
Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Scorpio - November 7, 2018


On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 (8:02 AM PST and 11:02 AM EST), the moon begins its new cycle in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is here to make the unconscious conscious, and is fluent in the language of death and rebirth. She’s the sign that isn’t afraid to look you in the eye and when she does- she’ll penetrate you to the depths of your soul. Good luck at trying to hide anything from her. She has a knack for sensing and uncovering the hidden and isn’t afraid to call BS if she smells even a hint of a lie. She needs truth like we need air and not necessarily a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather a truth of a moment, a truth of who you are, and a truth about what remains when everything else falls away. She wants what is real and she isn’t afraid to go to the darker places to find it. Her shadow creeps in when she becomes lost in the self-discovery maze called the underworld or it might creep in if she chooses to avoid the element of self- discovery all together. Either way, moodiness and despair will become her companions. 

So how does this Scorpio energy impact this New Moon? Well first let’s address that Neptune and Pluto are making an appearance. Neptune is that mystical and whimsical planet that moves us into our imagination and allows us to dream. Of course when its shadow is triggered it can also lead us into illusions. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and the planet that is here to transform your life through the death and rebirth cycle. This planet can be quite intense. It can feel rather destructive if we aren’t willing to look in the mirror and see what or who is looking back at us. The good news is that for this New Moon these planets are making a helpful appearance and they are here to remind us that it’s time for some deep soulful reflections. We are invited to sink into our own depths and to claim what is both real and true for who we are and who we are becoming. 

So with this New Moon ask yourself: Where have I been hiding? Where am I playing it safe? What is the truth behind what I feel, what I know, what I don’t know, what I want, what I need, and what I long for? What is my soul here for? What am I here for? What, if anything, is no longer serving me along my path? What do I want to create and cultivate in my life? What dreams do I need to plant that are congruent to my true path?

Just remember we are playing with some deep and intense emotions here. While what we may discover during this deep inner dive can inspire us to move closer to what we desire and need in our life, we can also be pulled too deeply into our struggle and find ourselves covered in moodiness. Of course the other option is avoidance all together and this will only leave us unsatisfied and trapped inside a vault of despair. A key for not getting lost is to hold onto your boundaries so that you don’t drift off into nothingness. In other words, find what tethers you to your world and become clear on where you end and another person or thing begins. To say it more simply: Be clear and mindful with your thoughts, your words, and your actions. If you know who you are it will be easier to hold onto you. 

So for this New Moon look deeply into your own reflection, plant your seeds deeply, envision the truth of who you are and what you want to create, surrender to the unknown, embrace the mystery that unfolds, and remain open to where the next step might lead you. 

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on who we are and who we are becoming during this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Taurus - October 24, 2018


On Wednesday, October 24, 2018 (9:45am PST and 12:45PM EST) the Full Moon glows in the aesthetically pleasing and peaceful sign of Taurus. The sign that delights in her senses and finds fulfillment in life’s simple pleasures. She knows the gift of a sunset and the beauty found in the stillness of a forest or even the pause between beats in a song. She feels the crashing wave pulse through her body, but doesn’t need a single word to describe it. She’ll make sure to appreciate the ambiance of a place just as much as the taste of her food. If you haven’t figured it out, she’s earthy, but this isn’t to say she doesn’t like her comforts found in the material world. In fact, they might even be what fill her with a lot of security. The only catch is her shadow might appear if she falls into the trap of needing these things to bring her joy. In other words, she’ll become trapped if what she once possessed not only possesses her, but also defines her.

So what does this mean for this Full Moon? As you know we are in the midst of Scorpio season (Think: intense, deep, mysterious, uncovering truth, and a time to penetrate the depths of all things) with the Sun entering these deep waters on October 23rdand joining Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. So don’t be surprised if you feel the intensity of these planets leading you into the depths and pushing you to take an honest look at yourself. Venus is still retrograde and will soon conjunct the Sun on October 26thmarking the midpoint for this descent into the shadows. This inferior conjunction signals the culmination for all that has been illuminated from our relationships and the things we most value. Hopefully we have spent some time looking to see where our relationships, money, and the things we value have started to define us. 

As this Full Moon cozies up as close as possible to the planet Uranus and makes an opposition to both Venus and the Sun in Scorpio, we can be certain that there’s a bit of uncertainty in the air. Uranus is often associated with breakthroughs, change, and unpredictability and while all of these things can be refreshing, if we cling to the past or aren’t ready for movement, then we can find this planet to be rather unsettling. I would also like to add that this particular placement offers a chance for matters that have been stuck in liminal space to receive that much needed shake up to help you move something forward towards completion. 

With Venus as the ruler of this Full Moon and currently retrograde in Scorpio, it’s quite evident that this planet is a key player for this lunation. I’ll reiterate that this places a spotlight on your relationships, the things you value, and possibly your finances that are all tied to the past and are in need of resolution. I saw a meme the other day that says, “Let the rest of the year be the plot twist you’ve been waiting for.” Well, let’s just say there’s a good chance that this might just be true. Just when you thought your life was all set in one direction now is the time to be prepared for it to take a completely different turn. Maybe you’ll experience this through a sudden change of heart in your relationship(s), or find that someone you thought was out of your life has now appeared again. Or maybe you find that you’re able to let go of a relationship you’ve been holding on to for far too long. Or maybe it’s that your creative genius comes to life and leads you down a completely new path, or maybe you feel inspired in an area that you didn’t even know existed. Or maybe you finally get to experience that financial breakthrough that you’ve been waiting for.

I would like to add that Saturn is making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon and wants to add a layer of practicality and focus to these sudden breakthroughs or changes. This isn’t about limits so much as it is about all the hard work that you have already put in to that relationship, project, investment, thesis, job, or vision. Everything you’ve done has led you to where you are today and Saturn wants to honor this.

