
Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries - March 29th, 2025

On Saturday, March 29th, 2025 at 3:58 am PDT/6:58 am EDT, the moon begins a new cycle in the fierce, assertive, and passionate sign of Aries. This also happens to be a Partial Solar Eclipse that will begin at 1:50 am PDT and reach its peak at 3:47 am PDT before completing at 5:43 am PDT. Those in Northeastern USA, eastern Canada, parts of Europe, Greenland, Iceland, Northwestern Russia, and Northwest Africa will be able to view this event, but all of us will feel it in some manner.

Solar Eclipses take place on a New Moon and carry potent energy of new beginnings. This one happens to mark the final layer to a larger story about relational dynamics and personal evolution that is reflective of the Aries/Libra axis which began back in 2023. This cycle has compelled us to confront and dismantle patterns of codependence, people-pleasing, inauthenticity, and irresolution by fostering a deeper understanding of our personal identities. We've been engaged in a process of asserting our individual desires, while simultaneously exploring the nuanced dance between autonomy and interconnectedness

Take a moment and reflect on the last two years when this eclipse story began. How has life changed for you? How have your relationships evolved, or perhaps dissolved? Do you show up differently inside any of your relationships? Have you redefined your role within these connections? Do you now feel a greater sense of alignment with those around you? What’s changed about your identity? What have you learned about boundaries? What have you learned about your needs? What have you learned about yourself?

If you’d like to get more clarity about how this Aries/Libra energy has impacted you, look for the houses they occupy in your chart. Hint: The house that’s ruled by Aries is ready to claim a fresh beginning. If you have planets in Libra or Aries, this eclipse will also feel extra impactful. It’s important to note that endings create space for new beginnings.

If you’ve been waiting for a catalyst, this Aries Eclipse offers a surge of optimistic energy, propelling you forward. The warrior's influence will bolster your courage and confidence, and you’ll see the barriers that have kept you from your soul's true path. This New Moon is inviting us to awaken to the parts of ourselves that have felt buried, silenced, or suppressed. You also might feel some profound karmic energy being activated and this could lead to feeling more irritable, frustrated, or annoyed with how things have been going. You may start questioning who you’ve been, who you’re becoming, and how to move forward on a new path. It’s also possible that you’re reached a point where you no longer feel willing to tolerate certain behaviors.

Eclipses bring to light what we've obscured, and with Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, and Venus, the planet of beauty, harmony, and attraction, still Retrograde, the answers arrive through revisiting past patterns. So while there is energy to push things forward, use this time to review, reconsider, rewrite your identity, and reclaim independence from a younger version of yourself. It will be a potent time for you to rework and reinvent how you express yourself. While Mercury Retrograde is active, expect potential miscommunications and moments of uncertainty; exercise patience, and delay major decisions until a clearer picture emerges.

This period invites a thorough review of identity, values, and direction so we can reassert who we are on our own terms. Venus Retrograde is conjunct Neptune in Pisces and the day after Neptune will move into Aries for the first time in over 160 years, initiating a new, powerful vision into focus. Reality might feel cloudy and narratives may feel uncertain, but this lunation asks us to trust ourselves and surrender to the flow by facing our fears, claiming our path forward, and embracing a new vision.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo - March 13th/14th, 2025

On Thursday, March 13th, 2025 at 11:54 PDT/Friday, March 14th, 2025 at 2:54 AM EDT, we will experience a Full Moon in the grounded, perfecting, and service -oriented sign of Virgo. It’s the first Eclipse of the year, and it's a total Lunar Eclipse. The path of totality will be visible across North America, Central America, and Western regions of South America. Those living in Europe, Western Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia will be able to see part of it. The duration of this eclipse is 366 minutes, but the most dramatic phase, the path of totality, where the moon might appear red, will last about 65 minutes.

Eclipses happen a few times a year, and typically create an impact 6 months before or afterwards. From a psychological perspective they are catalysts for profound shifts. They stir up the intensity, push things into motion, and amplify whatever needs that extra touch. They can feel chaotic and necessary. You may even experience significant breakthroughs, resolutions, or even a crisis point that helps you move past a block.

Since this is a time when the moon goes into the shadows, we might find that our hidden emotions and rejected parts of the self become more known. It can feel uncomfortable to experience shadow material (Think: everything in your psyche that you want to hide from others and yourself). It’s also possible that something hidden in your past is moving into more visibility. Or maybe something that has plagued you is finally reaching a breaking point. Whatever it might be, eclipses tend to accelerate the possibility for change, and will move you closer to a resolution.

Virgo is the sign that delights in being of service to others, feeds off improvement, loves excelling and will perfect whatever it touches. Of course, there’s also the harder expressions that come with this sign such as nitpicking, finding fault with everything, struggling with guilt and shame, and an overall feeling of not being good enough. To gain more clarity on how this might impact you, take a look and see where 23 degrees and 56 minutes of Virgo sits in your chart. This will be the area where you will feel pushed to get all the details in place and find a way to do everything just right. Don’t be surprised if your inner critic takes hold and you find yourself being a little too hard on yourself. Keep in mind that what’s taking shape might only be visible to you. Ultimately, it’s the place where you’ll eventually see some positive growth and profound changes.

The South Node is inviting you to let go of any karmic attachments about getting it perfect or being the best at what you do. This might feel extra challenging right now. Keep in mind that the challenge exists because we’re more comfortable with what’s familiar even if it’s what's holding us back. This doesn’t mean you have to let go of what you’re great at doing, it’s more about surrendering to the path and trusting where the flow will take you. If you get stuck extend yourself some compassion.

Consider: What are some of my deepest attachments? How might I open up to my imagination? What’s my muse? How might I surrender to the “path” right now? How can I show myself more compassion? How might I extend more gentleness to myself? Others?

A little after this lunation, Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, the planet of communication, perception, and thought, stations retrograde until April 7th and is right next to Venus Retrograde (March 1st to April 12th), the planet of beauty, peace, attraction, and harmony. With both Venus and Mercury Retrograde cycles happening during eclipse season, we’ll find that parts of our lives are being reorganized and reoriented. This configuration highlights the need for clear and honest communication. Time might feel both sped up and slowed down. Don’t be surprised if something in your life takes an unexpected turn. This means we need to be more mindful in our conversations and aware of responding recklessly to situations. You may feel tempted to push ahead, but you’ll be better served if you can stay in a place of receptivity.

Saturn, the planet of restrictions and limits, is in a challenging alignment during this lunation. This is where we might feel some excessive rigidity or controlling behavior. This eclipse will emphasize the difference between control and surrender, strain and flow, and when it’s necessary to lean into one over the other. With Neptune, the dreamy and mystical planet, also making a challenging aspect, we’ll need to discern fantasy from delusion and pay attention to where we’re tempted to deceive ourselves.

Use this time to rework and make the necessary adjustments to your plans and projects. Stay flexible and if needed, allow the universe to reshuffle the deck. This isn’t the time to force something into existence. Embrace the potential for unexpected shifts as opportunities for deeper insight. Rather than striving to impose your will, utilize this time for a process of rigorous self-examination and strategic adjustment. This period will serve to illuminate the essential core of your work, enabling you to proceed with greater clarity and purpose.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter


On February 27th, 2025 at 4:44 PM PST (7:44 PM EST), the moon initiates its new cycle in the sensitive, spiritual, and dreamy sign of Pisces. A sign that inherently dissolves earthly constraints and invites communion with the mystical and imaginal realms. Though not an eclipse, this lunation serves as a pivotal activation, to the nodal axis of Pisces and Virgo, a prelude to the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo next month. Consequently, we find ourselves poised at the threshold of a profoundly transformative period, marked by rapid, unexpected shifts and transformative experiences, where new opportunities arise with an almost fated quality.

