Joey Paynter

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New Moon in Aries - April 11, 2021

On Sunday, April 11th (7:31 pm PDT and 10:31 pm EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and is here to become a warrior. Her greatest strength is her determination.She’s tenacious, she’s bold, she’s daring, and when she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” Some might say she has a flair for finding crisis or maybe we could say that it naturally finds her. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon?

In the northern hemisphere, when we speak of the Sun in Aries, we often talk about spring and everything related to this season: new life, flowers blooming, all things bright and colorful, sunshine and warmth, an awakening of what’s been dormant, a time to be outside, and an overall sense of vitality. It’s the type of energy that carries a lot of force, loves to be in action, is open to take risks, be in the moment, and isn’t concerned with knowing how it’s all going to turn out. If you couldn’t already tell, we’re dealing with fantastic energy for starting something new.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Gemini and this can certainly ignite you to explore new activities, or help you come up with some new ideas. Take a moment and imagine what your life would look like if you didn’t let your fears stand in your way. What if you allowed yourself to see the limitless possibilities of who you could become and what you could do? While I realize this is much easier said than done, you could certainly use this energy to support you in going after what you want. Since we’re talking about Mars in Gemini, we must also be aware of getting overwhelmed, scattering our energy, and being impulsive. If you do feel overwhelmed, just remember that sometimes all you need to do is take the next step without worrying about where it’s going to lead you. 

I do need to add that Mars and Jupiter are in a helpful alignment and this means all this fiery, courageous, and passionate energy is amplified right now. On the high end we will go after the opportunities presented before us and have faith in our vision. On the low end, we must be careful that we don’t become too pushy or aggressive and lose sight of our true goals

Venus, the planets associated with beauty, love, attraction, and what we value most, is cozied up close to this New Moon energy. You may feel this energy fueling a new beginning in your relationships or even your creative projectsbut with Pluto, the planet associated with rebirth, transformation and truth, making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, and especially to Venus, you may also want watch out for power struggles and/or heated connections. You may also want to consider if it’s time to let go of a relationship or surrender an old project. This energy can be challenging to feel and uncomfortable to move through, but it can also lead you into incredible transformations. Do keep in mind that sometimes we need to let go of something before the new can emerge and that a rebirth doesn’t happen without first entering some type of death. 

 This New Moon may help you see what needs to be surrendered or released. Here are a few questions to ponder as you welcome this New Moon: What’s something that I’d like to start, but I’ve put off for one reason or another? What area of my life would I like to be more bold or brave? What do I want? What would I like the title of this chapter of my life to be called? How would I like to see my work transform?My relationships? My health? Is there anything in my life that needs to end so that the new can come in? What would the first step look like on a new project? 

So allow this New Moon in Aries to remind you about your passions, inspire you to create something new, give you the courage you need to take a chance, and to trust that all you need to do is take the next step. 

While we all might feel the passion and intensity of this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]