If you’re wondering what to do – I suggest that you try to surrender to the rhythms that surround you. Feel the freedom to take a risk. Allow yourself to move outside your normal playground and follow your heart’s desires. Just remember you need to listen deeply to how your heart wants to move. This isn’t about calculated or conditioned decisions, this is about that spark of genius that moves you in the same way that music can transport your soul with a single beat. So during this lunation open your heart to your own wildness that lives in the depths of your soul – that part of you that can howl with the moon and dance naked around the fire. Let her be free. Let her show you what she needs. 

In summation, this Full Moon offers us all a chance to feel released from the past and provides us with an opportunity to embrace a new direction for our lives. Uncertainty of where this path will lead is a given. Your job is to learn how to flow with the rhythm of these changes and feel the freedom that comes when you release your expectations and remain unattached to the outcome.

While we all might find ourselves caught in the unpredictability of change, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Taurus and the planet Venus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Libra - October 8, 2018

On Monday, October 8, 2018 (8:47 PM PST and 11:47 PM EST) the Moon begins its new cycle in the airy and charming sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony, is wired to see life from the others point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. Of course we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra refuses to take a stance. You see her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, is you happy. There’s just one problem, in her drive to please, she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants and so she becomes frozen by indecision.

So how does any of this relate to this New Moon? Well, it’s likely to emphasize our relationships, the things we value, and the things we desire most. But first we need to address Pluto making a challenging aspect to the Moon and then let’s add to the mix that Venus went retrograde in Scorpio on October 5th. In other words, this Libra Moon is carrying some intense Plutonian energy with it. Say what? Just imagine the dark depths of the unknown - That large abyss of what we can’t quite see, but we most certainly feel. You got it? Okay, now that you have a visual, I want you to picture yourself standing inside those depths with no flashlight, no match, and no spark. It’s just you and the unknown. Maybe this feels terrifying, or possibly a bit overwhelming, or even quite disorienting for you. If it does, here’s the thing: It’s supposed to. 

The Plutonian energy is asking us to dive deep into our unconscious – to see what we have buried and hidden within. If you need a clue: look to your projections. What do you want someone else to take responsibility for? Where are you casting blame? Or where do you desperately want to change someone? In other words, what is it that you don’t want to hold, to see, or to feel? Once you recognize what this is - Pluto is asking you to claim it. Claim your wound. Claim your fears. Claim your truth. And in doing so, you will also claim your power. This doesn’t require force, but it certainly requires you to look deeply into the mirror of your Self. Try to remember that owning what you see in your reflection – IS your power.

Be prepared: the shadow side of Libra might try to tempt you to stay in the place of indecision or to possibly find ways to cover up and package those messy depths with a pretty little bow. There’s nothing wrong with beauty, just make sure that this type of beauty runs more than surface deep. You also might need to be weary of others attempting to coerce or manipulate you with their glittering charm and pay particular attention if you notice any of these behaviors reflected in yourself. And if you do, ask: What is it that I am afraid to feel? What would it take for me to face it? How can I move towards acceptance instead of avoidance?

Here’s the thing: Venus is Libra’s ruler and since she’s retrograde in Scorpio for the next few weeks, I would suggest making sure you treat this planet as your psychopompus, your guide into the underworld. Maybe she wants to show you those places where you have hid behind relationships. Or maybe she wants to show you how you have valued a relationship over your Self. Maybe she wants to show you some of your destructive behaviors that keep you repeating the same patterns. Or maybe she wants to reveal to you those places you’ve started to doubt yourself. Maybe she wants to remind you of the people and things you most value. Maybe she wants you to see those parts of yourself you discarded long ago. Or maybe she wants you to literally return to a relationship to resolve the things that need some tying up. Or maybe she’s leading you into the depths to help you say goodbye. Whatever it might be: let her be your guide. While some strong emotions might appear, I assure you, her goal is to help you transform and to find the deeper truth of what you long for.

Don’t be surprised if the next few weeks feel like a never ending game of hide and seek. While you might begin to feel weary in your search, trust that this New Moon is asking you to step into the darkness and to move beyond what you think you know or don’t know. So follow Venus into the depths, let her show you a mirror of you, and while you’re there do your best to see your reflection “as is.” There might be some painful insights that you’ll need to move through and if you’re unsure on how to do this just start by putting one foot in front of the other. If necessary, find a therapist, or a healer, or an astrologer, or a deeply trusted friend to help you navigate these watery depths. It might feel uncomfortable at times, but we must remember that the only way out is through. Bottom line: Pluto is calling us to move through the depths so that we might be transformed. 

You’ve got this.

While we all might find ourselves in the depths of the underworld these next few weeks, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra and the planet Venus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aries - September 24, 2018

On Monday, September 24, 2018 (7:52 PM PST and 10:52 PM EST) the Full Moon shines in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the heart of the warrior. Her greatest strength is her determination. When she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” Aries knows what it means to push through and she certainly knows how to keep moving. She is wired for battle and rightly so, because instinctually she knows, she’s either going to be the hunter or the prey. And so what she’s really here to develop is a large dose of courage. Now since she’s always armed for battle her shadow can creep in if her energy isn’t dispersed in a constructive and helpful way. You’ll immediately know because she’ll appear like a loose cannon. In other words, she’s always on the attack and anyone who comes along her path will need to feel ready to defend his or herself. Does that sound a bit intense? Well, newsflash: she is. 

So what does this mean? As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Libra, the sign that wants peace and balance, and is wired for relationship while the Moon as we already discussed is set ablaze in the bold and daring sign of Aries. So on the one hand we can feel Libra calling for fairness and compromise while Aries is ready to claim what she wants for herself. Can you feel the tension? 

