New Moon in Capricorn - January 11, 2024
On Thursday, January 11th, 2024 (3:57 am PST & 6:57 am EST) the Moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. This is the first New Moon of the year and while it carries some fresh energy, Pluto’s presence at the last degree of Capricorn also suggests there are some endings and closures that will likely lead to some type of rebirth.
The energy at the end of 2023 came with some confusion, vagueness, distractions, and blurriness due to Mercury Retrograde and it’s square to Neptune. Mercury is beginning to get back to its regular speed, making it easier for us to move forward with our goals. You might even find that some of the limitations you previously faced have started to lift.
Use this New Moon to set intentions for the rest of this year and see what it is you feel ready to commit to for the long term, but don’t forget to also honor how far you’ve come and everything you’ve accomplished up to this point. It will be important for you to consider how you’ve changed over the last several years and how these changes have impacted your dreams and desires. It will be helpful for you to question some of your old outdated habits, beliefs, and behaviors and then decide whether or not they are still serving you. As you look forward, you may want to consider, what’s the new mountain that feels worthy of your time? How might you challenge yourself to go for something that feels bigger than you? Is there anything holding you back from what you’d like to experience?
The Nodes of the Moon play a big role in this lunation. We are given a chance to choose between falling back into our old familiar patterns of people pleasing or finding the courage to create a new path. Pay attention to any of the tendencies you have that cause you to compromise yourself for the sake of the relationship. It’s likely that you will be tested in these areas and the healing comes when you learn to choose yourself, even if it means you might have to rock the boat a little.
Lastly, Uranus, the quirky and unpredictable planet, is making a lovely alignment to this New Moon. You may find that new opportunities unexpectedly appear that help you break free from confining circumstances.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to become clear on what mountain we need to climb, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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