Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Cancer - January 10, 2020


On Friday, January 10, 2020 (11:21AM PST and 2:21 PM EST), a penumbral Full Moon eclipse occurs in the sign of Cancer. Penumbral simply means that the Moon is only passing through the outer part of the Earth’s shadow and this means it’s only creating a partial lunar eclipse. While it’s only a partial eclipse, I promise you that there’s nothing partial about the Capricorn energies opposing this Full Moon. Not to mention, we also have the critical alignment of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurring two days later. Let’s just say this energy is intense and since Capricorn is often associated with political structures, we will see much of this played out on the global stage. 

Cancer is the sign that feels everything and holds it all deep within. She’s fluent in the language of emotions, so she’ll most definitely know how to make you feel safe and protected. Just imagine a den, a womb, a cave, or even a bubble bath or maybe even imagine that you are cozied up under a pile of blankets. Can you feel it? It’s a place where you can let your guard down, completely sink into your skin, and be whatever or whoever you need to be. You can fall apart, fall asleep, or fall into the moment of your inner world. There’s No judgment. No fear. Only acceptance of what is. This is Cancer. She is home. She is comfort. She is compassion, trust, and pure acceptance. Her shadow shows up if she clings too tightly to her role as nurturer and places a spotlight on everyone else’s needs, while forgetting to share or tend to her own. The trick she needs to learn ishow to shed her shell and reveal her self – feelings and all

So what does all this mean for the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse? 

Full Moon’s are already a time of manifestation and then add in eclipse energy that emphasizes the shadowy aspects of the Cancer Moon and you can expect your emotions will be turned up on high or at least your sensitivity to everything that is happening FEELS like everything is a little more intense than normal. Just keep in mind that vulnerability is strength and so is compassion and love. Then let’s add to the mix that opposing this Moon, is a whole lot of stern, stoic, and logical Capricorn energy. Saturn, the planet associated with authority, limits and restrictions, is urging us to keep that “stiff upper lip” and focus more on the practical while Pluto, the planet associated with transformation and power is aligning with this energy and pushing us to deal with our own power both personally and collectively. Then add to the mix that Mercury, the planet associated with communication and perception, is stirring up feelings of fear and worry about all that’s to come. This heavy hitting collection of planets in Capricorn might trigger your insecurities or maybe even tempt you to focus on where you have “failed” in the past. Don’t dwell here, but see what these thoughts are made of and how long they’ve festered within.

An eclipse is a time when events, situations, projects, ideas, or decisions reach a point of crisis and since it’s in Cancer we know that anything connected to home, family, domestic issues, or one’s roots will be placed on center stage. You’re also likely to experience some limits or restrictions in these areas or at least be confronted with the tension between habits of the past that leave you stuck and fears about the future and how you need to move forward. On the bright side, it’s possible that this tension will force you to create an entirely new path. Just keep in mind that eclipses tend to end one chapter while opening another. So if something in your life needs to crumble or fall apart right now, then let it. Allow old patterns and beliefs to enter the fire so that something new can be reborn from the ashes.

If you’re curious about what’s trying to break open, then take a moment and think about the blocks you’ve encountered recently. And by blocks I mean what stands between you and what you want to claim for your life? If you’re still not clear then think about: What has been holding me back? Where do I feel like I’ve been running into a brick wall over and over again? What is the block? What is the challenge? What mountain am I trying to climb? Do I know what’s on the other side of this mountain? What am I wrestling with or trying to uncover, but feel like it’s impossible? Use these questions to help you identify what the obstacle is that you must face over this next year. If you have any planets in your chart anywhere from 18-25 degrees, especially in the signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, then there’s you’ll likely feel this energy quite strongly now. The truth is available as long as you are open to hear it. So look for it.

I want to mention that Uranus, the planet of radical change, goes direct about six hours after the eclipse. Don't be surprised if something unexpected lands in your lap or appears out of the blue. Whatever presents itself might feel like a shock at first, but it’s also awakening something within that will likely free you from your blockage. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed with all this intense energy floating around, it’s important to remember that these confrontations are helping us shake free from our habitual patterns that keep us stuck, locked and stagnant. May we have the strength to uncover who we are without clinging to who we used to be. 

Lastly, Neptune is making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon and reminding us to turn towards our intuition, our imagination, our creativity, and that divine soul spark that reminds us we are part of a story much bigger than our own.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to reveal our emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


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New Moon in Capricorn/Solar Eclipse - Dec 25th/26th, 2019