All of this Aries energy is going to be pushing you to move, to create something new, to take that leap of faith, to go for what you want, and to take that necessary action in your life. However, I need to mention that both the Sun and the Moon are making a harsh aspect to Saturn, the planet known for its limits, restrictions, and boundaries. So it might feel like someone has put a lid on all of this charged energy. In other words, this Full Moon offers us quite a serious and somber vibe. We must remember that serious isn’t bad. Sometimes it just requires more from us and so the key is to work hard inside the structures you find yourself in at this time. This might mean added responsibilities, some necessary limits or obstacles placed in your path, or even being told “no” when all you want to hear is “yes.” Just keep in mind that what appears to be a set back in the moment, might actually be something that helps strengthen who you are and what you really need in the long run. 

Here are a few questions you might like to reflect on: What blocks are surfacing at this time? What are these blocks/limits revealing about your life right now? What needs to change? What are some aspects or qualities about yourself that you feel need to be strengthened at this time? What is life asking of you right now? Where are you not listening? What’s another side to your story? 

Here’s the thing: Aries loves a challenge. And it’s likely that what you’re faced with right now might feel like an uphill battle, but the good news is that you have all the passion, drive, and fight inside you to get to the other side. Any resistance that you feel in the meantime is all part of it. While you might want to bulldoze through it maybe you could also stop and see what the resistance is all about. Maybe the “block” or the “obstacle” has something it would like to reveal to you. While you might be feeling that all you want to do is move ahead, the best thing you can actually do right now is to slow down and see what needs your attention. This is hard for Aries, but right now, I assure you, it’s necessary.

We also need to acknowledge Chiron’s placement as it joins the Moon and makes a square with Saturn. Chiron is associated with the archetype of the wounded healer. This suggests that we are likely to feel some wounds surface, but don't worry, they are present so that we might have the opportunity to heal them. We can either stay stuck in the suffering or do the hard work that requires us to take responsibility for our own pain even when we would prefer to throw it onto someone or something else. If you’re going to involve other people then it might be a good idea to ask for their perspective on what you’re struggling with at this time. Just make sure you are open to hearing the “other” side instead of only seeing life through your own eyes. Maybe connecting with others will help you feel less alone and isolated and maybe it will also help you see that there is more than one side to your story. But before you can see, you have to be willing to listen. 

While we all might feel the tension during this Full Moon between what we want and what we need another to help us see, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in our chart or if we have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Virgo - September 9, 2018


On Sunday, September 9, 2018 (11:02am PST and 2:02 PM EST) the moon begins its new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Virgo. The sign that is finely attuned to details, prefers order, and is all about precision. She is wired for service and what she does is also who she is and you’ll most likely recognize her for it, too. The key behind her work is that it must be meaningful to her. When she’s functioning at her best, she’s clear about who she is, what she does, where she’s going, and knows with unwavering clarity where her place is in the world. Her shadow creeps in through worrying, nitpicking, and scrutinizing over every little thing and every little detail. To put it simply, she’s been known at times to become a little obsessive. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon? Here’s a hint: A big emphasis over the next couple of weeks will be about finding some clarity. Here’s the interesting part, sometimes when we are in need of a vision things often feel even more unclear. If this is you, just relax, and know that what you’re looking for might not come from “out there” as much as from within. Virgo isn’t concerned with how things look, but rather how things work and the meaning behind them. So be sure you allow your self some time to be still and to find the meaning that lives underneath. If you don’t know where to start – begin with what appears to be out of focus. You don't need to change it just yet - just get clear on what appears blurry in your life. The good news is that Virgo has the potential to help us see who we really are and so there’s a good chance that our vision will naturally start to open. 

I should also mention that Mercury is in Virgo (Note: the ruler of Virgo is Mercury) and well truth be told when it’s in Virgo it has the ability to locate the flaws in well… everything. This doesn’t have to be a negative unless you let it. Of course there’s the potential to become overly critical and beat the self up with all the ways you might feel like you’re falling short. I’ll be blunt: don’t do that. The good news is that when it’s functioning at the highest it helps detangle or unlock anything that’s been holding you back. In other words, it offers you freedom in the purest sense. Oh, and Virgo likes to grow. So the best medicine for any unsettled idea, thought, or emotion is to find different ways to work on “bettering” yourself. This isn’t calling for your complete perfection, but rather a deep acceptance of who you are and what you’re here to do. It might even help you become more focused with what you want or need to accomplish.

Sitting in direct opposition to this New Moon, we find Neptune swimming in Pisces. This simply reminds us to not fall for any illusions. If you can’t step into it and feel it’s realness whatever it might be, then it’s really only a mirage. You can always test an illusion by trying to lean into it. Just remember an illusion can’t hold you. On the high end, Neptune might be there to help you connect more compassionately, and deeply to your imagination. This might awaken something that’s been waiting and wanting to come to life. Since Neptune can be rather slippery, we must remember that there’s a fine line between deception and inspiration. We must learn how to discern the difference. Virgo helps with this and reminds us to put things through the test so we might find out what or who will last. 

I’d like to add that this New Moon is making a helpful aspect to Jupiter in Scorpio and also to Pluto in Capricorn. Since Jupiter is about expansion, abundance, and faith, there’s a good chance that what you are or have been working on is ready to open up to its full potential. Pluto is associated with death and rebirth and a very close encounter with an “in your face” kind of truth. Since it’s a supportive aspect we can trust that whatever has been holding you back these last few months is now ready to become uncovered and transformed. And you might even find that secrets become known and it's quite possible that lies become revealed. Since we’re still talking about Pluto, we need to remember that it does require some deep, honest, and intense reflecting. In other words, it will be important that you claim your truth.

