Joey Paynter

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Full Moon in Scorpio - April 23, 2024

On Tuesday April 23, 2024 (4:49 PM PDT and 7:49 EDT), the Full Moon glows in the penetrating, and deeper than deep sign of Scorpio. This is a transformational Full Moon that asks us to shed our skin so we can welcome new perspectives into our lives. With the recent eclipses and the Uranus and Jupiter alignment, it’s a powerful time for change. Sometimes these changes require our fears to be exposed, our boundaries pushed, our emotions to run high, and hopefully it’s an opening for us to know ourselves more deeply. This Full Moon will shine a spotlight on these changes and provide us an opportunity to dig deeper to see what it is we really need.

Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, is making a challenging alignment during this lunation. This means we’ll feel the intensity when something triggers us to break away from the past and let go of our former ways of being. This is all happening so we can live in greater alignment with who we’ve become and are becoming. It’s normal for feelings that you’ve buried or pushed away to surface now. Just remember that Pluto likes us to confront and face things head on. Try to think of Pluto like a mirror. He’s only here to reveal the truth of what exists. Our job is to be willing to look into the mirror without trying to deny, change, or dismiss what we see. If uncomfortable feeling arise, do your best to feel them and remember it’s okay to be messy in the process.

As I briefly mentioned above, just a few days prior to this Full Moon, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion teamed up with Uranus, the planet of change, disruption, and shake ups, in the sign of Taurus on April 20th. This alignment is about big changes surfacing and that there is a new vision coming. (If you’d like to know how this alignment is impacting you personally, look to the house these two planets are transiting). Some of these changes might arrive as welcomed guests and others might come as a shock to the system. However, both are leading toward greater alignment and breakthroughs, even if it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

I want to take a moment and honor the changes that aren’t welcomed. The ones that show up as death, loss, and pain. These are some of the harder ones to accept and even though a new path is being created, I imagine you’d prefer to stay on the path that allowed you to remain with your loved one, keep the job you had, or stay in the place you’ve always known. These changes can feel disorienting and you are allowed to take as much time as you need to grieve and find your feet again.

Of course we can’t forget that Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, is still Retrograde in Aries, so as much as some of us might feel ready to jump head first into something new, it will be better if you wait until after April 25th.  Keep in mind it will take several days for Mercury to regain its normal speed. Use this time to reflect, plan, and understand what it is that you want for the future. Things will start to flow more easily in the first week of May.

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.