Joey Paynter

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Full Moon in Aquarius - July 23, 2021

On Friday, July 23, 2021 (7:38 PM PDT and 10:38 PM EDT) the Full Moon glows in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, she prefers to color outside the lines, and she’s all about using freedom to become her most authentic self. Society, friends or even family might try to cage her, but if she conforms to a predictable life simply to please others, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.

We have two Full Moon’s in Aquarius this summer, and this particular Full Moon is positioned in between Pluto, the planet associated with wounds, truth, and transformation, and Saturn, one of the planets that rules Aquarius, and is associated with limits and restrictions. These two planets don’t mess around, so don’t be surprised if this lunation brings a layer of heaviness and difficult truths to the table about what can or can’t be made real. If you’ve been honest and real with yourself and working towards your own individuation, then you might encounter a breakthrough in an area you’ve been wrestling with. Just remember authenticity is key no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it feels to claim. If you were to remove all the expectations and attachments that have very little to do with you, what is the truth you are left with? Stick with that and let it become your guiding force. 

Every Aquarian Full Moon means we feel the energy of the Sun in Leo reflected back to us and the Sun just glided into the sign Leo on July 22nd. Leo likes to shine, needs to shine and does so boldly. Aquarius is a fixed air sign and it represents change, innovation, and a move towards the future. If we listen to Aquarius we can hear her calling us towards for freedom, radical individuality, and authenticity. She is also asking us to break free from the masses so that we can listen to our own inner genius. 

 If we look out into the collective we can see beliefs being exchanged, challenged, and confronted. Many of us are looking for and reimagining new ways of being in the world while still watching some of our old ways and systems collapse during the rebuilding process. This lunation is helping us see where these systems are falling short and failing the people they are set up to serve. This is also happening on a personal level. Look to see where Leo and Aquarius fall in your chart to gain a better understanding of where in your life this might be playing out, or consult your favorite astrologer. But generally speaking, this Full Moon is pushing us to break free from what has felt stagnant and oppressive to the core of who we really are.

 Overall, it’s the tension between the individual and the collective, the personal ego and all of humanity, the present and the future, and our inner work versus what we choose to share with the world. Keeping this tension in mind, consider what’s coming to a breaking point in your life or if there’s anything that needs resolution, especially if it relates to your freedom and independence, the future, and your community. Since Aquarius energy is also connected to the greater community or tribe, and our network of friends, it’s also possible that you’ll experience changes here, too.

 You may feel the desire to release or surrender something from your life during this lunation, or maybe you’ll feel the culmination of some inner promptings that are nudging you to make the changes that need to be made. If you feel stuck or unable to put these changes in motion, there’s no need to worry, you’ll likely have another opportunity at the next Aquarian Full Moon in August.

Here are a few questions to reflect upon during this lunation: What’s no longer working for you? What in your life needs a shift? What patterns are you continually playing out that keep giving you the exact same disappointing results? What do you need to do differently? Where have you felt trapped? What do you need to let go of? How has your freedom been clipped? How would you like to bring more ease into your life? Where could you use more discernment in your life? What will help you shine?

We all might feel pulled to express our individuality in one way or another, but we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]