One last thing to keep in mind, Venus is moving into Scorpio and will stay here until January 2019. Let’s be honest Scorpio can be a little too intense for miss Venus and when she starts to retrograde expect a lot to become uncovered or unraveled in your relationships. 

So with this New Moon practice radical self-care, give yourself a break, and find ways to accept who you are, where you are, and where you are going. Don’t be afraid to dive in deep and make the necessary changes that push you further into your full potential. At the very least - be prepared to be the one who “sees” your beauty, flaws and all, and remember you are here to become not arrive. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to see the details and become more clear on what we are here to do, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Virgo. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Pisces - August 26, 2018

On Sunday, August 26th, 2018 (4:56am PST and 7:56am EST), the Full Moon glows in the fluid and watery sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to speak in metaphors, connects with images, andcalls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. And oh, let me tell you, not only does she sense your feelings, she feels them as if they were her own. You’ll recognize her for her compassion and her gentle spirit that knows no barriers because all of life flows together as one. Some might call her a mystic, others a poet, and still others may see her as a dreamer. Her deepest treasure is her inner world and oh does that world seethe with life. 

Of course there’s always a shadow and Since Pisces is often without edges, it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift. Sometimes this means she’s simply going through the motions and if this continues for too long then it’s easy for her becomes trapped inside her story. If this happens it’s only a matter of time befor she’ll forget how to live or engage with her life out loud. The world out there becomes too much and so she does what she does best– she escapes and finds a way to numb herself or at the very least she’ll disconnect.

So what’s happening with this Full Moon? First let’s just acknowledge that we’ve made it through three eclipses in addition to Mars and Mercury being in retrograde. Phew! That’s a lot. It’s safe to say it’s been quite intense these past few months. It’s likely you experienced frustrations brewing from all the setbacks and challenges you encountered. Luckily this Full Moon in Pisces brings us all some much needed relief. You might even find that resolutions to these struggles have already started to appear. If this is the case, allow yourself to celebrate the shift and enjoy the moment for what it is. Since it’s Pisces energy make sure you turn deeply within to see what visions might want to present themselves to you. This can happen in your waking world or even through your dreams. The art is in learning how to pay attention to them so that these images can pass on their messages to us.

I’d also like to mention that this Full Moon is making a Grand Earth Trine with the Sun in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus. So while the Pisces energy may want to pull you deep into the land of your imagination, there’s also a strong current that is calling you to put your imagination into something practical. Allow yourself to fall deeply into the action of creating something new for your life that is fueled by your passion. Whether this is a project, a ritual, a new job, or even a new idea - the time is right for you to dive in wholeheartedly so that you might see it to completion. Luckily there’s more good news: On August 27thMars is finally stationing direct in Capricorn and this will give an added boost to your workflow and assist you with your drive to create something tangible, concrete, and real over the next couple of weeks. Here’s the catch though – since it’s Pisces energy we also must be mindful about using work as an escape.

Additionally, Venus is in Libra and it’s making a harsh aspect to Pluto in Capricorn. This has the potential to stir up some intense feelings inside your relationships. It would be wise at this time to remain as clear as possible in your connections to others and be weary of situations that might call on you to compromise your integrity. Hint: stay close to your truth even if it means you might lose something in the process. Your authenticity in these moments is truly the key to your freedom and healing. 

If you’d like some promptings for this Full Moon ask yourself: What is my inner world requiring me to see right now? What dreams and images are stirring within my soul? What would it look like to put these dreams into action? Is there anything in my life that needs some resolution? What would I like to create? What would I like to celebrate in my life? Are there any relationships where I am hiding my authentic self? 

So with this Full Moon step into your dreams, play in your imagination, and find ways to bring these dreams into a tangible expression. Give yourself wholeheartedly to a project that lives close to your heart and make sure you create some moments that honor and celebrate everything you’ve been through this year. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to go within and create something newwe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo - August 11, 2018


On Saturday August 11, 2018 (2:58 AM PST and 5:58 am EST) the New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse begins its new cycle in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. She isn’t here to hide and she knows she has something to share with the world. She’s dramatic, she sees life as a stage and isn’t satisfied without an audience. She knows she’s here to be seen and so she makes sure she does everything with style. She performs not as an act to hide behind, but as a way to show and develop who she is. Some of us feel at home in Leo territory while others may want to run for cover. Leo’s shadow comes out when she becomes overly focused on herself and can only see a “me, me, me” take on life. If she’s consumed with herself then her child like energy turns into childish behavior and well, that’s not fun for anyone. One thing is for sure, with the New Moon in Leo, I’m certain you will feel the urge to: EXPRESS.

First I’d like to mention that this is the last of the Solar Eclipses in Leofor quite some time. The first of the Leo Eclipses occurred in February 2017 and the last will be a Lunar Eclipse this upcoming January, but after that it will move on to a new sign. Take a moment and reflect upon everything you’ve created over the last year and a half.I wouldn’t be surprised if you saw more of your gifts come to the forefront or maybe you became more aware of what in you needs an outlet for expression. 

This New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse occurs while Mercury and Mars are still retrograde along with four other planets and five if we include Chiron (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and the comet Chiron all retrograde right now). You can thank Mercury for any delays, detours, or setbacks you might have encountered.You can also thank her for any technical problems, miscommunication, or visits from your past. You can thank Mars for leaving the gas tank a little empty and possibly making it harder for you to accomplish the things you would like to see happen at this time. I promise these planets aren’t here to bully you. They are actually trying to help you get clear about where you are headed and what is needed from you.They are slowing things down quite a bit so that you can see the parts to your life that might have otherwise been overlooked. Sometimes taking a few steps back eventually helps you move forward. Yes, it’s that old clichéd line – but it’s true. Just to reiterate: Retrograde is really a time of reflection and making sure the things you need are in their right place. It’s almost like a test to see if what you’ve created will really hold over time. So if there are any loose ends you need to tie up –get to it.

