Joey Paynter

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New Moon in Taurus - May 7, 2024

On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 8:22 PM PDT & 11:22 PM EDT, the moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and peaceful sign of Taurus. There is a cluster of planets in Taurus right now (Sun, Moon, Venus, Uranus, & Jupiter) nudging us to move toward what feels good in our bodies, and closer to our heart’s desires, but there’s also the chance that we might feel stuck and struggle to embrace the new. The good news is that Uranus, the planet of disruption and change, is in this mix, and will help us shake up areas where we’ve become a little too complacent, stagnant and attached. Uranus wants us to break free from our rigid routines of predictability, so we can live in greater alignment with our Self.

Taurus likes simplicity and enjoys being in a natural flow with life. This lunation will likely highlight areas of reciprocity or lack thereof. Are you holding onto your security too tightly? Where do you feel a level of scarcity in your life? Where would it help you to slow down? Does your life feel like it's in flow? If it's not, where is the blockage?

Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits, and lessons is in the sign of Pisces, and is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. Allow Saturn to teach you lessons from the past and help you set boundaries that will assist your growth. It might be helpful to take a scan of your life and note where have you already placed boundaries. Do you have too many? Not enough? Is there an area of your life where you need to be more resilient?

The day before the New Moon, Mercury, the planet of communication, perception, and thought, and Chiron, the wounded healer, joined together in Aries. The meeting between these two planetary bodies will help us let go of the past, highlight where our voice or vision has felt wounded, and move us towards new ways of seeing. Do keep in mind that Mercury is still moving through the shadow until May 13th, so if there’s anything you need to communicate or revise, now is the time. Overall, the energy of this lunation is ripe for a new vision and a new adventure. Don’t be afraid to scrap prior projects and start afresh.

This Taurus energy might have us feeling the need to slow down, get in touch with nature, ground our energy, find our center, and feel stillness. It’s also the perfect time to listen to the silence. You can recharge and reset by engaging with what fills you up the most. If you’re unsure, take a moment and think about what nourishes your soul? How might you create more nourishment? What do you need to feed within? What would you like to attract into your life?

While we all might feel the need to slow down, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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