New Moon in Capricorn - Dec 30, 2024
On Monday, December 30th, 2024 at 2:27 PM PST & 5:27 EST, the moon begins a new cycle in the disciplined, hardworking, and practical sign of Capricorn, marking the year’s last New Moon. It’s also the second New Moon of the month, a Black Moon, and it holds a particular mystique. This lunar phase, a time of profound darkness, invites us to delve into the fertile ground of our inner selves. It’s a moment to commune with the stillness within, engage with our inner magic, and to revel in the boundless potentiality that precedes all acts of creation.
This new Moon is strategically positioned at the close of 2024. It offers a powerful opportunity for strategic planning and to set intentions and hopes for what we’d like to initiate in 2025. This lunation prompts a critical assessment of the past year, encouraging us to identify and release any unproductive patterns that hinder our progress. This release clears the way for our new intentions and aspirations for 2025. By using the energy of this lunation, we can refine our vision, discern which projects and ideas align with our goals, and which ones warrant the investment of our time and resources.
During this lunation, a deep resonance with our inner authority may emerge, urging us to root ourselves firmly in our purpose. This energy beckons us to create a plan, and commit, with unwavering resolve, to its realization. What sacred vows will you make to yourself in the coming year? What commands your attention? What is worth the investment of your time, energy, and resources? This Capricorn energy demands dedication and perseverance, a willingness to transcend perceived limitations, especially when we feel like giving up. If we can keep our eyes on the prize, in the end, it will all be worth it. This is why it’s important to get clear on what mountain we want to climb, and what the prize is when we make it to the top.
(Pause). One of the goals I'm devoting myself to in this next year is running more retreats, workshops, and classes. With that being said, I'd like to introduce to you join us at an all-inclusive retreat at the Rancho Gallina Retreat Center in Santa Fe, NM led by Dr. Joey Paynter and Jennifer Lothrigel from May 29-June 1, 2025. You can read more about it here. (Play).
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the plant of restrictions and lessons, and is making a helpful alignment to this lunation, fostering strategic planning and goal setting for what we want to accomplish. However, Saturn’s challenging alignment to Jupiter, the bringer of abundance and expansive faith, necessitates a careful balance between visionary enthusiasm and grounded pragmatism. Saturn poses a fundamental question: How badly do you want it? How deeply do you desire this outcome? What are you willing to give up to see it come to fruition? If you’re willing to put in unwavering effort, persistence, and patience, this challenging alignment can catalyze profound long-term growth. One other piece to note is that the nodes of the moon are in a challenging aspect to this lunation. This suggests potential internal conflict in our decision-making process and transforming our dreams into tangible reality will require considerable inner work and unwavering courage.
Mars Retrograde is still in effect until February 23, 2025, and serves as an invitation to recalibrate our energetic output, and align with our most authentic intentions. Where do you need to revise where you exert your energy? Opposing Mars, we find Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, stirring up some edgy energy and prompting us to examine the dynamics of power and self -assertion. This opposition presents a profound opportunity to release outdated patterns and embrace transformative change. While this planetary interplay may evoke moments of unease, the grounding influence of this Capricorn New Moon offers steadiness, helps us map our long-term objectives and discern which summits are worthy of our ascent in the coming year.
May we use this Capricorn New Moon energy to align ourselves with what we truly want to build in the years to come. May we act with integrity, commit to our long- term goals, rely on patience, persistence and dedication to get us to where we want to be. Don’t forget to honor how much of the mountain you’ve already climbed.
While this lunar energy may inspire a collective desire for focused effort, its influence will be experienced uniquely depending on the placement of Capricorn in your natal chart and any associated natal planets. For a personalized interpretation, I invite you to reach out for a reading.
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