This New Moon is nestled between Mars’s direct station on February 23rd and Venus stationing Retrograde on March 1st, lasting until April 12th. With these planets stationing alongside this New Moon, our sensitivity is amplified, leaving us feeling more vulnerable, emotional, and maybe even a little scattered. Some of our feelings have accumulated and formed an internal pool of emotions over these last few weeks, now poised to flow out under this Pisces lunation. Expect an outpouring of emotions, ranging from love and passion to sadness, jealousy and anger, impacting both relationships and creative endeavors. The potential for past connections to resurface or karmic encounters to occur adds to the intensity. While this period may feel overwhelming, exciting, frustrating, and confusing, it offers profound insights and a heightened awareness into our inner landscape.

Having navigated the challenges of Mars Retrograde since December 6th, a sense of restless anticipation for forward momentum is understandable. However, the onset of additional retrogrades necessitates a period of continued revision and restructuring until the end of April. Additionally, it will take some time for Mars to regain full speed, but with it stationing direct, and making a harmonious alignment to this New Moon, there is a gradual shift underway. With Venus Retrograde soon underway, Mercury Retrograde looming, and eclipse season approaching, anticipate potential delays and adjustments. Proceed with caution: you stand at the threshold of a new beginning, yet refinement remains essential.

Venus Retrograde invites a reevaluation of our relationships, creative pursuits, and aesthetic preferences. This period offers a valuable opportunity to deepen emotional bonds and align with our most cherished values. Strategic planning is crucial during this time; exercise caution when making significant decisions, initiating new projects, or considering investments, as adaptability will be essential due to evolving circumstances. Many of the shifts experienced may be internal, impacting our emotional and psychological landscape rather than manifesting externally. Following the completion of the current retrograde cycles, clarity and renewed energy will support the realization of our relational, creative, and professional goals. Therefore, patience is advised; by late April, the fruits of this inward focus and necessary return to the past will begin to materialize.

Under the heightened sensitivities of this New Moon, embrace the alchemical power of surrender. Release the urge to manipulate outcomes or dictate circumstances, however challenging it may feel. Trust that new beginnings, like seeds in fertile soil, are germinating. The impulse to cling to a direction, a relationship, a vision, a belief, a job, a place, or a strategy may arise, yet true wisdom lies in softening, releasing, and surrendering to the flow.

For those with significant placements in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Pisces, you may find your emotional landscape profoundly stirred. In these moments, cultivate stillness, listen to the subtle stirrings within, and trust that the unfolding narrative is guided by forces beyond your comprehension.

The expansive influence of Jupiter, a planetary force of faith and abundance, and a co-ruler of this New Moon, forms a challenging alignment, potentially magnifying our perceptions and experiences beyond their true proportions. With Jupiter in Gemini, the sign of communication, conversations may reveal significant truths, yet also contribute to an illusion of heightened significance. Therefore, exercise discernment, ensuring that your ideals align with the realities of your experience. Fortunately, Jupiter’s expansive nature potentially gifts us with the ability to experience a broader perspective and a glimpse into the larger narrative.

Just to reiterate: from the time of this New Moon until the end of April, we are in the gestation phase of transformation, and this will require change, healing, reflections, and revisions. Things might look very different when May arrives, serving as a poignant reminder that the narrative is still unfolding, and premature judgments are ill-advised. We must allow the currents of change to further sculpt our experience before attempting to discern its ultimate trajectory.

Consider: What do you hope to attract into your life? What vision(s) would you like to nurture? How do you need support during this liminal time? What are your natural gifts? How might you express them more? How do you handle moments of revision? What part of your past is asking you to return to it? Are there any relationships that feel unresolved? Do any need strengthening? What’s your relationship to patience and surrender?

If you’d like some guidance on how to understand what’s present in your own chart and how to navigate through some of these revisions, reach out, and let’s talk about what type of session might be right for you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Leo - February 12, 2025

On Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 5:53 AM PST & 8:53 AM EST, the Moon glows in the colorful, playful, expressive, and heart ruled sign of Leo. A sign that pushes us to take center stage, indulge in our creativity, express from our heart, and play into the radiance of our own being. Leo energy reminds us that we need to feel seen and it’s important for us to know what lights up our soul. However, this particular lunation holds a touch of the theatrical, a potent brew of fierce intensity that may stir both our passions and our tempers. Since it’s a Full Moon, Aquarius, who isn’t afraid to distance in the name of authenticity, reminds Leo that true self-expression is not a performance for applause, but a sacred dance with one's authentic self. Look for the desires that fill you up and acknowledge where you have, perhaps unknowingly, settled for too little.


Mercury, the messenger of the gods, the trickster planet, who highlights our communications, linked up with the sun a few days ago, and is quite active during this lunation. Full Moons already have a way of revealing truth and helping us understand the bigger picture, and with Mercury present, it’s likely that important messages will come our way. Pay close attention to the messages that may arrive through unexpected channels, whether it be a chance encounter, a fleeting phrase overheard in a public space, a line of poetry that suddenly strikes a chord within your soul, and to the synchronicities – those seemingly coincidental events that often carry profound meaning. These are not mere chance occurrences, but rather signposts on your path, guiding you toward greater understanding.


Uranus, the disruptor planet and harbinger of radical change, is forming a t-square (read: challenging alignment) to this Full Moon and Mercury. It’s likely that unexpected information or communications will surface, potentially reshaping our future. Mercury's conjunction with the Sun illuminates the path toward intellectual breakthroughs, sparking innovative solutions and inspiring us to reimagine our world. If we can embrace the spirit of play and find our joy, our muses might dance with us and inspire new life. The challenge (read: alchemical process) lies in releasing our attachments to the past, to the structures we built, and in surrendering where we once felt secure, so we can tackle and embrace the unpredictable currents of change.


There’s no doubt that change and instability are in the air. The winds of disruption may ruffle our feathers, yet it is through these very disturbances that we can find renewed vision. These transformative shifts may manifest in various aspects of our lives – our careers, our relationships, or perhaps most profoundly, in the very way we perceive the world. Even if these changes feel unsettling, try to maintain an open and curious spirit (with all that’s going on in the world right now, I understand how difficult this may feel to do). Maybe in the midst of these shifting sands, new seeds of inspiration take root, blossoming into unexpected insights that guide you toward your path.

Consider: What am I attached to that is holding me back? How am I being asked to align to something bigger? Where have I chosen to live in lack instead of abundance? Where have I made myself small? What needs to change? What message(s) is life sending me? How can I play a little more? How would I like to shine? Where do I need to be more bold? Where do I need to speak up?

Thankfully, Chiron, the asteroid known as the wounded healer, is making a helpful alignment to this lunation, helping us to see that whatever wounds we face during these shifts will lead to greater healing.

Some of you might feel some relief to hear that Mars will turn direct on February 23rd finishing up its backspin through Leo and Cancer that began on December 6th. It will take time for it to regain speed, but this shift signals a renewed sense of momentum. Hopefully you’ve used this time to reflect upon those instances where your energy has been constrained. You can utilize the coming days to strategize and prepare for the implementation of your envisioned changes. Should you still feel uncertain, take heart: the upcoming retrogrades of Venus and Mercury in March will provide further opportunities for reflection, allowing you to revisit, re-imagine, and refine your creative endeavors

If you find yourself challenged or overwhelmed by the collective frenzy during this Full Moon, call upon the strength of your inner lion. This regal creature does not strive or force; it stands tall in its inherent dignity, proud of its leonine nature, and roars from the heart. You are invited during these challenging times to cultivate stillness, to listen attentively to the cadence of your soul’s rhythm, to embrace the courage required to welcome transformation, and to express your radiant authentic self without the need for pretense or performance.

If you’d like some guidance on how to understand what’s present in your own chart and how to navigate through some aspects of what feels difficult right now, reach out, and let’s talk about what type of session might be right for you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Aquarius - January 29, 2025

On Wednesday January 29, 2025 at 4:35 AM PST and 7:35 AM EST, the moon begins a new cycle in the rebellious, radical, and innovative sign of Aquarius. This sign asks us to think outside the box, challenges the status quo, and approaches change with a brilliant mind. This New Moon coincides with the beginning of the Year of the Snake and beckons us toward a path of renewal and profound transformation. It invites us to envision a new reality, to shed old patterns, and to unlock the potential for profound change. Freedom and autonomy are what this lunation wants most for us. To claim these gifts, we must step out of our comfort, embrace the unfamiliar, and chase our dreams with unwavering resolve, while dealing with any obstacles that stand in our way.


