New Moon in Taurus - April 22, 2020


On Wednesday, April 22nd(7:25 PM PDT and 10:25 PM EDT), the moon prepares to enter a new cycle in the aesthetically pleasing and peaceful sign of Taurus. The sign that delights in her senses and finds fulfillment in life’s simple pleasures. She knows the gift of a sunset and the beauty found in stillness. When she sees the ocean she’s likely to feel the crashing waves pulse through her body, but she won’t need to use a single word to describe it. She’ll also make sure to appreciate the ambiance of a place just as much as the taste of her food. She wants to enjoy her simple pleasures, but this isn’t to say she doesn’t like her comforts found in the material world, because, she does. In fact, they might even be what fill her with a lot of security. The only catch is that her shadow might appear if she falls into thinking that she needs these things to bring her joy. If this happens, then what she once possessed is likely to possess her. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon?

As you know, New Moons happen in darkness. The Moon has no light from the Sun because these two are working together side by side. This means it’s the perfect time to go within and reflect on the intentions you’d like to set and also plant the seeds you’d like to see made manifest. While life right now seems to be a combination of everything is falling apart to time is moving really slowly to nothing is happening at all to how am I supposed to get everything done today, why not try and see this New Moon as a beginning or grounding point for you. Whatever your experience is about the pace of your world right now, take a moment to consider these questions: How might I sink even deeper into each moment? How might I create a life that mirrors what I truly value? And what do I need to do to create more peace in my day? Maybe this will include finding ways to create more financial stability or spending more time cultivating what matters most to you or even through slowing down even more (yes, even more) and tending to what your body needs.

It’s no secret that money, power, and profits have been given priority on our planet, but I’m getting really tired of that old story. How about you? There must be a new story germinating in the hidden somewhere. This is why we need stillness to hear it. 

I keep coming back to one of my most favorite Mary Oliver poems called Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.

So while power and authority are brewing and building “out there,” use this Taurus energy to tune into that “soft animal of you body” and let it “love what it loves.” Find simple ways to nourish your heart. Maybe you need to take off your shoes and feel the ground beneath your feet. Or maybe you need to listen to some music in the dark, or maybe you need to tend to your garden and get your hands a little dirty. Or maybe you need to turn your gaze towards the birds or insects or other creatures that rely on mother earth. Or maybe you decide to attend that online yoga class or light some candles and bake your favorite dish. Just make sure that you find ways to connect to the earth element that resides in you and then channel it back out into the physical earth. 

I’d also like to add that Uranus, the planet associated with sudden changes, breakthroughs, insensitivies, and freedom is snuggled up really close to this New Moon. Its presence can appear chaotic, unpredictable and can throw us off balance if we cling to our old and familiar ways of doing things. But if we open up and give way to the new, then we might experience some significant breakthroughs. So while our lives “out there” have been placed on hold, Uranus is here to shake things up and help us reimagine and reinvent a new path forward. 

Keep in mind that these aren’t meant to be temporary changes or simple fixes. This is a push towards imagining a new way of living for the long term once our activities “out there” resume. Of course right now we’re still in the early stages and so much is still unknown. Most people don’t like the unknown and so fear and control often set in. We’re seeing this happen as tensions between people and authority begin to rise. So don’t feel any pressure to connect the dots or have everything figured out. Instead, do your best to allow your creative genius to come out to play. It’s also important to note that as Uranus moves through the sign of Taurus during these next few years, this means there’s a real emphasis on restructuring how we utilize our resources and the things we value most. So maybe consider on a personal level what it is that you would like to restructure. 

Then let’s add Saturn, the planet associated with restrictions and limits, to the mix. Saturn is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon/Uranus alignment. I guarantee that you’ll hear a lot more about the Saturn/Uranus theme in 2021, but right now we’re getting a brief preview of what’s to come. Uranus contains the energy of the genius archetype while Saturn contains the energy of the elder. Uranus likes new and fresh perspectives with outside of the box thinking while Saturn prefers traditions and structure. Uranus awakens and invigorates while Saturn limits and asks you to work hard and give your all. Uranus is a catalyst for change while Saturn wants to return to old patterns and habits. Can you hear the tension? It’s the friction between the old and the new, and this will be present throughout most of next year.

Take a moment and ponder: Is there anything within me that still needs to slow down? What does nature need from me/us before I/we return into the world? How can I create my world to reflect more of what I value most? What new ideas do I have swirling around? What habits still serve me and which ones have I outgrown? What would help me thrive and evolve? 

So use this New Moon in Taurus energy to slow things down even more. If the news feels confusing and complicated, find ways to simplify the information. If you feel stifled or feel like you are trapped inside the Groundhog day movie then tune into what your mind, body, and soul need for you to feel a greater sense of enjoyment in life no matter what the outer restrictions may be.

While we all might feel the need to slow down, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Taurus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


Full Moon in Scorpio - May 7, 2020


Full Moon in Libra - April 7, 2020