Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 23, 2024
On Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 (6:53 AM PDT & 9:53 PM EDT), the Full Moon glows beautifully in the adventurous, and freedom seeking sign of Sagittarius. This Moon will put a spotlight on our passions, longings, and our desire for truth. Overall, this is an uplifting Full Moon that focuses on abundance, connection, greater expansion, optimism about our future, and rebirth.
Pluto, lord of the underworld, the planet of death and rebirth, truth, and transformation, is making a helpful alignment during this lunation. Pluto’s presence highlights some of our deepest emotional truths. Show up for yourself by honoring your feelings in the most authentic and honest way possible. This will help you be more present to life, create more freedom, and deepen your interactions with others. Pluto loves to transform dynamics, but not without a good look at what’s living beneath the surface. This is not time for pretending, smoothing over, or brushing your truth under the rug no matter how tempting it may be in moments to do so. Hiding your feelings will only limit the expansive visions you’re now able to access.
If any of your relationships have felt strained, it’s time to decide on whether or not you want to do the deep work to transform them or do the work to let them go. Pluto’s presence can certainly help us create new foundations as long as you are willing to acknowledge your feelings, fears, and the parts you’d rather keep hidden.
Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is finishing up its last few days in the sign, Taurus. Neptune, the dreamy, mystical, and illusive planet, is in the sign of Pisces, and these two planets are working together to bring out your more empathic and compassionate nature. Additionally, Venus, the planet of beauty, attraction, and what we most value, is cozied up to Jupiter. These three planets will create a softness in your connections, help you drop into your imagination, and dream a vision aligned with what you most value and want. Our hearts will feel more open and this might help us reach for things that have previously felt out of reach. For those in creative fields, Neptune’s presence might stir up some inspiration and openings.
Venus moves into Gemini later in the day and adds a more playful and lighter note to your evening. This is a great day for sharing your thoughts, feelings and connecting with others over your passions, desires, projects, relationships, goals, and dreams.
On May 25th Jupiter moves into the witty and playful sign of Gemini, shifting the energy from the Taurus themes of security and stability to themes surrounding our communication, ideas, curiosity, and siblings until June 2025. This energy will allow us to become a heretic to any of our dogmatic beliefs, stay in wonder, and remain open to the possibilities that exist in any given moment. This can be a very expansive time for writing, story-telling, studying new topics, and maybe even some travel. With so much information flying around we’ll need to be more aware of burnout, distraction, and overwhelm. While Jupiter finishes its tour through the last degree of Taurus these next few days, it would be helpful to reflect on where you’ve experienced more peace in your life, the relationships you’ve created, ways you feel more grounded, and what you’ve learned about relationships in the last year.
The main theme of this Full Moon is to dream big. So tune into your softness and surround yourself with those who truly align with your heart. Stay open to things that feel good and be willing to engage in some sort of adventure. Dive into things that bring you heart joy. Some of us may need to release any shame or guilt that shows up around allowing joy into our lives. Opportunities abound, but they may require you to first take a leap of faith or it’s possible that something from your past finally comes to a culmination. One thing to be aware of is too much confidence and falling for illusions.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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