New Moon in Capricorn/Solar Eclipse - Dec 25th/26th, 2019


On December 25, 2019 (9:13PM PST) and on December 26, 2019 (12:13am EST), the Moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. Not only is this a New Moon, but we are also experiencing a Solar Eclipse. While this eclipse will only be visible in the Middle East, parts of Asia, and in Africa, we will all feel it in one -way or another. Eclipses are unique. They stir up the intensity and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch.In case you’re wondering, an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking the Sun. 

 As I just mentioned, eclipses are thought to be more powerful and while New Moons usually start the beginning of a four -week cycle, the energy that occurs during an eclipse tends to carry forward for about six months. This suggests that the seeds you plant now will be tied to the Full Moon in Capricorn that will emerge on July 4th, 2020.  Not only that, but in just a few weeks we will experience a Lunar Eclipse.In other words, this is a time for rapid changes to occur on both an internal and external level. You can expect this eclipse to kick off new beginnings while also asking you to let go and tend to matters from the past. You might even feel a sense of urgency or feel that there are necessary changes that you will need to make soon, or even, now. 

 We must consider all the other planetary bodies that are hanging out in Capricorn. There’s Saturn, Pluto, the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, and also the South Node. So let’s take a moment and reflect on Capricorn, the sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. I’ll also add that she’s not easily distracted, craves solitude like no other, values integrity above all else and when she’s functioning at her highest- she carries the archetype of the wise elder. At her worst, she becomes rigid, demanding, and controlling. If she ever turns to approval from others, it’s likely that she’ll begin to lose clarity about herself and end up a prisoner to her success. If this happens then no matter what she does, nothing will ever quite seem like it’s enough.

 So with all this emphasis on Capricorn, you might feel that this energy is asking you to begin the ascent to that steep mountain that stands before you. It’s time for you to invest into that “big” thing that feels even bigger than you. In other words, this is the time to dig in deep and go after what you want.If you are able to listen to the call of Capricorn and apply yourself to the tasks that stand before you, then you are likely to reap the rewards in everything you have set out to accomplish. Just make sure you are clear about which mountain you need to climb and remember that just because you can climb it, doesn’t mean you have to. . . so use your discernment wisely. 

 I’d also like to add that Jupiter is now in Capricorn and is asking us to find the joy in the hard work and with Uranus linked to this sign you might find opportunities showing up out of the blue. Maybe you’ll even feel inspired to do what you need to do or accomplish whatever has been hanging in the wings for quite a while now. Since the South Node is close by, we must also consider any issues or patterns from the past that need a resolution. Think for a moment about anything that might be holding you back or preventing you from claiming what you need to claim. What is keeping you stuck in the same old pattern? What do you need to do to free yourself from these comfortable and familiar restraints?  Get clear on these questions and there’s a good chance that you will see the path that you need to take.

 I would also like to mention that Chiron, the comet associated with the archetype of the wounded healer, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. So pay attention to any wounds that are surfacing at this time or maybe even where you might feel afraid to claim your deepest truths of who you are and what you’ve come here to do.Just keep in mind that these wounds are seeking your attention and they are asking you to tend to your past, your shadow, your fears, and anything that you have hidden from yourself or from others.

 As we approach the New Year think about what you want 2020 to be and make sure you don’t leave out the challenges or those necessary experiences you know you must face. If you have felt that there’s anything unresolved or unclaimed in your life, now is the time to move towards tending to these parts. What are you ready to devote yourself to in 2020? What do you want to see come to life this next year? What do you need to let go of? What do you need to believe in? Where have you underestimated yourself? What mountain do you need to climb?

 Anyone that has ever run a marathon knows that if you want to cross the finish line you must also choose to cross the starting point. So at this New Moon Solar Eclipse, we stand at the threshold of all that’s to come in this next year and the question we must answer that tells us how well we will run the race is: how badly do you want to finish? How badly do you want to climb that mountain? How badly do you want to accomplish that difficult task in front of you?  Maybe it’s a relationship, or a project, or a dissertation, or a job, or a karmic pattern set on repeat. Or maybe it’s a book you need to write or a story you need to end or maybe it’s about your home or your family or even something in your community, or possibly an area in your life that you’ve felt blocked in for many years. Whatever it is – I will repeat – how badly do you want it? 

 While the task before you might not be easy to accomplish, there’s no doubt that if you invest everything you have along this path you will find the reward waiting for you at the finish line. 

 I’ll see you there. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to take some time in solitude and become clear on what mountain we need to climb, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Capricorn. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Cancer - January 10, 2020


Full Moon in Gemini - December 11th/12th, 2019