Joey Paynter

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New Moon in Libra -October 16, 2020

On Friday, October 16th, 2020 (12:30 PM PDT and 3:30 PM EDT) the Moon begins its new cycle in the airy and charming sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony,is wired to see life from the other’s point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. Of course we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra refuses to take a stance. You see her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, is you happy. There’s just one problem, sometimes in her drive to please, she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants, and so she becomes frozen by indecision.

So what does this mean about this New Moon?

Well, it’s likely to emphasize our relationshipsthe things we value, and the things we desire most, but I realize I won’t be able to do justice to this New Moon without addressing that we are in one of the most charged astral alignments of the year. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all felt the energy building, but we are now reaching the apex, the most critical point, and to call it intense is quite the understatement. 

When I pulled up the chart for this New Moon, I immediately noticed that almost every planet made some type of alignment to another planet. This is quite unusual. I mean most of the time, we’ll see a few planets involved in the Moon’s energy, but there are usually at least a few that seem to be hanging out and doing their own thing. Not the case for this New Moon. This one comes packed with Mars Rx in Aries opposing the Sun and Moon in Libra, Venus, the ruler of Libra, is in opposition to Neptune in Pisces while aligning forces with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Then there’s Uranus, the planet we associate with unexpected events that shake us up, and it’s opposing Mercury Rx in Scorpio, while Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn are all making a very challenging alignment to this New Moon and also to Mars Rx. Say what? Translation: Yowza! We’re in the midst of some insanely intense energy and there’s no way for us not to feel it. 

Yet, we know that Libra is about peace, balance, calm, beauty, and connection. She’s focused on the other and wants to know the other side to the story, perspective, belief, debate, or experience. The good news is that this New Moon does carry a little bit of magic with it. It’s making a helpful alignment to the nodes. Keep in mind that sometimes to move forward we need to look back. This means that there’s likely something from the karmic past that wants your attention so that you can move forward and break free. If you find that that some of your struggles or issues from the past are resurfacing, those same ones you thought you settled long ago, don’t be alarmed. Pay attention to the themes and remember that the path forward asks us to stay open, become curious about our situations, and to listen to other perspectives instead of assuming we know the answer or know how it will all turn out. 

Since Libra is all about the relationship, we know that this New Moon is looking for a way to create peace in the midst of some of the most chaotic and intense energy of the year, and it will be important for us to reflect on how we create peace moving forward. This might be easier said than done with Mars opposing this peaceful Libra energy and instead we might feel forced to feel the tension between self and other.

So take some time and consider: How do you calm down when you’re faced with conflict? What grounds you? What centers you? How do you let the beauty seep in? Maybe it’s through a sunset, maybe it’s through a conversation with a friend, maybe it’s simply sitting in stillness and taking some deep breaths, or maybe it’s through painting? Dancing? Singing? Journaling? Or maybe it’s time to use the Libra energy to help you embrace ambiguity and paradox when difficult situations arise? What I do know is that when we engage with beauty, even though chaos might be raging in the backdrop, we have found our path to peace. 

As we look to Jupiter, the planet associated with faith, abundance, and expansion, Saturn, the planet associated with limits, restrictions, and fears, and Pluto, the planet associated with death and rebirth, we see that they are pushing this peaceful Libra energy to its limit. Talk about feeling our edges. But with edges comes the opportunity to create change in particular around what is fair, just, and in harmony with others and our self. So while you might feel entangled in some power struggles, harsh limitations, or forced to navigate some deep and dark emotional waters, there is a message inside the madness.But the only way to hear it clearly is by moving towards the calmest part of the storm. Yep, the eye, the center, the place where the torrential winds can never completely reach you.So do your best to find that space and consider that getting there might require that you take an entirely different approach than what you’ve been conditioned to see.

While we all might feel the need for balance in the midst of chaos, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.