Joey Paynter

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Full Moon in Aries - September 29, 2023

On Friday, September 29th, 2023 (2:57 am PDT and 5:57 am EDT) the Full Moon shines in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. This is the first Full Moon of Autumn and is also the last supermoon of the year. A couple weeks later and we enter the final eclipse season of 2023. Eclipses bring changes and tend to be highly transformative. With eclipse season coming up in the Aries/Libra axis you may want to take note of the major themes that are present during this Full Moon. These are likely to be the same themes you’ll experience throughout the Aries eclipse cycle that ends in January 2025.

This lunation comes with fantastic energy for those who have felt stagnant, but are ready to take charge and make things happen. Aries is bold, ready for action, and isn’t afraid to take risks. If you can channel this energy into your life, you’ll be willing to move outside your comfort zone and push through the blocks that have held you back. To be clear, it’s not that your fears disappeared, it’s more that you’re developing the courage to tackle them and this helps you claim what’s yours. At the very least, use this Aries energy to ignite the fire inside you and “do the thing” even if it scares you. I’m sure you can already tell that this fiery energy is in contrast to the last few lunations that had us moving at a much slower pace mainly due to Venus and Mercury Retrograde.

Reflection: What is holding you back? Where do you need more courage? What do you need to claim as yours? Where do you need to take up more space? What in your life needs igniting?

Keep in mind that with all of this strong energy present, you might feel more susceptible to aggression, frustration, conflicts, anger, or find that you’re more easily triggered than usual. If you get carried away by this energy, you might become reactive, reckless, or impulsive. If you have some unresolved situation, where you aren’t standing your ground, then it’s likely to resurface at this time. Beware that explosive emotions may run extra high right now.

while Aries is ready for you to claim what you want without any compromise, The Sun in Libra is asking for fairness, compromise, and for you to pay attention to the needs of the “other.” Somehow during this lunation you’ll need to see what’s worth pushing forward while also considering how your actions impact those around you. With emotions running high, engage in activities that help you release this fiery energy: Dance, play a sport, have sex, or find other ways to move your body.

Lastly, since Aries is a go-getter and tends to want everything right NOW, you might feel pressure to make everything happen right away. It’s okay to still feel unsure of how to actually put it all in motion.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<.