New Moon in Cancer - July 5, 2024

On Friday, July 5, 2024 (3:57 PM PDT & 6:57 PM EDT), the moon begins a new cycle in the healing and nurturing sign of Cancer. This is the first New Moon of the summer and it will have many of us feeling quite sentimental. Family, home, lineage, and our inner world become the focus. Cancer is ruled by the moon and pulls us deep into our soul to see what actually makes us happy. What makes you feel at home? It’s a great opportunity to question how you’ve been feeding your soul and even what you’ve been feeding it. Maybe even consider what part of your life needs nourishment? Who are the people that help you feel nourished and supported?

 I’m quite fond of Joseph Campbell’s phrase, “Follow your bliss.” A simple idea that cuts to the heart of the matter. While this might be easier said than done, it holds a deep truth about paying attention and honoring what lives in our hearts. Couple this with Jung’s words, “What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.” Both of these sayings remind us to listen to our hearts and look for clues found in our childhood. This lunation carries a similar feeling to it. Go back and reflect on the things that brought you joy/nourishment in your childhood and see how that connects to your needs today. If you’re struggling to come up with something, think about what was lacking or where you didn’t feel seen.

Mars, the god of war, connects to how we assert ourselves and where we choose to direct our energy. It is making a helpful aspect to this lunation and with Mars in the sign of Taurus, we are being asked to slow down and do things that feel good to our body. We also have Saturn, the planet of restrictions, lessons, and limits playing a supportive role during this New Moon. With it currently retrograde, we have an opportunity to reconsider some of the decisions we need to make. In other words, use this time to gather more information before making your final decision. It’s also possible that this New Moon is urging you to find home within your Self and maybe Saturn’s role is to help you commit to what makes you feel more rooted.

This lunation is interesting due to it falling between two Capricorn Full Moons and the challenging aspect it makes to the nodes of the moon. These are the karmic points that pull us back into the old story as well as tell us the medicine on how to move forward. With the transiting South Node in Libra, we’ve been pulled back into people pleasing or over compromise that has left us feeling less aligned to our truth. Maybe you feel it’s easier to protect the relationship at all costs rather than sharing what you really need. The transiting North Node is in Aries and is asking us to find the courage to rock the boat and to go after what we want.

The energy during this New Moon and over the next few weeks will highlight areas where you repeatedly feel stuck, specifically around family or domestic issues that need to be addressed. Take the next few weeks to reflect on how some of your past experiences are influencing the way you approach situations today. How are you overcompensating for what you lacked in childhood? What wound is being triggered that causes your defenses to go up? Are any of your coping mechanisms due for an upgrade? If might be helpful if you listen to the younger and more vulnerable parts of yourself. What are they feeling? What do they need? How might you tend to them? If you feel ready to dive deep into parts work, please reach out. I’d love to help you form a deeper relationship to your inner parts.

One last thing to note. While this is a supportive lunation, there are some challenging dynamics coming up later this month. On July 12th, we will see Venus, the planet of intimacy and connection form an opposition to Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation. This suggests that there will be some intense truths to face in some of your relationships. Conflicts may appear and while this might feel tense at times, it’s providing space for some of your more hidden emotions to surface and hopefully move you toward a more authentic connection. On July 15th, Mars will team up with Uranus, the planet of disruption and change. Uranus tends to be an unpredictable planet and the best way to work with its energy is to pay attention to what wants to shift or break away. These unexpected shifts can also act as catalyst points to break you free from outworn and all too familiar (and also familial) patterns.

Keep in mind, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, or if you feel ready to deepen your relationship with some of your inner parts, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<


Full Moon in Capricorn - July 21, 2024


Full Moon in Capricorn - June 21, 2024