New Moon in Sagittarius - December 6th and 7th, 2018
On December 6, 2018 (11:20 PM PST) and December 7, 2018 (2:20AM EST), the Moon begins its new cycle in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, is filled with a large dose of optimism, and is wired to seek for what exists behind and within every moment. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, believes anything is possible, relies on freedom, seeks for truth in everything, and when she is functioning at her best she is motivated to experience all that life has to offer. Her shadow appears when she focuses only on her “too muchness” and forgets that life can also be fragile. It could also appear when she gets wrapped up in claiming what she knows as the only way to live.
So what does this mean for the last New Moon of the year?
Well first I’d like to mention that this New Moon occurs on the same day that Mercury stations direct and Mars’ joins up with Neptune. I’m sure some of you might be letting out a sigh of relief knowing that Mercury is no longer retrograde. Just be sure to keep in mind that miscommunication, delays, and glitches with technology tend to increase right when Mercury stations direct. The good news is that by next week you’re likely to see those things that were held up during retrograde are ready to flow freely now.
The Sagittarian energy of this New Moon might pull you to take a risk at this time, or set out on a new adventure, or expand your knowledge in one way or another. Boldness and passion are certainly present, but with Mars cozied up close to Neptune and making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, don’t be surprised if some of this wild energy gets tempered with complications and set backs. You might even feel that in all your zeal for something new that you are now hit square in the face with the thought, “what if I just made a big irrevocable mistake?” It’s also possible to find yourself tricked or deceived by something or someone you were ready to put your trust in. Just remember if you can’t sink into it, then it’s likely just a mirage filled with empty promises. If discouragement surfaces, hopefully you will allow yourself some compassion, patience, and acceptance. Hint: It helps if you see these limitations as gifts that contain messages about what you need to move forward.
Since Neptune is in the mix it’s an excellent time to look out for signs and omens or those synchronistic moments that remind you everything is connected to a purpose. So during this time expand your boundaries, trust your intuition, and surrender to the unknown. After all, that’s the place where the magic lives.
So embrace the expansive energy and test what is true. Allow your world to open to the miraculous and believe that there’s a reason for wanting to take that leap, that jump, or that next step into the unknown. Trust yourself even when it feels like you’ve lost your way. Remember: You have an inner compass that is aligned to something much greater than what you can see with your eyes.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]