Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 2, 2024

On Wednesday, October 2nd 2024 (11:49 AM PDT & 2:49 PM EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the aesthetically pleasing and harmonizing sign of Libra. This New Moon is also an annular solar eclipse that will be visible only in the Southern hemisphere, but felt everywhere. This eclipse marks the close to the 2024 eclipse season and it also signifies a turning point for the nodes final pass through the Libra/Aries axis. Since July 2023 We’ve been working on themes of other vs self, codependency vs self -interests, and over compromising vs being willing to rock the boat and go after our own needs. This work hasn’t been easy, but it’s been necessary for us to unpack how we show up inside relationships and understand where we lose our selves to the other. The Aries medicine has reminded us to courageously go after the things we need, even if it means disappointing those we love.


This eclipse and New Moon energy set the stage for us to shed layers from the past while also setting into motion new beginnings and the fresh start we need in our life. You might find that this new beginning is a rewriting of the past that includes detoxing yourself from the things that a younger version of yourself experienced before you landed here.


Mercury, the planet of communication, perspective, and thought, is cozied up to this New Moon Eclipse. It’s possible that you will feel things moving a little faster than you’d like and it might feel that it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s happening. Don’t be surprised if some nervous energy accompanies you throughout the next few days and makes it hard for you to fully settle into your body. There’s also a chance you could learn something that may or may not be true. It will feel easy to jump to conclusions, but do your best to look for the middle ground.


Eclipses are unique. They stir up the intensity and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. They tend to emphasize fated events and are catalysts for significant breakthroughs. They usher in new beginnings through shake-ups that can be disruptive, and also life-changing. They create endings and you’ll find that some situations will take an unexpected turn. It's not uncommon for eclipses to bring breakups and amplify feelings of uncertainty. They certainly bring change, so before you make any big decisions, get clear about what it is you want and need. In other words, when changes happen, you’re still in charge about how you’d like to move forward. It’s up to you to decide how you’d like to use this energy to improve your life.


Mars, the planet of assertion, aggressiveness, and passion, is making a challenging aspect to this lunation and is also the ruler of the North Node. Mars in Cancer is fiercely protective and looks to create safe and secure spaces for those that feel more vulnerable. It can bring forth healing energy, but to experience it, you may need to find your courage so you can take a risk and share your vulnerability. It’s not uncommon that what’s surfacing is connected to past karmic patterns. It’s also possible that you’ll need to sort things out with others if conflicts arise. Boundaries may be crossed and new ones will need to be created or redefined. The way forward is to keep your heart open, honor freedom and autonomy, and look for ways to fiercely protect what is sacred and meaningful to you.

You’ll be best served if you use this energy to redefine your connections, implement new boundaries, and renew your relationships. You are being asked to reflect on your decisions and to rebalance what has been out of alignment.

While we all might feel relationships become highlighted in one way or another, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<


Full Moon in Aries - October 17, 2024


New Moon in Virgo - Sept 2, 2024