So what is this New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse all about? In one word: Visibility. She’s urging us to step into the spotlight and embrace our creativity. What she wants you to receive is appreciation, attention, and love. The healthy kind will help you become more of who you are and others will recognize you for all the ways in which you shine while the destructive kind will pull you deep into your ego where all you can see is you you you. Now if I were you I would pay particular attention to the shadow aspects because this is a partial Solar Eclipse and so it pulls us into the dark for a moment. Since it’s in Leo (and it’s ruler is the sun) it might appear right now as an “I want I want I want” instead of “I create I create I create.” Here’s a hint – if you get stuck in the “I wants” then find a way to create something.

Since Mercury retrograde is cozied up to this New Moon it would be wise for us to take note of that critical voice that comes either from within or from a friend. Or maybe you need to fine-tune some agreements or a contract you are about to sign. Just remember the critic isn’t bad unless we let it be. It’s ultimately here to help us catch something that would otherwise go unnoticed. Sobe prepared to check things twiceor maybe even three or four times before you sign on the dotted line. Retrograde can also symbolize visits from our past or even possibly the clearing out of “things.”

Here are some promptings for this New Moon: What would it take for me to shine?Where would I like to express myself more? What areas of my life need more clarity? What does the path forward need from me?Is there something I need to pay more attention to or look over before proceeding forward? What/Where are the loose ends in my life?

So with this Eclipse remind yourself of all the things that make you come alivefor that is the key behind almost everything. Embrace joy, expand your faith, believe in yourself, dance in your creativity, play from your soul, and let yourself be drawn into the things that make you feel the rhythm of your own heartbeat. Who knows maybe something new might want to appear for you over the next few weeks, but first you have to give it some room to move. You don’t have to have it all figured out, but it might help if youfind ways to say YES. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse to express who we are, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Leo and a few of the planets. Neither the sign nor the planet are gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter



On Friday, July 27, 2018 (1:20 pm PST and 4:20 PM EST) The Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse falls in the rebellious and revolutionary sign of Aquarius, the sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, carves out her own path, and isn’t afraid of being called weird. She’s different, quirky, and carries the archetype of the genius. She isn’t afraid to color outside the lines and feels even more at home when she does. You might think she’s a little odd at times and the truth is - she’s supposed to be. Her shadow is her stubbornness. She’s equipped to be unique, but if she begins to conform to a predictable life, you can be certain she’ll not only lose her freedom, but also her soul. 

So let’s talk about this Full Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse. First, unless you are in the Middle East, parts of Africa, Central Asia, and Antarctica, don’t expect to witness this magical event. However, whether we can see it or not, we will all have the opportunity to feel and experience the energy as it moves into Totality and then back out of it. 

How is this Eclipse energy different from a Full Moon? A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth is positioned exactly between the Moon and the Sun, and so for a time being (1 hour and 42 minutes in this case – the longest totality for the 21st century) the moon has no light reflecting on her and so she disappears as if she’s in a brilliant game of hide and seek. An Eclipse is all about a pathway, or a portal if you will, and the theme is always about change. 

In many ways it is the universe’s way of getting us to pay attention to areas in our life that are in some desperate need of renovation. It can show up in the form of creation or destruction depending on your situation. Just remember that endings are also usually accompanied with beginnings. Of course with Lunar Eclipses, the hidden things can shake us up, uproot us, catch us off guard, surprise us and thrill us to our bones. They can bring news of life’s big events, mark a turning point in our lives, and they are almost always emotional. After all, the dramatic tends to get our attention.

Now this Lunar Eclipse is greatly impacted by Mars, the planet associated with war, intensity, the warrior, and courage. It can also create destruction, passion, tension, and strife. I should also mention that Mars is retrograde and making a challenging aspect to Uranus. In other words, picture some intense, unexpected, explosive energy. Maybe even some resentment or frustration to bubble up, and certainly some unresolved conflicts reappearing or at least a conversation about them. Or maybe you are purging the past and clearing out old outdated ways of being, or maybe you need to cut chords with a person, or even things. Or maybe there could also be some confrontations that surface due to limits in your freedom or some loss of individuality. Be warned: pushing others or even yourself passed your boundaries might produce some unnecessary battle wounds. Practice stepping back from reactions and see if you can embrace any dramatic shift with some cool reason and logic. 

Since Mars is linked closely to the SN we can expect some of our old karmic patterns to reveal themselves in some dynamic and dramatic ways. If there’s something that’s been bottled up, there’s a good chance it comes to a head with this Eclipse. Maybe you’ve squashed your authentic self and have felt trapped inside what others expect you to be. Maybe it’s time for you to claim your authenticity and create your own heartbeat and rhythm to your life. Maybe something you've struggled with for months is ready to come to a close.

If you'd like some promptings: Ask yourself, where do I need to stand up for myself? Where do I need a breakthrough? Where have I been compromising myself? Are there any outdated patterns that I need to let go? If so, name them and then release them through a ritual. And if you need some courage, there’s a large dose of it readily available, all you have to do is claim it. 

A quick reminder: healthy boundaries can create greater freedom and clarity. Also remember that sometimes saying goodbye is in the highest good for all involved. The good news, Eclipses are also magical and for this one the path forward involves the North Node and the Sun in Leo. Cue authentic expression, boldness, and being seen. This isn’t just about you being unique and claiming your individuality though - it’s about you claiming your place in the world and allowing the inevitable changes to boldly move you into a higher vibration for your life. If we look at it that way - I'd say that sounds pretty cool. 

