is shifting to the Sagittarius/Gemini axis that will place more of an emphasis on finding truth and seeking justice. We saw the beginning to this new axis kick off back on June 5th.

In case you’re wondering, a lunar eclipse only occurs during a Full Moon. It happens when the moon passes entirely behind the Earth and into its shadow. This eclipse will be visible over South America and partially visible in South/West Europe, parts of Africa, and most of North America.However,don’t expect to see anything too dramatic because it is only passing through the lightest part of the earth’s shadow called the penumbra, and it will only pass through a third of the way. The eclipse begins on July 4that 11:08pm EDT/8:08pm PDT and will last a little under three hours. So while the display of this eclipse is not that impressive, do keep in mind that psychologically speaking, eclipses tend to represent breakthroughs, critical points of change, or some type of resolution regarding an issue or event that’s been lingering in the background for a little while now. 

I’ll also add that since an eclipse is a time when the moon goes into the shadows, we might find that our hidden emotions and rejected aspects of our self become more known at this time. This can be an uncomfortable process as shadow material (Think: everything in your psyche that you want to hide from others including yourself) has the potential to become more potent during an eclipse. Or maybe something from your past that’s been hidden from you is moving into visibility. Or maybe something that has plagued you for quite a while is finally reaching a breaking point. Whatever it might be eclipses tend to accelerate the possibility for change and will move you closer to that much needed resolution. On a collective level we’re likely to see even more of the shadow emerge around issues of injustice and inequality. 

This Full Moon is hanging out just close enough to be impacted by Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in Capricorn. These three planets are certainly making an impact this year and forcing us to look at how we take personal and collective responsibility for power, transformation, authority, fear, limitations, and past inequalities. This Full Moon is likely to highlight some of these issues and we need to be careful that we don’t let the heaviness of what we’re facing in the world start to take too much of a toll on us. It’s certainly easy to fall prey to the weight of everything and feel fear or uncertainty due to everything that we are facing in our external world from pandemic to unemployment to civil unrest to seeing our systems and structures that are no longer able to hold us, and yet we must stay the course. Try not to settle for anything less than the truth. Of course this type of truth doesn’t happen overnight and so we must prepare for the long haul. It takes time to dig up all the places where the truth has been hidden. Since this particular Full Moon places a heavy emphasis on Capricorn energy this time can also feel withholding and isolating.

I’d like to add that Mercury Retrograde is also involved in this mix with it cozied up close to the Sun in Cancer so this energy is prompting us to reflect on the past. It’s also likely asking us to consider the things that we need to change and to look over what needs a second revision or maybe even a third or a fourth. Don’t be afraid to see things differently than how things are - after all revisions are simply a way for you to arrive at the best possible outcome. 

Then there’s Mars, the planet associated with passion, intensity, conflict, and battles, and it’s making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon. It moved into Aries at the end of June, so don’t be surprised if anger and rage feel a little more accessible now. The good news is that Mars in Aries has the energy to go after what it wants and will give you the push you need to make things happen. While this can feel good be careful about using too much force to try to get your way because Mars in Aries likes to move forward no matter the cost or the causalities involved.

Lastly, Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and breakthroughs is making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon. Be ready for some big revelations to happen both personally and collectively. In other words, what has been hidden is ready to come out into the open. 

While we all might feel the heaviness from the past come into the present, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Capricorn. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.