Uranus, the modern ruler of Aquarius, the planet of sudden awakenings and unexpected shifts, stations direct on January 30 in the sign Taurus after being Retrograde since September 1, 2024. As this unpredictable planet resumes its forward motion, expect the unexpected. Stagnant situations may suddenly change, relationships may undergo profound transformations, and career paths may veer off in surprising new directions. Embrace this period as an opportunity for growth and liberation. Allow Uranus to shake loose attachments to the past, paving the way for a more authentic and fulfilling expression of your true self.


Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good luck, is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. This will help us broaden our horizons, think big, and embrace the allure of new possibilities. However, we must also remain mindful of Jupiter's expansive nature, for it can sometimes lead to excess and overindulgence. Be mindful of your emotions, for they may expand and lead to emotional outbursts. Sidenote: Jupiter stations direct on February 4th.


As Uranus and Jupiter station direct, aligning with the visionary energy of Aquarius, we are on the cusp of a significant shift. Fresh perspectives will emerge, illuminating our path with newfound clarity. Breakthroughs will appear, shattering the limitations of the past and ushering in a period of unprecedented growth. These planetary shifts have the potential to revitalize our spirits, rekindling our creative fire, and awaken a profound sense of optimism and possibility.


Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, forms a powerful conjunction to Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, the planet of transformation, in the progressive sign of Aquarius, and is a key alignment to this New Moon. This suggests that unconscious material is activated and some of our buried truths and suppressed desires are brought to the surface. Our thoughts, emotions, and deeply ingrained patterns, previously operating in the shadows, will now come to light, demanding our attention As these hidden aspects of ourselves become conscious, we are presented with an opportunity for significant transformation.


Thanks to Mercury's influence, these profound insights can be more readily articulated and integrated. This alignment invites us to transform our mindset, to reframe our narratives, and to embrace a more authentic and integrated expression of self. This conjunction can feel helpful, but it can also feel intense. If you’d like some guidance on how to understand what’s present in your own chart and how to navigate through some aspects of what feels difficult right now, reach out, and let’s talk about what type of session might be right for you.


Just a reminder that Mars, the trailblazer and warrior planet, is still backtracking through Cancer until February 23. As mentioned in previous posts, the purpose is to pause, to decelerate our pace, and to engage in deep introspection regarding our true desires. In many ways it can feel like an internal battle about where we invest our precious energy and time.


Overall, this Aquarian New Moon invites us to consider what role we’d like to have in the collective and how we’d like to challenge the structures that are already in place. On a personal level, we have an opportunity to get clear about the direction we’re headed and to make sure we are aligned with our values and aspirations. Embrace the shift that’s happening and be ready for something new. The coming weeks offer a period of stability and healing, allowing us to cultivate a sense of inner peace while simultaneously nurturing our dreams and honing our intuitive discernment.   

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Cancer - January 13, 2025

On Monday, January 13th, 2025 at 2:26 pm PST and 5:26 pm EST, the first full moon of the year glows in the healing and nurturing sign of Cancer. The sign that is deeply connected to home and family, feels everything, and knows how to hold it all deep within. This lunation cautions us to be gentle with ourselves. It amplifies our emotional landscape, potentially heightening sensitivity, vulnerability, and a longing for connection. Many may feel the pull of competing demands, the pressure to embody all roles for all people. This potent lunation also illuminates the hidden landscapes of our inner world, revealing unmet needs that long for recognition.

The ongoing Mars Retrograde, persisting until February 23rd, exerts a significant influence on this lunation, its message becoming increasingly prominent as it approaches its opposition to the Sun. Mars, embodying the archetypes of the trailblazer and the warrior, represents the driving force within us that ignites new beginnings, governs our capacity for initiating change, stirs our deepest fears, and fuels our desires. Now, as Mars backtracks through the emotionally charged sign of Cancer, circumstances and situations take on a heightened emotional intensity, further amplified by Pluto's ongoing opposition. This configuration may usher our shadow aspects to the forefront, and bring unconscious patterns and motivations to light, offering valuable insights into the underlying influences of our choices, actions, and behaviors. It is important to remember that Mars in Cancer prioritizes the protection of what is sacred and vulnerable, by focusing on the realms of healing and nurturing—aspects of our experience that are often internal and unseen.

At this juncture, Mars continues to ask us to pause, to decelerate our pace, and to engage in deep introspection regarding our true desires. Our focus must now turn inward, seeking clarity on where we invest our precious energy and time. This process may reveal that we have been operating according to outdated strategies and behaviors that are now proving counterproductive and deplete us. With several weeks remaining in this retrograde cycle, further insights and revelations are still to emerge. We are, in essence, missing crucial pieces to our puzzle—a yet this process cannot be rushed.

You might have new ideas swirling around, but it’s a tricky time to start new initiatives. Forcing progress now will feel like a paradoxical dance of simultaneous acceleration and restraint. What is truly needed is inner work—a process of planning, reassessment, and realignment that will prepare you to effectively implement your visions once Mars resumes its direct motion. Should you wish to explore the underlying patterns and forces that may be hindering your progress, I would love to work with you through sacred counseling sessions to uncover some of your limiting beliefs, address your root issues, and unpack some of your goals for the future. Alternatively, for a more comprehensive understanding of how to leverage the current planetary alignments to your advantage, I also offer astro-counseling sessions.

Uranus, the disruptor and catalyst for change, forms a harmonious aspect with this Full Moon, suggesting a potent opportunity for healing past wounds. Simultaneously, Neptune, the planet of mysticism and illusion, lends its subtle influence to this lunation, encouraging us to cultivate our intuitive faculties. However, Neptune's veils of illusion may obscure clarity, making discernment a key focus. During this time, practices such as journaling, meditation, labyrinth walking, contemplative walks in nature, creative works, therapeutic sessions, healing rituals, or simply embracing moments of quietude can facilitate a deeper connection with our inner wisdom.

In essence, this Full Moon invites us to delve into the depths of our emotional landscape, cultivating mindful awareness of our actions and choices, and to engage in profound reflection upon the underlying motivations that drive our decisions. Except in situations where immediate action is unavoidable, this is not a time to aggressively pursue new initiatives.  A central theme of this lunation is the release of outdated patterns and behaviors. Pay close attention to where your energy is dissipating, and begin to cultivate new perspectives and approaches. By discovering a rhythm that resonates with the person you are now, rather than clinging to the echoes of who you once were, you may find yourself liberated from areas of stagnation.

It is clear that the focus of this time is not on external achievement, but rather on cultivating a deeper connection with your inner self. The question becomes: What does your soul yearn for? How might you surrender to the natural flow of life? This lunation may illuminate aspects of yourself that still require nurturing and care. Therefore, for this first Full Moon of the year, you are invited to embrace self-compassion, and provide yourself with the nurturing you may have longed for in the past. What does your younger self still require? Or maybe it’s your intuitive self? Or your caregiver? Or your dreamer? or artist? Or your manifestor? How can you offer them the tenderness and attention they seek? Do your best to create space for emotional processing, honor the memories that surface, and attend to the whispers of your soul.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to turn inward and feel some unexpressed emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it.