Lastly, I want to remind you that in whatever way this Eclipse chooses to visit you, it’s ultimately about breakthrough and change and it's offering you a beautiful opportunity to move out from the places you’ve felt stuck, trapped, and hindered for quite some time. In other words, let the changes - change you. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse to embrace some much needed change,we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Cancer/Partial Solar Eclipse – July 12, 2018


On Thursday, July 12, 2018 (7:48 PM PST and 10:48 PM EST) the New Moon begins its cycle in the watery and healing sign of Cancer. The sign that is attuned to nurturing, senses everything deeply within, and sees the world colored with feelings. She’s fluent in emotions and intuitively knows how to make you feel safe and protected. Imagine a den, a womb, a cave, or even a bubble bath or maybe even imagine that you are cozied up under a pile of blankets. Can you feel it? It’s a place where you can sink into your skin and be whatever you need to be. You can fall apart, fall asleep, or fall into the moment of your inner world. You see it doesn’t matter what you say, what you do, or what you feel because everything you express is safe here. No judgment. No fear. Only acceptance of what is. I guarantee that She’ll see your vulnerability and she’ll protect it with her life. This is Cancer. She is home. She is comfort. She is compassion, trust, and pure acceptance.

If you’re wondering where her shadow might appear- it’s when she clings too tightly to her role as nurturer. You see in this role she’s placed a spotlight on everyone else’s needs. This leaves her feeling safe, but it also leaves her feeling unknown and trapped inside her world. There’s a good chance she could live her life without anyone ever knowing who she is or what she likes or doesn’t like. To you, she is her shell, but she knows she's so much more than that. Can you feel her loneliness? The trick for her is to learn how to shed this shell and reveal her self – feelings and all

Now this particular New Moon will be a partial solar eclipse and it also marks the beginning of the final eclipse season for 2018. And while this eclipse wouldn’t be anything flashy on it’s own, we only have to look across the way to find Pluto in almost exact opposition. Over these next two weeks be prepared for some wild and powerful feelings to emerge. We’ll most likely experience our vulnerabilities exposed, our emotions turned up on high, and possibly even a desire to run for cover. The catch. There’s no avoiding with Pluto. So if you can’t run from your feelings, the best thing to do is to express and feel them. Breathe, and try to trust that this is all part of your process. There’s a good chance that any emotions you've buried deep down have now reached a point where they must be revealed. Sometimes this comes with some deep-seated pain, but ultimately, if we face it, we’ll begin to feel more empowered and alive. 

The bad news: there might be a monster lurking under your bed. The good news: once you face it, it tends to lose its power and in time you might just find that this monster is no longer a monster at all. In the meantime this probably doesn’t sound like too much fun and you'd probably prefer to hit the fast forward button. Just keep in mind that Mars is in retrograde and while you might want things to move forward quickly, the energy doesn’t support this. Instead, you are best served if you use this time to reflect on your needs and pay close attention to how you choose to respond to any unpleasant situations. Here's some more good news. This New Moon forms a  Grand Water Trine with Sun/Moon in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio and this will help you to surrender to these intense emotions and to let go of whatever it is you need to let go. 

If you need some promptings, ask yourself: Is there something I've been afraid to face? What do I need to feel? What have I been afraid to feel? What do I need to express? Is there an area of my life that feels unresolved? What am I hiding from? How have I felt invisible in my world? What truths do I need to claim? What would it look like to stand my ground?

Here’s a secret: When Pluto is honored in your life you’ll start to feel more empowered. Pluto likes truth, especially the hard truths. So find your courage, feel what you need to feel, open your eyes wide and look the monster in the eyes. Allow anything unresolved in your heart to seep up to the surface. Find that safe place where you can feel what you need to feel, cry what you need to cry, and even yell what you need to yell. There's power in claiming the truth of what you feel. So step into it and don't be afraid to lean all the way in. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to feel some deep seated emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Capricorn - June 27th/28th


On June 27th/28th (9:53 PM PST and 12:53 AM EST), the full moon glows in the sturdy and earthy sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. I’ll also add that she’s not easily distracted, craves solitude like no other, values integrity above all else and when she’s functioning at her highest- she carries the archetype of the wise elder. At her worst, she becomes rigid, demanding, and controlling. If she ever turns to approval from others, it’s likely that she’ll begin to lose clarity about herself and end up a prisoner to her success. If this happens then no matter what she does, nothing will ever quite seem like it’s enough.

For this Full Moon, I’d like to mention that Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is hanging out very close by and is asking us to step up to the plate and not be afraid to do the hard work. With this alignment there could be some challenging situations that surface in your life whether with family, work, or relationships, but before you start to feel panicked just keep in mind that there’s a good chance that it probably feels worse than it actually is. So step back and try to get some clarity. Remember that Saturn is here to help us mature and this often happens through some necessary lessons. Sometimes lessons are difficult and at times they can be painful ones to learn, but if you can take some time during this Full Moon to be in solitude, then you’ll likely be able to listen to the voice within. 

You might even find a tremendous amount of wisdom and insight available to you if you allow yourself some solace. The key is that you must take some time to listen, to deeply listen. Meaning that it’s time for you to sit in stillness, to sit in the company of your own self without any distractions. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself feeling a bit more serious than you might be used to and there’s also a chance that some restrictions, fears, or sadness might try to creep in. If this happens, allow the emotion to come and then take responsibility for what’s yours and release what no longer serves you. Yes, it really can be that simple. It’s as simple and as difficult as we make it. 

