New Moon in Scorpio - October 27, 2019


On Sunday, October 27, 2019 (8:38 PM PDT and 11:38 PM EDT), the moon begins its new cycle in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is here to make the unconscious conscious, and is fluent in the language of death and rebirth. She has a knack for sensing and uncovering the hidden and isn’t afraid to call BS if she smells even a hint of a lie. She needs truth like she needs air and not necessarily a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather a truth of a moment, a truth of who you are, and a truth about what remains when everything else falls away. She wants what is real and she isn’t afraid to go to the darker places to find it. Her shadow creeps in when she becomes lost in the self-discovery maze called the underworld or it might creep in if she chooses to avoid the deep dive all together. If she chooses either of these, then it’s likely that moodiness and despair will become her companions. 

So how does this Scorpio energy impact this New Moon? 

Well first let’s address that Uranus, the quirky planet that shakes things up and acts as a catalyst for change is in direct opposition for this New Moon. So don’t be too surprised if something you didn’t see coming decides to jolt you awake and places a spotlight on where you need to claim more of your power.With the Sun and Moon in Scorpio it might be helpful if you used this time to release something that you’ve kept hidden, or maybe it's time you paid attention to your shadow, or it could be time for you to tend to those wounds that you’ve buried deep within.

Just remember that everything that’s happening right now is preparing us for a significant meeting between Jupiter (abundance), Saturn (restrictions and limits), and Pluto (power and transformation) in 2020.Hint: It’s all connected.Saturn and Pluto will align on January 12, 2020 and Jupiter and Pluto will align three times: April 4, June 30, and Nov 12th, and then on December 21, 2020 Jupiter and Saturn will both shift from Capricorn into Aquarius. Since Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius we can be sure that change is coming. Some might experience this through insights, awakening, or inspiration, while others might experience a degree of chaos, and still others might feel that their internal or external world is being stirred up in small and big ways. The ultimate purpose for this alignment is to create more freedom and to shake away anything that doesn't belong in both the personal and the collective. While change can be difficult and the process of things crumbling or being shook up doesn’t always feel comforting, do your best to keep the big picture in mind: You’re moving towards a more authentic and natural expression of you and some things/ideas/beliefs/people in your current world can't come with you – hence the shake up.

So with this New Moon ask yourself: Where have I been hiding? What am I hiding? Where am I playing it safe? What is the truth behind what I feel, what I know, what I don’t know, what I want, what I need, and what I long for? What is my soul here for?What, if anything, is no longer serving me along my path? What do I want to create and cultivate in my life?What or who am I afraid to face? What does the hidden want to reveal to me?

Scorpio has two rulers, Pluto and Mars, and they just so happen to be making a challenging aspect to one another. It’s also important to note that Mars is in Libra right now and is making a challenging aspect to Saturn. Mars, the god of war, likes action and isn’t afraid of conflict while Libra is about peace, balance, and harmony. Think: Be assertive, but keep a balanced approach with everything that is beginning to surface from deep within.While you might want to jump ahead to the finish line, you may have a few obstacles to contend with first. Saturn is asking you to focus on where you place your time and energy, as well as how you handle your commitments.Mars in Libra is asking you to be diplomatic in your attack. So place your energy on the battle that’s brewing within, ask the hard questions, sit with the discomfort, acknowledge your fears, and dive into the mystery of your unconscious.It’s as difficult and as simple as that.

Just remember we are playing with some deep, raw, and intense emotions here. With the stakes this high, honesty with yourself and others is the key to your transformation.

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on who we are and who we are becomingduring this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


Full Moon in Taurus - November 12, 2019


Full Moon in Aries - October 13, 2019