New Moon in Sagittarius - November 26, 2019

On November 26, 2019 (7:06 AM PST and 10:06 AM EST) the Moon begins its new cycle in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, is filled with a large dose of optimism, and is wired to seek out every type of new experience that catches her attention. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, believes anything is possible, relies on freedom, and seeks for truth.When she’s functioning at her best she wants to experience all that life has to offer. Her shadow appears when she focuses only on life’s grandness and forgets that life can also be fragile. It could also appear when she gets wrapped up in claiming what she knows is the only “right” way to live.

So what does this mean for this New Moon? 

Well, first I’d like to mention that we’re coming to the close of a very intense month that began a few days prior to November. It started with the October 27thNew Moon in Scorpio and Mercury just beginning retrograde on October 31st.More than likely you experienced a (re) visit from situations, people, or events from your past that needed your attention or maybe you experienced some challenges that required you to face some of your fears head on.The Scorpio energy that we just came through asked you to go deep into your feelings and pushed you to uncover any truths you had buried below. Not always a pleasant ride, but if we can claim who we are, we can also feel our own power. Also keep in mind that Mars just entered Scorpio on November 19thand will continue here until January 3, 2020. So we aren’t entirely done with this energy, but with the Sun in Sagittarius and other planets moving into Capricorn we might feel a slight reprieve or at least the faith and structure to handle our depths.

So here we arrive at the New Moon, the phase when the moon is completely covered by the Earth’s shadow. In the darkness, we can feel the magic of the unknown calling us into more reflection and introspection. It’s stirring a desire for new beginnings, new initiatives, and inspiring us to bring forth the invisible spark that has yet to find manifestation. Add in that Sagittarius energy to the mix and you might feel the call to some adventure stirring within, or maybe it’s asking you to be bold, to take some chances, or to become like the arrow in flight that is living out its quest. Sagittarius is here to help you expand your horizons and to move you beyond the walls of what you’ve always known.It likes to play big and if you lean into its energy you might find that you believe anything is possible right now. In other words, it turns up the volume on your faith. I’m sure we could all use a dose of that right now.

Venus just entered Capricorn and is adding some practical and goal -oriented energy to the mix. This is a stabilizing force that carries the archetype of the elder, the hermit, the wise women/man, or some might call it the sage. Just recently Jupiter leaned in close to Venus and gave us all a gift. Hopefully this encounter helped to expand your heart, or helped you to sink into the things you most value, and in one way or another I’m sure it reminded you to believe in yourself and what you’ve come here to do.

Speaking of Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, it’s been in it’s own sign this entire year and on December 2ndit will begin its year -long journey in the sign of Capricorn. So use this New Moon to capitalize on this Sagittarean energy that wants you to think big and to indulge in those experiences that expand you. Sometimes we need to think and live like there are no limits and we also need to believe that we can touch our dreams and create everything that we are able to envision. So in this moment, go for it. See that glass as half full or even decide it doesn’t really matter because you can find a way to get the more you might need. This isn’t about ego, but about being grateful and trusting that there’s more. There’s always more available to and for you. Sometimes you just need to believe.

I also need to address that we have Mars, the god of war, the planet associated with assertion and aggression, currently in Scorpio, and it’s opposing Uranus, the planet that likes to shake things up, in Taurus. This can certainly bring some intense issues to the forefront. Picture a volcano on the verge of erupting. You’re not sure of the exact moment that it will happen, but you can feel the tension building. So be aware of confrontations, potential blowups, personal attacks, disruptions, and the natural desire to react to a situation instead of respond to it. (Oh ,yay, just in time for Thanksgiving). Some of us will experience this on the collective and for others it will feel more personal. Just remember that Uranus is acting as an agent of change and while it might feel like it’s stirring up some chaos (because it is), it’s also setting the stage for a major shift. You’re likely to feel this push/pull energy wherever these planets are contacting your chart and if something unexpectedly comes your way, or triggers you to lash out, do your best to breathe and find a way to move with the energy and not against it.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to expand our horizons,we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


Full Moon in Gemini - December 11th/12th, 2019


Full Moon in Taurus - November 12, 2019