We should also pay attention to Chiron, the comet associated with the archetype of the wounded healer, who is making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon and Saturn. In many ways Chiron is inviting us to visit those places where we have felt the most wounded. Those places within that we might pretend don’t exist, or the places within that we readily try to push down and hide from others, or even the place that holds the deepest parts of our pain. No matter how much this part has remained hidden in the past, now due to Chiron forming this aspect, it’s likely that these wounds will be triggered and made more visible. This isn’t to punish or harm you, but to offer you an opportunity for healing, transformation, and change. But nothing can be transformed without first clearly seeing, accepting, and taking responsibility for what stands before you. Here’s a little secret – This is not the time to run, resist, or avoid, but rather it’s the time to get serious about facing the reality of your wounds. It’s time to work hard to uncover whatever has been holding you back. 

The good news is that Uranus is making a positive aspect to Saturn and the Full Moon so this might ignite some unexpected opportunities and could even offer you an experience with some necessary breakthroughs. Now I should warn you that Saturn is retrograde, so while there is this positive energy flowing between these planets, you might have to work really hard to see some of these changes come into fruition. In other words, it involves your active participation. 

If any of this feels discouraging just know that there will be a Water Grand Trine involving the Sun, Jupiter, and Neptune that starts to form during the first week of July. This will hopefully alleviate some of the intensity from this Full Moon and it may even open up some exciting new possibilities for you. So for now, do the hard work and if something gets triggered in you, step back and without reacting look for the wound that lives underneath. This will give you all the clues you’ll need, as we enter into the eclipses next month.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to take some time in solitude and engage in some hard work, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Capricorn. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Gemini - June 13, 2018


On Wednesday, June 13th, 2018 (12:44pm PST and 3:44pm EST) the New Moon/Supermoon begins its cycle in the curious and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is here to see and absorb everything she can, the sign that desires to know more than she does, and embraces confusion and mystery as the signatures for her life. Let’s be clear, she’s not here to make up her mind, she’s here to fill it with all the colors of possibility. Ideas? She has plenty. She carries a childlike wonder that marvels at everything and she’s not afraid to move a million miles an hour, in fact, she can’t help it, and if there’s one word she can’t tolerate, it’s boredom. For her, there’s always something new, always something bright, always something just around the corner. To tell her there isn’t, well I guarantee she’ll prove you wrong. Her shadow might come out if you show her a truth she doesn’t want to see. Be warned: she can spin any story, any line, and any truth all without telling a lie, because for her, words are her greatest arsenal. So whether you’re right or she’s right, in an argument, you’ve likely met your match. Not to mention that with all that mind chatter, if she doesn’t seek release then it’s likely that tension will build and this will leave here in a state of complete emotional exhaustion. Ugh.

So what might this mean for you during this New Moon? It could be a time to fill your mind with some new ideas, or maybe you become more curious in any areas you might have felt stuck or labeled, and it could also be a time that you allow yourself to be captured by the wonder of this world. Another perspective might suggest that confusion has come over you and you really aren’t sure what to think – about anything. The theme is your perception and whether this is highlighted through dialogues or curious inquiries, it is likely that your mind will be active. With all this mind activity being stimulated make sure you find a release. Go exercise, talk with a friend, learn something new, be curios, go for a walk, play some tennis – just allow yourself some space and maybe even some quiet. Refrain from any sweeping claims and if all else fails, ask questions. 

Speaking of questions, during this New Moon you might want to ask: Where could I become more curious in my life? Is there any area of my life where I feel confused? Is there something new I’d like to try? Need to try? What would help me release some of the stress I’ve been holding? Is there someone I need to talk to? Is there something that I need to share? Is there something in my current world that I need to reframe? 

Now Gemini likes facts, and she will ask you to pay more attention to the information that is present rather than any opinions you or others might have about a certain topic or idea. However, since the ruler of Gemini is Mercury, and right now Mercury is in the sign of Cancer, which is the ruler of the Moon, we might conclude that this New Moon is softer than the usual Gemini energy we’re used to. This Gemini New Moon will want you to consider your feelings inside the facts. Say what? Basically, it’s time to show some emotional intelligence and you might find it easier than usual to access empathy in your conversations. The only catch is with empathy comes vulnerability and if we are left wide open, we might also become more defensive and quick to hurt or push others away with our words. During this time you might also want to consider if there are any changes you need to make in your commitments. Consider what might give you more freedom to express your truth. 

Neptune does make a very very wide square to Neptune in Pisces. The only caution here would be to not become disillusioned by any information that comes to us at this time. Remember: everything might not be as it seems and that everything you hear might not be the truth. However, with the lack of true aspects to this New Moon, expect the messages that come your way to be almost crystal clear.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to engage in some new ideas, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Gemini. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Sagittarius - May 29, 2018


On Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 (7:19 am PST and 10:19 am EST) the Full Moon glows in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, carries an incredibly large dose of optimism, and is open to the more that exists behind and within every moment. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, sees life as a quest, and feels compelled to question her existence and everyone else’s, too. At her core, she believes anything is possible, relies on freedom, and when she is functioning at her best she is motivated to experience all that life has to offer. 

Her ultimate purpose is to seek after the meaning of life, and to find TRUTH in everything. Yet to arrive at a final truth means ending the quest and let’s be honest, if this actually happens then Sagittarius will cease to be a Sagittarius. In other words, the quest itself is the key for truth, not the arrival. The shadow can be felt in the “too muchness” of this sign. Faith and optimism are a tremendous gift, but sometimes this can blind us from seeing what really exists. This could lead to make some poor judgments that only gets us into a lot of trouble. Keep in mind that when Sagittarian energy is present, we must also hold the idea that life is fleeting. So while there is adventure and new life around every corner, so is the fragility of life. We must hold both of these ideas closely without needing to claim one or the other as the only truth.