If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Capricorn - Dec 30, 2024

On Monday, December 30th, 2024 at 2:27 PM PST & 5:27 EST, the moon begins a new cycle in the disciplined, hardworking, and practical sign of Capricorn, marking the year’s last New Moon. It’s also the second New Moon of the month, a Black Moon, and it holds a particular mystique. This lunar phase, a time of profound darkness, invites us to delve into the fertile ground of our inner selves. It’s a moment to commune with the stillness within, engage with our inner magic, and to revel in the boundless potentiality that precedes all acts of creation.
This new Moon is strategically positioned at the close of 2024. It offers a powerful opportunity for strategic planning and to set intentions and hopes for what we’d like to initiate in 2025. This lunation prompts a critical assessment of the past year, encouraging us to identify and release any unproductive patterns that hinder our progress. This release clears the way for our new intentions and aspirations for 2025. By using the energy of this lunation, we can refine our vision, discern which projects and ideas align with our goals, and which ones warrant the investment of our time and resources.
During this lunation, a deep resonance with our inner authority may emerge, urging us to root ourselves firmly in our purpose. This energy beckons us to create a plan, and commit, with unwavering resolve, to its realization. What sacred vows will you make to yourself in the coming year? What commands your attention? What is worth the investment of your time, energy, and resources? This Capricorn energy demands dedication and perseverance, a willingness to transcend perceived limitations, especially when we feel like giving up. If we can keep our eyes on the prize, in the end, it will all be worth it. This is why it’s important to get clear on what mountain we want to climb, and what the prize is when we make it to the top.

(Pause). One of the goals I'm devoting myself to in this next year is running more retreats, workshops, and classes. With that being said, I'd like to introduce to you join us at an all-inclusive retreat at the Rancho Gallina Retreat Center in Santa Fe, NM led by Dr. Joey Paynter and Jennifer Lothrigel from May 29-June 1, 2025. You can read more about it here. (Play).

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the plant of restrictions and lessons, and is making a helpful alignment to this lunation, fostering strategic planning and goal setting for what we want to accomplish. However, Saturn’s challenging alignment to Jupiter, the bringer of abundance and expansive faith, necessitates a careful balance between visionary enthusiasm and grounded pragmatism. Saturn poses a fundamental question: How badly do you want it? How deeply do you desire this outcome? What are you willing to give up to see it come to fruition? If you’re willing to put in unwavering effort, persistence, and patience, this challenging alignment can catalyze profound long-term growth. One other piece to note is that the nodes of the moon are in a challenging aspect to this lunation. This suggests potential internal conflict in our decision-making process and transforming our dreams into tangible reality will require considerable inner work and unwavering courage.
Mars Retrograde is still in effect until February 23, 2025, and serves as an invitation to recalibrate our energetic output, and align with our most authentic intentions. Where do you need to revise where you exert your energy? Opposing Mars, we find Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, stirring up some edgy energy and prompting us to examine the dynamics of power and self -assertion. This opposition presents a profound opportunity to release outdated patterns and embrace transformative change. While this planetary interplay may evoke moments of unease, the grounding influence of this Capricorn New Moon offers steadiness, helps us map our long-term objectives and discern which summits are worthy of our ascent in the coming year.
May we use this Capricorn New Moon energy to align ourselves with what we truly want to build in the years to come. May we act with integrity, commit to our long- term goals, rely on patience, persistence and dedication to get us to where we want to be. Don’t forget to honor how much of the mountain you’ve already climbed.
While this lunar energy may inspire a collective desire for focused effort, its influence will be experienced uniquely depending on the placement of Capricorn in your natal chart and any associated natal planets. For a personalized interpretation, I invite you to reach out for a reading.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Gemini - December 15, 2024

On Sunday, December 15th (1:02 AM PST & 4:02 AM EDT) the last Full Moon of the year glows in the curious, perceptive, and open- minded sign of Gemini. A sign that is quick to adapt in any situation and knows there are possibilities waiting in every moment. This is usually a time when communication, connection, and our ideas come to life, our social life feels fuller, and we’re busy with a million and one things to do. However, with Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, in its final hours of retrograde, there can still be some mishaps, miscommunication, and possibly people from our past appearing or at least showing up in our minds. Of course, Mercury isn’t the only planet that’s been Retrograde, we also have Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus urging us to reflect and go inward.

I’m sure many of you experienced Mercury Retrogrades mishaps, inconveniences, glitches, and delays over these last three weeks. It might feel more helpful if we think of this retrograde time as Mercury going into the underworld (our unconscious), and we can reframe some of these mishaps as a time to uncover and reveal hidden information that may have been previously overlooked. Now with Mercury stationing direct shortly after this Full Moon, we are being asked to integrate some of the lessons and experiences we encountered over the last few weeks. Hopefully, with Mercury direct, we’ll begin to see the messages more clearly and understand what Mercury wants to tell us after its visit to our unconscious. It’s possible that if we pay attention to these messages, we might experience some emotional breakthroughs, or at the very least, our perspectives may change. Gemini’s shadow could also show up through our energy feeling more scattered and more flighty than usual.

When Mercury stations direct in Sagittarius, it will form a helpful alignment to Mars Retrograde in Leo, a unique quality to this Full Moon. This suggests we’ll have an opportunity to reassess and reevaluate some of our ideas about where we place our energy. We are invited to feel into what truly motivates us, as well as feel any unexpressed fear, anger, or frustration. Lastly, it’s the perfect time to use this alignment to see how we assert ourselves and direct our inner passion. The alignment between Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Saturn, the planet of restrictions, will highlight which commitments or ideas are worth pursuing, and which ones will drain more of our energy. Once you discern which ones are worth your effort and time, you’ll need to devote yourself to making them happen. The good news is what you create from this energy will likely have strong staying power in the future.


Neptune, the mystical and dreamy planet, is making a difficult alignment to this lunation. We might find ourselves more caught up in fantasy, illusion or more easily distracted by something that pulls us into another realm, rather than what’s real and practical. This energy can of course bring some disappointment and confusion. We’ll be best served if we allow other perspectives into the mix and find ways to ground our ideas. Just remember we can’t always believe everything we think, hear or see, especially when something feels too good to be true. Keep in mind the truth is often more complex and bigger than anything our rational mind can understand. We also need a little bit of the mysterious and magical to keep things in balance.


Overall, this Full Moon may pull us in many different directions. Some of us will feel the overwhelm more strongly, but the scattered energy will be present for all of us. We can use this energy to reflect on our personal narratives and the ways in which we communicate. With all the retrogrades we will need to find a way to still our minds and hearts, and focus on our inner world.


Knowing this is the last Full Moon of the year, we should start thinking about what needs to be released. Some things in our life aren’t meant to be held onto or fixed. If this is the case, you may want to consider and remain curious about what things in your life need a course correction, or where you need to shift and invest your time and energy.


Lastly, with everything going on, remember that play is important medicine for Gemini and it will serve you well to engage in the things that make life feel a little more lighthearted and merry.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Sagittarius - Nov 30th/Dec 1, 2024

On Saturday, November 30th at 10:21 PM PST and Sunday December 1, 2024 at 1:21 AM EST the Moon begins a new cycle in the adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. We’d typically expect a Sagittarius New Moon to feel expansive, but this one arrives between the Mercury and Mars retrograde cycles giving us an opportunity to become more congruent and aligned with our thoughts, perceptions, motivations, and drives. While we might feel ready to push ahead and move into new territory or begin new projects, this time is really geared more towards inner reflection and seeking out the revisions and adjustments that need to be made.

Mercury Retrograde began November 25th and will continue until December 15th. You may have already experienced some of the usual retrograde mishaps in communication, travel delays, technological glitches, etc. Just keep in mind that the point of a Mercury Retrograde is to slow down and pay attention to what’s being communicated and even in how we communicate. Since this is happening in the sign of Sagittarius, it’s the perfect time to reflect on our values, beliefs, and philosophies about life. Warning: It will feel tempting to cling to what you think is right and wrong and believe it’s the only truth. Challenge yourself to expand your perceptions by considering perspectives outside of your own.

Mars Retrograde begins December 6th and will continue until February 23rd, 2025. It begins in the playful and expressive sign of Leo and then backtracks into the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. For the next several weeks Mars, the planet of assertion, will oppose Pluto, the planet of transformation and truth. This suggests there will be some inner work that will need to be revisited and addressed before you’ll be able to move forward with your desires and plans. Overall, we can use this retrograde cycle as a time to reflect, review, and revise what we really want to express from our inner world. It would be helpful to consider what’s underneath your motivations, what has your attention, what truly sparks your interest, and how you want to reorient your energy.

