Full Moon in Scorpio - May 7, 2020


On Thursday, May 7 (3:45 AM PDT and 6:45 AM EDT), the Full Moon glows in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is fluent in the language of death and rebirth, and is here to make the unconscious conscious. Scorpio knows how to feel, she knows how to penetrate your soul and pull back the veil to reveal your inner most secrets. She is wired to look deeply, and she needs truth almost as much as the air she breathes. I’m not talking about a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather the truth of a moment, the truth of what it exists, and the truth of who you are. She’s concerned with what’s real and if you lie to her, there’s a good chance you’ll bring out the scorpions in her. And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?

So what does all this mean for this Full Moon? 

This Full Moon carries the intensity of our deepest and most raw emotions. Since Scorpio tends to play in the depths, she’s familiar with all that is hidden and unseen and the energy of this Moon is trying to bring the hidden up to the surface. In other words, it’s time for those truths that have been buried to spill out into the light so that we can determine what is real and what is not. Opposing this Moon, we have the Sun aligned with Mercury in Taurus, the sign that feeds on an animal type of wisdom and pulls us into our bodies so that we might learn how to calm down. It’s the tension between simplicity and complexity and the truth is we need a little bit of both. 

If your life feels complex and overwhelming right now then try to tune in to what will help you simplify the event, situation, or experience. Maybe the simple things like walking barefoot in the grass, enjoying the juicy crunch of an apple, or maybe listening to music in the dark, or maybe lounging in your hammock or in your favorite reading nook will help you ground more deeply into your body. Or maybe it’s time for you to have a long honest talk with yourself about everything that you’ve been feeling over these last few months. Whatever comes up, give yourself permission to let all those emotions flow out and through your body until they are released back into the ground. Since Scorpio wants us to know every shade of who we really are both individually and collectively, it’s the perfect time to see what information resonates and sinks into the body and what information gets spit out. 

I’d also like to add that Mars, the planet associated with passion, drive, and intensity is making a difficult aspect to this Full Moon. Don’t be surprised if conflicts or tensions seem to rise more quickly over this next week, especially in relationship to what gives us security. The good news is that it can also fuel your creativity and give you that extra dose of courage to help you face those fears that you’d rather run away from. Being honest with yourself and others is your best path forward right now. If you find that someone or something is triggering you more than usual try to become curious about the hidden message. While it’s tempting to throw the blame or project your fears onto someone else, maybe you could try to see how the “other” thing is reflecting something about you. 

So maybe ask yourself some of these questions: What do the edges of my life reveal about me? What am I grieving? Is there any aspect of my self that I’ve tried to avoid? What is my hidden message? What am I afraid to lose? When something is true, how does it feel in my body? When something is false, how does it feel in my body? 

 Lastly, Neptune, the mystical planet, is making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon. This can almost feel like a “kiss” from the gods and goddesses just when you needed it most. It seems that Neptune is reminding us how important it is to trust our intuition and to listen deeply to the movements within our inner world, especially our dreams. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to look deeply within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]


New Moon in Gemini - May 22, 2020


New Moon in Taurus - April 22, 2020