Full Moon in Leo - January 25, 2024
On Thursday, January 25, 2024 (9:54 AM PST & 12:54 EST) the Full moon glows in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The fiery sign that is bold, playful, likes to express without inhibition, and invites us to get in touch with our inner child. This first Full Moon of the year is urging us to dream big, embrace our passions, engage in some type of expression, and let go of whatever isn’t in alignment with our hearts.
Pluto, the lord of the underworld, and Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion, are making a challenging aspect to this lunation. Many of us will experience intense confrontations and have to face some of the deeper truths that have been lurking in the shadows. These underlying dynamics can’t be pushed down or kept hidden any longer. They are bubbling up to the surface and we are being asked to face these truths head on.
Leo energy can certainly be dramatic and with wounds being exposed you might want to prepare for your emotions to feel exaggerated and for projections to run wild. If you can channel the Leo energy through some creative expression or playfulness you may be able to reparent yourself, change the narrative, release blockages, or possibly free some of your younger selves from earlier trauma.
Full Moons have a way of bringing our feelings and situations to a climax point. If you feel tensions building, try to trust that everything that’s being revealed is to help you make the best decision moving forward. Certain changes are necessary and these shifts can create more freedom and truth in your life. While some things will naturally shift, you may also find that you need to assert yourself and be willing to rock the boat a little in order to get your needs met.
If you feel stuck or trapped by what’s happening in your world, try to focus on what brings you joy and surround yourself with the people who inspire you to feel more alive and connected to yourself. This Full Moon can serve as a reminder that we have the power to change our circumstances and the way we relate to others. If something in your life is coming to an end, there’s no need to fight it. Some of us may need to let go of a job, a relationship, a home, a project, or maybe even a belief system. What do you believe is standing in the way of your joy? How has your playfulness been diminished?
Have you ever made a list of 100 things that make you come alive? If not, try it. You may be surprised at how many simple things bring you joy. It can also inspire you to go out and experience more of these things. I know for me, sitting outside under the moonlight and being with Reya, my husky, brings me a joy that’s hard to put into words. So does walking barefoot at the beach, gazing into the crashing waves, watching the sunset, reading a book by candlelight, swinging in my hammock, painting, and going for a hike. This Full Moon is an invitation to create more joy by turning toward the simple things that enliven our hearts.
Ask yourself: What shall I celebrate today? Where do I need to lighten up? What does my soul want to create? How can I choose fun today/tonight? How can I play a little more? How would I like to shine? What do I need to shine? What am I most grateful for? What’s something I can do to help my inner child feel seen?
While we all might feel pulled to express what’s in our hearts, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
>>>play on<<<