These two retrogrades overlapping suggest we need to trust the blocks, changes, obstacles, and detours as leading us to where we want or need to go. What would it look like for you to go with the flow over the next coming weeks? If something gets in your way, instead of seeing it as a block, consider what it’s trying to tell you. Where do you need to slow down and make changes? How do you need to be more flexible in response? What is no longer working? Take note of where Cancer and Leo are located in your chart and this might give you a few hints about what needs some revisions.


In addition to these retrograde cycles, we have Saturn in Pisces, the planet of restrictions and limits, making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. This planetary alignment adds some heaviness and also makes it difficult to feel the expansive energy Sagittarius likes to offer. We might even feel that some of our beliefs about our future and where we’re headed will go through a bit of a test at this time. Due to Saturn’s presence, it will take more effort and more time to manifest the things we’d like to see happen. This lunation seems to call for patience which isn’t Sagittarius’s strongpoint. However, the good news is that we can use this time to fine tune and course correct the things we’d like to see remain for years to come.


Lastly, if you feel like some of your passions have lacked a spark, the nodes of the moon are in a helpful aspect to this lunation and provide us an opportunity to see through the uncertainty and align with the things that matter to us most.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to reflect, review, revise and expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Taurus - November 15, 2024

On Friday, November 15, 2024 at 1:28 PM PST & 4:28 PM EST, the moon glows in the sturdy, grounded, peaceful, and earthy sign of Taurus. It’s the final Supermoon of the year which will amplify our emotions, especially around Taurus themes such as: security, values, material resources, relationships, and finances. Since Scorpio is on the other end of this moon, we are likely to feel some intensity around these issues. We’ll need to determine what truly matters to us and what needs us to let go.


It's possible that some of your insecurities around worth will begin to surface. This could show up in your financial situation, your relationships, or with how you see and value yourself. This lunation is providing you an opportunity to face these fears and address what has been out of balance. Where are you struggling to feel safe? Where do you need to create more security? What would make you feel more rooted? What personal values have you been ignoring? What do you need to release to create more balance?


This Full Moon comes with some shaky energy. Taurus likes things to be predictable and stable, but Uranus, the planet of shake ups, changes, and breakthroughs, is cozying up real close to this Full Moon. The place where you’ve felt secure - whether in a partner, your work, your home life, or your resources is undergoing some massive changes. You might find that there’s some tension, particularly in your relationships. If your connection has been on rocky ground, you’ll likely find it’s starting to unravel. On the other hand, if your relationship feels strong or committed, you’ll probably need a little more extra time to yourself. This time away can be rejuvenating and refreshing. It might even help you see your relationship from an entirely new perspective.


Just to add to some of the challenging relationship energy present during this lunation, we find Mercury, the planet of communication and perception, making a tricky alignment to Saturn, the realistic planet of restrictions. It’s likely that conversations will take on a more serious and sobering tone. It would be helpful to speak your truth about any needs that aren’t being met. However, be careful about falling into worry, anxiety, or negative thinking about the situation. This will only bring out more frustration, disappointment, and anger. However, with Saturn turning direct it ends the retrograde journey it began earlier this year on June 29th. With Saturn turning direct today, we can implement and create the boundaries we need for our relationships we most value. Ultimately Saturn will be a stable force in this lunation and counter some of Uranus’s unsettling and unpredictable nature.


The good news is that Neptune, the mystical planet, is in a helpful alignment to this full moon. This supportive energy can help us remain flexible and adapt to the unexpected changes or unpredictable energy that comes across our path. Neptune’s presence will also help us drop into our more compassionate, empathic, and understanding self.


We are also still under the powerful influence of the Mars and Pluto opposition which will continue until mid 2025. During this lunation, it has weakened a little bit since Mars moved into Leo, but this just might mean we are feeling some slight irritation instead of the intense, edgy anger we felt a few weeks ago. We might still feel and know that something is off, but we can’t quite decipher what’s actually getting under our skin. Since Mars is in Leo, make sure you are finding ways to channel this irritation through some type of physical or creative activity.


We must also keep in mind that on November 25th Mercury retrograde begins and lasts until December 15th and on December 6th Mars Retrograde begins until February 23rd, 2025. Retrogrades are common, so there’s nothing to fear. With mercury Retrograde just take the usual precautions of reviewing important documents, slow down and pay attention to your words, back up any of your data, and give yourself more time with your travel plans in case there’s some delays. These three weeks of Mercury retrograde will allow us to reflect on our values, beliefs, and our philosophies about life. Be careful if you find yourself wanting to dig your heels in about what you think is right and wrong. It will be important to consider perspectives that differ from your own. With Mars Retrograde you might want to start considering how have you been holding in your emotions? Where have you not been expressing yourself? I’ll discuss more about Mars retrograde in future write ups.


Use this Full Moon energy to reflect on what feels unresolved from your past and pay attention to what’s been weighing on your heart more recently. If you start to feel unsteady with the changes that are taking place, find what grounds you and get honest with yourself about what you really need. You might also want to take time to really focus on what fills your heart and soul with joy.

While we all might find ourselves reflecting on these Taurus themes, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart, or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Scorpio November 1, 2024

On Friday, November 1st, 2024 at (5:47am PDT & 8:47 am EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the deep, penetrating and intense sign of Scorpio. A sign that lives in the unseen world, connects us to shadow, and pushes us to uncover the truth of what’s really happening. This sign will lead you into your emotional depths and plunge you into the most hidden parts of yourself. It will take you to your edges, highlight your greatest fears, passions, and cravings. It’s the sign that’s most aware of death and so it can also teach you the most about what it means to live. This particular New Moon happens right alongside Samhain, All Saints, and the Day of the dead, a day to honor our ancestors and those who’ve passed on from the earthly plane.


This is the first New Moon following eclipse season and it’s happening with just enough time before Mercury and Mars Retrograde. This lunation allows us to put things into motion, asks us to remain curious about where we get stuck, and invites us to uncover the unhealthy patterns we keep repeating.


Saturn, the planet of restrictions, limits, and hard lessons is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. It might highlight some of our fears, insecurities, and frustrations, but it’s also here to teach us lessons from the past and show us what we need to integrate in our current world. Ultimately, this alignment will help us stay grounded as we dive deep into our own depths, and it will help us feel contained during any intense emotional experiences.


Mars, the planet of assertion, will, and our drive is in a challenging aspect to Pluto, lord of the underworld. Both these planets are rulers of Scorpio, and carry strong, intense, and dramatic energy. Mars in Cancer will trigger some of our unhealed wounds and unmet emotional needs from childhood that keep us stuck in old attachments and patterns. While Pluto in Capricorn might highlight our obsessions with material security, status, achievements, and work as a way to avoid dealing with any emotional pain. The alignment between these two planets is edgy and can bring up repressed feelings of anger and frustration, possibly some grief, and will likely pull our unconscious fears and desires to the surface. Look at your chart and see which houses Cancer and Capricorn occupy and it will give you a clue about what issues might be activated up until the beginning of the New Year.


You can also pay attention to what’s holding you back from asserting yourself more or where you’ve been pushing too much. This will give you some extra clues as to what you might need to confront during this transit. Keep in mind with all of these strong energies at odds, people will be on edge, and you’ll see themes of power and control surface inside some of your relationships and we’ll also see this play out on the big collective stage. A few days later on November 3rd, Mars will move into the sign Leo. You might feel tempted to make decisions quickly as if it’s a now or never moment, but it’s not. Make sure you take your time and think things through on any big decisions.

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aries - October 17, 2024

On Thursday, October 17th, 2024 at 4:26 AM PDT & 7:26 AM EDT, the Full Moon glows in the fiery, assertive, and passionate sign of Aries. Last month’s Full Moon was a Lunar Eclipse that challenged us and set us up for some significant changes. Many of us are still moving through the ripple effects from that lunation as well as the recent eclipse that had us contemplating our relationships and what matters most. The last Aries lunar cycle was a Solar Eclipse back in April 2024, so it’s possible we’ll see manifestations from that time coming full circle or something that began then is now coming to completion.


