Joey Paynter

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New Moon in Scorpio - November 14, 2020

On Saturday, November 14, 2020 (9:07 PM PST and 12:07 AM EDT on the 15th), the moon begins its new cycle in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is here to make the unconscious conscious, and is fluent in the language of death and rebirth. She has a knack for sensing and uncovering the hidden and isn’t afraid to call BS if she smells even a hint of a lie. She needs truth like she needs air and not necessarily a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather a truth of a moment, a truth of who you are, and a truth about what remains when everything else falls away. She wants what is real and she isn’t afraid to go to the hidden places to find it. Her shadow creeps in when she becomes lost in the self-discovery maze called the underworld or you might also see her shadow if she avoids the depths all together. If this happens, moodiness and despair tend to color her every move. 

So how does this Scorpio energy impact this New Moon? 

Since Scorpio must feel her way through everything, you might feel your emotions more intensely during this lunation. Don’t be surprised if anger, rage, powerlessness, jealousy, brooding, or even shame start to bubble up from your unconscious.If they do, then do your best to welcome these emotions and remain curious about what it is they are here to tell you. Scorpio craves honesty and realness so it’s not about putting your feelings in a prettier package, but seeing what it is you really feel inside.

The modern ruler of this lunation is the powerful and regenerative planet Pluto, who is also cozied up quite closely to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion. These two planets are making a helpful alignment to this New Moon so it’s a good time for you to look for opportunities that allow you to claim more of your power. In other words, believe in the power of your truth.

I’d also like to add that Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, stations direct on November 13thafter spending two months retrograde, but it will continue to stay in the sign of Aries until January 6. During the last two months you probably felt a slowing down in areas where you wanted to move forward. While it was a chance to reflect and realign with whatever house Aries falls in (consult your chart), it’s never fun to feel like you have one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the break. With this image in mind it’s easy to see how challenging these last few months have been and I’m sure you felt some frustrations or even some restlessness, but now with Mars moving direct, you’ll gradually feel the momentum start to pick up.

Since Mars turning direct is happening alongside this New Moon we should also consider that this planet is asking us to confront whatever has stood in the way of the thing we must face and transform. Take a moment and consider: What truths do you need to stand up for? Or what truth do you need to embrace more? Where do you need to claim more space in your life? How might you develop the courage to face some of your more hidden wounds? 

I’d also like to mention that Neptune, the mystical and ego less planet is also making a helpful alignment to this New Moon and is asking us to sink in and surrender to the magic. Light some candles, play some soft music, and allow yourself to sink into the mysteries that somehow remind you that this world is much bigger than you could ever fathom.

Since the New Moon is about setting intentions and creating new beginnings, use this Scorpio energy to dive deep into your psyche and feel what you need to feel. This requires a dance with the dark and a willingness to sit quietly with who we really are without any excuses or rationalizations.If you’re open to it, you’ll find that the night holds the deepest mysteries about our soul. So let the myths of your past rise up to tell you a story about who you’ve been and while you listen, take note of the messages that are hidden underneath the wounds. That’s where the magic of transformation takes place. 

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]