Full Moon in Virgo - February 24, 2024

On Saturday February 24, 2024 (4:30 am PST and 7:30 am EST), the moon glows in the earthy and practical sign of Virgo. The sign that is finely attuned to details, has a preference for order, and is all about precision. This sign loves to be of service to others and is naturally wired toward growth. Since this Full Moon highlights the Virgo/Pisces axis, we will experience a little bit of the sacred and the profane. In other words, this lunation will prompt us to trust our intuition while making sure we tend to the details. If there’s a situation that has you spiraling, use this Full Moon to gain clarity about the decisions you’ll need to make. This will require you to step outside of any fear talk as well as loosen your grip on how you think you want or need things to go.

Mercury, messenger of the gods, the planet of communication, perception, and thinking, and Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits, and lessons, are both making a strong appearance in this lunation. This suggests there might be some key misunderstandings or miscommunications in some of your relationships. Saturn’s presence might make it hard to fully express your needs and you could feel tempted to keep your true feelings locked inside. The good news is that Saturn can be used to help you set boundaries. You’ll be most effective if you consider what it is you want from your relationships and what changes or improvements need to be made before you can move forward.

Keep in mind that with Saturn’s influence you’ll need to focus on some hard practicalities and figure out how to make some of your dreamy ideals land in reality.  Pay attention to whatever is reaching a breaking point and be ready to devote yourself to some hard work. If something feels wish washy, too idealistic, too confusing, or too impractical, you’ll need to make some revisions, come back down to earth, and get clear about what needs to happen.

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion, is making a helpful alignment during this lunation while it’s also getting closer and closer to the planet, Uranus. This suggests that while you might feel the added weight of some of life’s pressures, there can also be significant breakthroughs waiting for you just around the corner.

Venus, the planet of beauty, values, and intimacy, and Mars, the god of war, are also getting closer and closer to each other in the sign, Aquarius. Over the last few weeks these two planets had a meeting with Pluto, the lord of the underworld, and as a result you may have experienced more of the shadowy areas surface in your relationships. As these two planets grow closer during this lunation, you might find there are some important changes taking place in your passions, desires, and any relational dynamics. To gain more clarity consider: Where have I been settling for too little? What’s one area of my life that I know I deserve more?

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to gain some claritywe will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’d like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 


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