This Full Moon comes with a bit of a punch, due to its challenging alignment with Pluto and Mars. Be prepared for things to get stirred up, but with so much action -oriented energy present, you can easily move things forward. If you’ve been feeling stuck, trapped, stagnant, or unsure of how to set things in motion, you can use this Full Moon energy to assert yourself in the ways that would be most helpful. Keep in mind that with such strong energy present, we might also feel some heavy emotions, especially if there’s been anything that has felt unresolved, incomplete, hidden, or unprocessed. This isn’t a time to hold back and you’ll be best served letting things spill out, even if it feels messy at first.


As previously mentioned, Mars, the ruler of Aries, and the planet of assertion, aggression, and our drive, is making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon along with Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, which will have us feeling and facing things that live under the surface. These two planets can create a volatile combination due to their intense nature. Be prepared for difficult topics or tensions to surface, especially if anything has been on shaky ground for a while. Since Aries is involved, the good news is that as fast as tensions rise, they can also quickly fall and dissipate. The best way to work with this energy is to bring issues out in the open, and find ways to resolve whatever divisions have been festering in your psyche or in your external life.


With Mars set to go retrograde in early December and moving through Leo and Cancer until the end of February, we can expect this Full Moon lunation to give us a preview about the things we will be revisiting and reflecting on over the next few months. Knowing that Aries and Mars connect us to warrior and trailblazing energy, we have a clue that some of these reflections will be on how we need to courageously step up and face some things that scare us. It will also be a time to reflect on our desires that were left unfulfilled, choices we’ve made, initiatives we’ve taken or failed to take, and possibly to confront some of our past challenges and conflicts that still feel unresolved. To get a better idea of what might get stirred up, look to the house that Leo and Cancer activate in your chart.


To prepare for Mars retrograde, you may want to start considering these questions: Where do you need to take more initiative? What is yours to claim? What has been holding you back? Where have your insecurities been getting in the way of your progress? What do you need to heal so you can initiate more? What do you need to ignite in your life? Where do you need to take up more space?


All of this energy might feel really intense and bring up some uncomfortable feelings around our insecurities and how we assert ourselves, but we also have Chiron, the wounded healer, making a helpful alignment during this lunation. Chiron will bring a sense of healing and comfort and can even help us find the courage we need to assert ourselves more. Interestingly, the Solar Eclipse that happened in April was also in this same alignment with Chiron. This suggests that this Full Moon will highlight what’s healed in us over the last six months, what hasn’t changed, where we are in our healing journey, and what we’d still like to heal.

Lastly, since Aries is a go-getter and tends to want everything right NOW, you might feel an urgency to make everything happen right away. It’s okay to still feel unsure of how to actually put it all in motion. Just remember you have to start somewhere.

We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 2, 2024

On Wednesday, October 2nd 2024 (11:49 AM PDT & 2:49 PM EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the aesthetically pleasing and harmonizing sign of Libra. This New Moon is also an annular solar eclipse that will be visible only in the Southern hemisphere, but felt everywhere. This eclipse marks the close to the 2024 eclipse season and it also signifies a turning point for the nodes final pass through the Libra/Aries axis. Since July 2023 We’ve been working on themes of other vs self, codependency vs self -interests, and over compromising vs being willing to rock the boat and go after our own needs. This work hasn’t been easy, but it’s been necessary for us to unpack how we show up inside relationships and understand where we lose our selves to the other. The Aries medicine has reminded us to courageously go after the things we need, even if it means disappointing those we love.


This eclipse and New Moon energy set the stage for us to shed layers from the past while also setting into motion new beginnings and the fresh start we need in our life. You might find that this new beginning is a rewriting of the past that includes detoxing yourself from the things that a younger version of yourself experienced before you landed here.


Mercury, the planet of communication, perspective, and thought, is cozied up to this New Moon Eclipse. It’s possible that you will feel things moving a little faster than you’d like and it might feel that it’s hard to keep up with everything that’s happening. Don’t be surprised if some nervous energy accompanies you throughout the next few days and makes it hard for you to fully settle into your body. There’s also a chance you could learn something that may or may not be true. It will feel easy to jump to conclusions, but do your best to look for the middle ground.


Eclipses are unique. They stir up the intensity and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. They tend to emphasize fated events and are catalysts for significant breakthroughs. They usher in new beginnings through shake-ups that can be disruptive, and also life-changing. They create endings and you’ll find that some situations will take an unexpected turn. It's not uncommon for eclipses to bring breakups and amplify feelings of uncertainty. They certainly bring change, so before you make any big decisions, get clear about what it is you want and need. In other words, when changes happen, you’re still in charge about how you’d like to move forward. It’s up to you to decide how you’d like to use this energy to improve your life.


Mars, the planet of assertion, aggressiveness, and passion, is making a challenging aspect to this lunation and is also the ruler of the North Node. Mars in Cancer is fiercely protective and looks to create safe and secure spaces for those that feel more vulnerable. It can bring forth healing energy, but to experience it, you may need to find your courage so you can take a risk and share your vulnerability. It’s not uncommon that what’s surfacing is connected to past karmic patterns. It’s also possible that you’ll need to sort things out with others if conflicts arise. Boundaries may be crossed and new ones will need to be created or redefined. The way forward is to keep your heart open, honor freedom and autonomy, and look for ways to fiercely protect what is sacred and meaningful to you.

You’ll be best served if you use this energy to redefine your connections, implement new boundaries, and renew your relationships. You are being asked to reflect on your decisions and to rebalance what has been out of alignment.

While we all might feel relationships become highlighted in one way or another, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Virgo - Sept 2, 2024

On Sunday, September 2, 2024 (6:56 PM PDT & 9:56 PM EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the grounded, practical, and service oriented sign of Virgo. As we move through this New Moon, it’s the perfect time to refresh, set intentions, and assess how we want to breathe new life into our jobs, projects, relationships, events, conversations, activities, self, etc. With the arrival of the Fall Equinox near the end of this month on Sunday, September 22nd, and Eclipse season just around the corner, this New Moon in Virgo can be seen as the turning point. So use this lunation as a time to perfect, revise, strategize, discern, and use your skills in the most effective ways.


With a New Moon in Virgo, the energy is ripe for de-cluttering, detoxing, organizing, and clearing out our physical, energetic, and emotional space. It might be time to let go of a toxic situation or some type of commitment that no longer serves you. Ideally, you’ll find ways to heal and replace it with learning how to build healthier dynamics. I’m sure many of us wish this type of transformation would happen overnight, but be prepared for it to be a slow process with lots to unpack and detangle.

 Virgo tends to be a perfectionist, pays close attention to the details, thrives off of helping others, and wants to be the best at everything he/she does. It’s no surprise that this energy can also lead to a strong inner critic, and if left unchecked, we’ll find that our insecurities and fears tend to heighten. During this lunation, it might feel as if there’s a spotlight placed on our flaws and we’ll start to think about all the things that could possibly go wrong. This may lead to self- sabotage, missing important deadlines, or being overly critical of yourself. If any confusion surfaces, find ways to connect to your inner wisdom. The good news is that there is no other sign that wants to grow more than Virgo. Try to lean more into accepting where you are instead of where you’d like or hope to be. The keyword in all of this is patience. You might not be there yet, but with time and intention, it’s very likely that you will be able to make the necessary improvements.

With so much attention placed on the minute details, it will be important to connect to something that feels bigger than you. Walk the beach, sit under a tree, practice mindfulness, drive with your windows down, take a bath, journal, paint, and find anything that helps ground you. If your mind starts to spin with unnecessary chatter, let your heart guide you, and don’t forget to show yourself a very large dose of compassion.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to get grounded, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aquarius - August 19, 2024

On Monday, August 19th 2024 (11:26 AM PDT & 2:26 PM EDT), the moon glows in the revolutionary, innovative, and eccentric sign of Aquarius. It’s a sign strongly connected to the humanitarian and this sign is all about freedom and authenticity. This is the first of our supermoons, when the moon is closest to the earth, and this very dynamic Full Moon comes packed with some intense and complex alignments. Without getting lost in the complications, it boils down to being willing to reimagine our goals and redefine our future.


