New Moon in Leo - August 18, 2020


On Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (7:41 PM PDT and 10:41 PM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. She isn’t here to hide and she knows she has something to share with the world. She’s dramatic, she sees life as a stage, does everything with style, and isn’t satisfied without an audience. She performs not as an act to hide behind, but as a way to show and develop who she is. Some of us feel at home in Leo territory while others may want to run for cover. Leo’s shadow comes out when she becomes overly focused on herself with a “me, me, me” take on life. If she’s consumed with herself then her child like energy turns into childish behavior, and well, that’s not fun for anyone. With the New Moon in Leo, the theme for this lunation is EXPRESSION.

So what else can we expect for this New Moon?

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up next to each other and so the moon becomes invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Something from the hidden is ready to come into visibility and Leo energy wants us to express, be bold, be creative and find ways to play. If you can open your heart to the wonders and mysteries of the world and try to see life through the eyes of a child, you might experience a little bit of magic. At the very least you’ll give the world an opportunity to (re) enchant you with all its wonder. If you have a project, idea, event or situation you’ve been sitting on, now is the perfect time to bring it into visibility. Whatever it is just make sure you find a way to engage with it and bring it to life. This is not a time to keep things hidden or secret. 

Mercury, the planet associated with communication, thoughts, and your perspective, is cuddled up closely to this New Moon. So get your message out there, allow yourself some space to shine, and share who you really are with the world and those around you. Don’t be surprised if you feel inundated with communication in all forms – texts, phone calls, emails, conversations, or even commitments or contracts you need to look over. Since the North Node is in Gemini and is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon, we get a clue that whatever it is we are putting into motion with through our message right now is linked to our path forward. To move forward we must leave behind some of our old patterns, old ways of thinking, and any worn out belief systems in exchange for the new.

I’d also like to add that Saturn, the planet associated with limits and restrictions, is making a challenging alignment to this New Moon. You might feel some added pressure placed upon you, or maybe you feel weighed down by your responsibilities, or maybe some type of limitation is inhibiting you from what you want to express. Sometimes restrictions help us become more focused and clear about what it is we are trying to say. If you do feel a block, don’t let that be the end of the story. Saturn is simply asking you – how badly do you want to share your message? And what is the work you need to do so that you can become more visible. 

Lastly, Mars, the fiery planet associated with assertion, passion, courage, and intensity, is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. This interaction offers us the courage to face our fears, and the push we need to get our message out there. So go on – believe in yourself, give yourself permission to let your true nature shine, and celebrate who it is you’re becoming. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Leo and a few of the planets. Neither the sign nor the planet are gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


New Moon in Virgo - Sept 16, 2020


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