Joey Paynter

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New Moon in Cancer/Solstice Eclipse - June 20th/21st, 2020

On June 20, 2020 at 11:41 PM PDT/ June 21st2:41 AM EDT the moon begins a new cycle in the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. This isn’t just a regular New Moon either, since it also happens to be a Solar Eclipse, that is also occurring at the same time we’re kicking off Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere. In case you’re wondering an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking the sun as viewed from earth. Unless you’re in Central Africa, Northern India, South Central China, or Pakistan you won’t see the full expression of this eclipse, but a partial eclipse will be seen over most of Asia, Africa, Russia, Southern and Eastern Europe, and Northern Australia. Otherwise, you won’t be able to see it at all. Although, it’s only visible in these areas, we’re ALL likely to feel it.

Here’s the thing, eclipses are thought to be more powerful. They tend to activate events that are already happening and they function as catalysts for change. This happens to be the second eclipse in a series of three. The next one occurs on July 4th/5th with the Full Moon in Capricorn. So with this eclipse falling in Cancer, a water sign, there’s a good chance that our home, family life, safety and security issues, protection, our inner landscape, and that which gives us our roots will be the main themes brought to our attention.

Cancer is the archetype of the Great Mother, and her primary task is to nurture and heal. She’s the sign that feels everything and holds it all deep within. She’s kind, loving, tenderhearted, and she knows how to make you feel safe and protected. She wants to cleanse you through your tears, but first you must feel safe enough to feel what you need to feel. If tears fall down, pay attention to them, for they are messengers from your soul and they have something powerful to say. Sometimes the release is the only message you need, and other times it might feel like you are crying ancient tears filled with messages from long ago. Hint: You probably are. 

I also need to mention that this eclipse is occurring at 0 degrees Cancer suggesting we are entering into a powerful new phase that is ripe with many possibilities. Due to this critical degree we are likely to see a few turning points activated in relation to domestic affairs. Then lets add to the mix that this New Moon solar eclipse is occurring right next to the North Node, the planetary body that connects us to our soul’s purpose. It highlights what needs healing and how these areas are related to situations and events that happened in our past. If we can tend to what arises, then we might experience growth, and this will help us to move forward both personally and collectively.

On a collective level we will likely see this being played out through nationalism, security issues, or maybe even instability found in the country we call home. We are going to feel sensitive to what is happening in our current environment and themes of belonging are likely to arise now. Cancer energy is also highly connected to the past, and this means that events from a nation’s history might also be bubbling up to the surface. There’s a good chance that what was once hidden in the shadows can finally be dealt with in the light. 

In the United Sates we are facing much civil unrest and the country is finally being called to answer to the oppression of black Americans for over four hundred years. While the main emphasis is on how black Americans are being killed at an alarming rate by police brutality, this violence ultimately points to a bigger injustice found in our systems. We have failed greatly and it is past time that equality was restored to people of color and all those who have been marginalized and cast aside. Change is not only needed in this area, but it’s detrimental to the well-being of our nation and to all people groups who reside here. We must personally look to see how we have knowingly or unknowingly contributed to the systems that have been created to oppress and control those that are more vulnerable: the black community, the LGBTQ community, gender non conforming people, and all those other voices that have gone unheard and unseen. 

Personally, you might experience this cancer energy emerge through situations, events, or even memories about your past. They might be surfacing now so that you can see if there’s anything that you need to do about them. Or maybe something from your family lineage is coming more into focus and it’s helping you see and understand the patterns that need to be undone or detangled. Especially since we just entered Mercury Retrograde (communications) on June 18thin the sign of Cancer and Venus (relationships and what we value most) is still retrograde in Gemini for a few more days. So do your best to reflect on those past matters that feel more charged now and see if there’s anything that you need to do to resolve them. Or maybe there’s something you need to release from your past that will help you move forward.

Maybe these questions will help you reflect more deeply: Are there any family patterns that I am becoming more aware of in my life? What memories are starting to resurface? What in my life needs more nurturing or tending right now? How would I like to honor my family lineage? Is there a pattern that’s been passed down to me that I need to break? What does home mean to me? What does family mean to me? What does belonging mean to me? What in my life is holding me back and preventing me from moving forward? What tears do I need to cry?

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to pay attention to the past and find ways to move forward onto a new path, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.]