Uranus, the planet of disruption, shake ups and change, and Mercury (Retrograde), the planet of communication, thought and perception are making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon.  Expect some abrupt shifts to take place that help you revisit your past and reimagine what you need for expression, pleasure, joy, and play. Something might get revealed that catches you off guard or takes you in an unexpected direction. It’s also possible that these changes help us see what’s no longer working in our lives. The full essence of this Aquarian moon is to follow a path that honors your uniqueness. Sometimes the easiest and most difficult thing to do is to trust your intuition and this is the perfect time to get aligned with the things that make your heart and soul feel good.


Due to Mercury Retrograde, you will feel the tension between being caught in the past and what lies ahead. Pay attention to what has felt unresolved in your heart and be ready to return to these conversations. If conflict, or miscommunication appear, do your best to stay open to other perspectives. Be willing to consider there’s more than two sides to every story.


Venus, the planet of attraction, Jupiter, the planet of Abundance, and Saturn the planet of lessons are linked in a powerful alignment that can help us break free from past connections. All of this energy suggests we are in a transitional space, a liminal space, a space that holds the tension between where we’ve been and where we’re headed. It will feel tempting to move forward, to hurry up and get to the other side, but there’s something in the liminal, in the in between space that’s necessary for your evolution.


What is it you need from this liminal space? What does the liminal space need from you? What might help you break free from the past? What is your heart longing to create?

While we all might feel pulled to open our minds toward a new path, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Leo - August 4, 2024

On Sunday, August 4th 2024 at 4:13 am PDT and 7:13 am EDT, the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful, playful, and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, ignites joy and creativity, and needs to express everything from the heart without any inhibition. With this lunation, you’ll feel the archetypes of the Child, the Queen/King, and the Performer stepping onto center stage and there is also an emphasis on being seen and witnessed.

This Leo New Moon will offer you an opportunity to lighten up whatever has been weighing on your heart. Feel free to celebrate, play, dance, create, and find delight in all the things that make you feel joyful. Here’s a little snippet of some Leo energy I experienced recently during an evening walk with Reya, my husky. We stumbled upon this beautiful garden in someone’s front yard. It was covered with sunflowers, marigolds, begonias, and several other colorful flowers. Hummingbirds and bees were everywhere. I was overcome with joy and repeatedly said out loud, “wowwww this is magical.” I had a smile on my face the entire time. I was giddy and the beauty of the garden filled my heart with wonder. I noticed I had a little extra pep in my step after this encounter. This experience captures the feeling of Leo. What Leo moments have you had recently?

Mars, the planet of assertion and passion, and Jupiter, the planet of faith, abundance, and expansion are making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. These two planets are helping us lighten up and focus on the brighter side. Of course, we must also consider the potential for Jupiter to expand some of the challenges we’ve been facing, but don’t worry, you’ll feel ready to see new possibilities and take on fresh perspectives. Overall, it’s the perfect time to indulge in our passions and make some bold moves. In other words, go for it. However, there is a caveat, and we do need to keep in mind that Saturn the planet of restrictions, limits and lessons is making a challenging alignment to this lunation. So it may take a little longer than we’d like to see results, but it will happen. Try your best to be patient and once it all comes together, you’ll find that it was worth the wait.

On the same day as the New Moon, Mercury retrograde begins at 9:56 pm PDT in Virgo and continues until August 28th at 2:14 pm PDT in the sign of Leo. When a planet is retrograde, it has the appearance of going backwards, but this is due to an effect caused from our perspective from earth. Mercury is the planet of communication, thinking, and our perception so we can expect a slowing down to all of these functions. This is why astrologers remind you to plan for extra time when traveling, read the fine print when signing contracts, be prepared for miscommunications, and back up your devices. It’s also possible to feel more confused and that you’re going in mental circles. It can feel extra difficult to make decisions during a Mercury Retrograde time. The best thing we can do is slow down. It’s a reminder to take your time, go inward, reflect on the past, gather more information, make revisions, and let the planet lead you back to conversations and ideas from the past.

Overall, this New Moon wants us to take some bold steps, but it’s likely this retrograde and Saturn’s presence remind us to pay more attention to the details and gather more information so we can make our puzzle complete. It could also suggest that there are a few loose ends that need to be tended to before we can move forward. Use this New Moon to revise some of your creative projects, return to the past for anything that might help you in your current situation, reignite some of your former passions, and make plans about how you’d like to make your vision real over the upcoming months.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we havewe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Capricorn - July 21, 2024

On Sunday, July 21st (3:17 AM PDT and 6:17 EDT) the moon glows in the practical, pragmatic, serious and sobering sign of Capricorn for the second time this year. The last one was on June 21st at 1 degree and this one is taking place at the 29th degree of Capricorn, which is known as the anaretic degree. This is the final degree of a sign and points to the shedding that needs to happen before something new can begin. Neptune is the other planet at this same degree, but in the sign of Pisces. These two completion points remind us that we can’t continue doing what we’ve always done because it’s time for a change. The last degree and Pluto's presence suggests a massive shift is about to take place. You will likely see something come to an end. New beginnings will slowly form especially with Mars and Pluto both at 0 degrees.

Think back to last month. What was happening in your world around June 21st? Think about your responsibilities. What was weighing on your heart at that time? What were your fears? If something was hanging in the balance last month, it’s now time to resolve it.

Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, is cozied up extra close to this Full Moon and is turning up the volume on intensity. There’s a good chance we’ll see this play out in the collective, and also on a personal level. If you’ve pushed down, avoided, denied, or hidden any of your emotions or truths, be ready for them to be exposed. On the high end, this energy could speak to a massive breakthrough or accomplishment due to all of your hard work and dedication. On the low end, you might experience a strong need to control the situation.

Uranus, the quirky and unpredictable planet, known for disruptions and changes, and Neptune, the mystical planet known for spirituality, compassion, fogginess and illusions are both making helpful alignments to this lunation. However, Chiron, the wounded healer, is making a challenging aspect. With these planets all in the mix, the stage is set for some type of transformation to take place that involves wounds from long ago. Old stories may resurface that remind you about the unprocessed pain that still lives in your body.

Take note of all the ways you resist your healing. What are some of your defense mechanisms? Do you sabotage? Do you enter denial?  Do you intellectualize or rationalize?  Is there something you’ve been avoiding? Keep in mind that even if you are dealing with a similar pattern or theme, you’re not the same person who first got wounded. You carry with you all the lessons that have given you a greater ability to heal. Be very careful with the stories you tell yourself at this time, especially because you’ll feel more prone to fantasy or delusion.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, invites us to get our feet deeply rooted into the ground so we can test fact from fiction. This Capricorn Full Moon could act as one big reality check by challenging you to see where you’ve become stuck in fantasy or where you’ve chosen to avoid taking responsibility. Magical thinking can be a wonderful tool, but it can also get you into trouble if you aren’t willing to couple it with practical steps in the mundane world.

So for this Full Moon, reach deeply into your roots. Find what grounds you. Meet the parts of you that prefer to stay in hiding. Pay attention to the mundane and let the wounds teach you.

While we all might feel ready to roll up our sleeves for some hard work, we’ll experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Cancer - July 5, 2024

On Friday, July 5, 2024 (3:57 PM PDT & 6:57 PM EDT), the moon begins a new cycle in the healing and nurturing sign of Cancer. This is the first New Moon of the summer and it will have many of us feeling quite sentimental. Family, home, lineage, and our inner world become the focus. Cancer is ruled by the moon and pulls us deep into our soul to see what actually makes us happy. What makes you feel at home? It’s a great opportunity to question how you’ve been feeding your soul and even what you’ve been feeding it. Maybe even consider what part of your life needs nourishment? Who are the people that help you feel nourished and supported?

 I’m quite fond of Joseph Campbell’s phrase, “Follow your bliss.” A simple idea that cuts to the heart of the matter. While this might be easier said than done, it holds a deep truth about paying attention and honoring what lives in our hearts. Couple this with Jung’s words, “What did you do as a child that made the hours pass like minutes? Herein lies the key to your earthly pursuits.” Both of these sayings remind us to listen to our hearts and look for clues found in our childhood. This lunation carries a similar feeling to it. Go back and reflect on the things that brought you joy/nourishment in your childhood and see how that connects to your needs today. If you’re struggling to come up with something, think about what was lacking or where you didn’t feel seen.

Mars, the god of war, connects to how we assert ourselves and where we choose to direct our energy. It is making a helpful aspect to this lunation and with Mars in the sign of Taurus, we are being asked to slow down and do things that feel good to our body. We also have Saturn, the planet of restrictions, lessons, and limits playing a supportive role during this New Moon. With it currently retrograde, we have an opportunity to reconsider some of the decisions we need to make. In other words, use this time to gather more information before making your final decision. It’s also possible that this New Moon is urging you to find home within your Self and maybe Saturn’s role is to help you commit to what makes you feel more rooted.

This lunation is interesting due to it falling between two Capricorn Full Moons and the challenging aspect it makes to the nodes of the moon. These are the karmic points that pull us back into the old story as well as tell us the medicine on how to move forward. With the transiting South Node in Libra, we’ve been pulled back into people pleasing or over compromise that has left us feeling less aligned to our truth. Maybe you feel it’s easier to protect the relationship at all costs rather than sharing what you really need. The transiting North Node is in Aries and is asking us to find the courage to rock the boat and to go after what we want.

The energy during this New Moon and over the next few weeks will highlight areas where you repeatedly feel stuck, specifically around family or domestic issues that need to be addressed. Take the next few weeks to reflect on how some of your past experiences are influencing the way you approach situations today. How are you overcompensating for what you lacked in childhood? What wound is being triggered that causes your defenses to go up? Are any of your coping mechanisms due for an upgrade? If might be helpful if you listen to the younger and more vulnerable parts of yourself. What are they feeling? What do they need? How might you tend to them? If you feel ready to dive deep into parts work, please reach out. I’d love to help you form a deeper relationship to your inner parts.

One last thing to note. While this is a supportive lunation, there are some challenging dynamics coming up later this month. On July 12th, we will see Venus, the planet of intimacy and connection form an opposition to Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation. This suggests that there will be some intense truths to face in some of your relationships. Conflicts may appear and while this might feel tense at times, it’s providing space for some of your more hidden emotions to surface and hopefully move you toward a more authentic connection. On July 15th, Mars will team up with Uranus, the planet of disruption and change. Uranus tends to be an unpredictable planet and the best way to work with its energy is to pay attention to what wants to shift or break away. These unexpected shifts can also act as catalyst points to break you free from outworn and all too familiar (and also familial) patterns.

Keep in mind, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, or if you feel ready to deepen your relationship with some of your inner parts, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Capricorn - June 21, 2024

On Friday, June 21st, 2024 (6:08 PM PDT & 9:08 PM EDT), the moon glows in the practical, pragmatic, and dependable sign of Capricorn. It’s a sign that does what it says it’s going to do and isn’t afraid of hard work. If you’ve been facing blockages or feel as if you’ve been hitting wall after wall lately, this energy is great for staying focused and pushing through to see what’s on the other side. Goals and things you’d like to accomplish tend to stand out more now.
Neptune, the mystical and dreamy planet, is making a tricky alignment to this Full Moon, so don’t be surprised if there’s still some confusion or uncertainty around some of the things you're hoping to accomplish. Maybe you’re confused about what direction to choose, where to move, what job to apply for, which school to go to, or how to move forward. Whatever it might be, do your best to keep your eyes on your goal and don’t let the blurriness pull you off track.

If confusion does arise, use this time to reassess and realign with your path. It’s okay if you’re still unsure of what the dream is or how to make it a reality. Maybe it's too early to understand how it will all work out, but stay focused and keep showing up. Eventually, you’ll know whether or not you can materialize it. Use this time to critically evaluate your dreams, and if you feel ready, start climbing that mountain.
This Full Moon could also help you see that some of your goals aren’t realistic. One thing to keep in mind is that this is the first full moon after solstice and we’ll experience a second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21st. In other words, we’re only at the first part of this act. The second part will help us see where we’ve become blinded by the illusion and also help us know what steps to take.
Consider these questions: What mountain stands before me? How committed do I feel to reach the top? What’s distracting me? What’s the confusion? Is there something that feels too unrealistic? What does the blockage want to teach me? What am I reaching for on the other side of that wall? Is there something about the dream I need to let go?
Venus, the planet of attraction, beauty, and what we most value is in the sign of Cancer, and is opposing this Full Moon along with Mercury, the planet of communication, and the Sun, our core identity. This has the potential to bring up issues with others. With these three planetary bodies all in the sign of cancer, you’ll find that there is an emotional need to feel safe. It’s also possible that you’ll find yourself longing for soulful connections. Jealousy and some other emotions could surface that make it difficult to communicate.

While we all might feel ready to roll up our sleeves for some hard work, we’ll experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 23, 2024

On Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 (6:53 AM PDT & 9:53 PM EDT), the Full Moon glows beautifully in the adventurous, and freedom seeking sign of Sagittarius. This Moon will put a spotlight on our passions, longings, and our desire for truth. Overall, this is an uplifting Full Moon that focuses on abundance, connection, greater expansion, optimism about our future, and rebirth.

Pluto, lord of the underworld, the planet of death and rebirth, truth, and transformation, is making a helpful alignment during this lunation. Pluto’s presence highlights some of our deepest emotional truths. Show up for yourself by honoring your feelings in the most authentic and honest way possible. This will help you be more present to life, create more freedom, and deepen your interactions with others. Pluto loves to transform dynamics, but not without a good look at what’s living beneath the surface. This is not time for pretending, smoothing over, or brushing your truth under the rug no matter how tempting it may be in moments to do so. Hiding your feelings will only limit the expansive visions you’re now able to access.

If any of your relationships have felt strained, it’s time to decide on whether or not you want to do the deep work to transform them or do the work to let them go. Pluto’s presence can certainly help us create new foundations as long as you are willing to acknowledge your feelings, fears, and the parts you’d rather keep hidden.

Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is finishing up its last few days in the sign, Taurus. Neptune, the dreamy, mystical, and illusive planet, is in the sign of Pisces, and these two planets are working together to bring out your more empathic and compassionate nature. Additionally, Venus, the planet of beauty, attraction, and what we most value, is cozied up to Jupiter. These three planets will create a softness in your connections, help you drop into your imagination, and dream a vision aligned with what you most value and want. Our hearts will feel more open and this might help us reach for things that have previously felt out of reach. For those in creative fields, Neptune’s presence might stir up some inspiration and openings.

Venus moves into Gemini later in the day and adds a more playful and lighter note to your evening. This is a great day for sharing your thoughts, feelings and connecting with others over your passions, desires, projects, relationships, goals, and dreams.

On May 25th Jupiter moves into the witty and playful sign of Gemini, shifting the energy from the Taurus themes of security and stability to themes surrounding our communication, ideas, curiosity, and siblings until June 2025. This energy will allow us to become a heretic to any of our dogmatic beliefs, stay in wonder, and remain open to the possibilities that exist in any given moment. This can be a very expansive time for writing, story-telling, studying new topics, and maybe even some travel. With so much information flying around we’ll need to be more aware of burnout, distraction, and overwhelm. While Jupiter finishes its tour through the last degree of Taurus these next few days, it would be helpful to reflect on where you’ve experienced more peace in your life, the relationships you’ve created, ways you feel more grounded, and what you’ve learned about relationships in the last year.

The main theme of this Full Moon is to dream big. So tune into your softness and surround yourself with those who truly align with your heart. Stay open to things that feel good and be willing to engage in some sort of adventure. Dive into things that bring you heart joy. Some of us may need to release any shame or guilt that shows up around allowing joy into our lives. Opportunities abound, but they may require you to first take a leap of faith or it’s possible that something from your past finally comes to a culmination. One thing to be aware of is too much confidence and falling for illusions.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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