So what does all this mean for this Full Moon? Well, it’s likely that this energy wants to expand your world. For some of us that will sound freeing and we’ll respond with a resounding “yes, please” and yet others of us might feel, “please, no more, I need things to slow down.” However, with this Full Moon connected to Mars, the planet that is associated with the warrior, we can expect this lunar energy to give us that extra bit of boldness and drive us further into the more of what our heart needs to experience. Another way to look at this is that maybe a “big picture” for our life is starting to become clearer, but even if it appears crystal clear, we need to not be afraid to ask the question – is this really the path I want to follow? You can also ask yourself: Where has my life felt too small? Where can I add some curiosity to my life? Where could I use more boldness in my life? Where can I choose to take some necessary risks? Where have I been overextending myself? What is my current quest?

I’d also like to add that this Full Moon is accompanied by a Water Grand Trine with Venus in Cancer, Jupiter (the ruler of Sagittarius) in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces. With all this water energy being emphasized, we can absolutely expect some increased emotional and psychic connectivity spilling over into our world. To put it simply, your feelings might FEEL more exposed and your sensitivity to life and your inner world will be turned up on high. These are also moments where we might see synchronicities increase, your dreams and imagination could feel more activated than usual, and you might find that your intuition is dialed up quite a bit more. There’s a purpose for this Grand Trine energy that connects to your soul’s evolution, so pay attention to what arises in and around you. And while you do that keep in mind that the shadow of Sagittarius will rear its head if you claim what you experience as “THE way” or the “ONLY way to be.” 

With this Full Moon, we need to consider that the sun is in Gemini and that Mercury will soon be entering this sign. This Gemini energy reminds us to stay open to possibilities, to double check information we acquire, and to keep our eyes peeled so that we don’t blindly step into trouble due to our overzealous optimism. This is a time to stay curious and remain open to what you think you know just as much as you need to remain open to what you don’t know. In these next few days take that leap of faith, and move towards anything that will expand your world, and stay present in the quest without needing to claim your arrival.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to boldly embrace our greater quest, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Taurus - May 15, 2018


On Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 (4:48am PST and 7:48am EST) the moon begins its new cycle in the aesthetically pleasing and peaceful sign of Taurus. The sign that delights in her senses and finds fulfillment in the simple pleasures of the world. She’s the sign that must feel the earth beneath her feet and longs to smell each rose blooming in the garden. She’ll intentionally walk by the water at moonlight simply to see the soft glow ripple across the water and while she’s there, she’ll love the feeling of the night air caressing her skin, oh and I’m quite certain she’ll soak up the sound of the waves breaking in the distance. Can you tell how much she uses her senses to crawl into the crevices of life? 

She’ll gladly cozy up next to you on the couch and take her time in showing you how much she loves the feel of skin to skin because she thrives when she feels the texture of her surroundings. She’ll savor every bite of her meal, and appreciates the ambiance of a place just as much as the taste of her food. She isn’t here to talk or dissect the complexities of life, but she’s most certainly here to awaken her senses to what is real. She knows with ease that words aren’t needed to fill the spaces and that stillness is what offers the enjoyment of a moment. To put it simply, Taurus is here to experience serenity and know the pulse of peace. 

I’ll also add that Taurus enjoys the comfort of the material world and while comfort might bring security, this same comfort can also smother and suffocate her into a life of monotonous routine that needs “things” to bring her joy. This shadow side seeps in when Taurus confuses these things in the outer world as a means to provide her with some inner peace. If this happens, her enjoyment is sacrificed and what she thought she once possessed now possesses her. If this becomes her truth, then it is only a matter of time until she becomes stuck inside her own boredom of predictable stability. The tricky thing for Taurus is that while she’s determined, she can also be incredibly stubborn and this means if she doesn’t feel resolved to change, then she most definitely won’t. If this becomes her story, it’s very likely that she’ll lose her peace.

So what does this mean for this New Moon? Take some time to center in your body, find what calms you and before you take action make sure you ground yourself in the present moment. You can do this by placing your hand on your chest and allowing yourself to literally feel the beat of your heart. You could also take a walk outside and allow silence to fill the spaces. Use your senses to listen to the world outside of you and don’t be afraid to go and do something that allows you to truly savor the moment. If you need some promptings ask yourself: Where have I not allowed myself enjoyment? What does my body long to feel? When is the last time I felt the ground beneath my feet? What is the texture of my life? How can I climb inside of this texture, so I can feel it? What can I create with my hands? This New Moon isn’t about too much pondering though, so feel these questions and then and go and be in the movement of your body. 

I’d also like to add that Uranus is moving into Taurus a few hours after this New Moon and then not too long after that Mars will be move into the sign of Aquarius (whose ruler is Uranus). While some of you might find these shifts freeing others of you might find you want to cling to your old and familiar comforts. Regardless of your response, it’s quite obvious that change is in the air and it’s up to you in terms of how you want to handle it. Not only are these two planets shifting energy they will also be making a challenging aspect to one another. With this powerful formation, we might conclude that something radical, erratic, spontaneous, and impulsive might want to free you from the monotonous cycle of the predictable routine you’ve been living. So ready or not, change is most definitely coming. 

I’ll leave you with this: If your natural response is to resist change, then maybe with this New Moon, see if you can trust the process that is unfolding before you. Maybe you’ll find an area of your life that you’ve neglected for far too long and now it’s screaming for you to feel it through your senses. I should also mention that Jupiter is in a wide opposition to this New Moon and will most likely fill this energy with some added faith and abundance. This might be exactly what you need to help you extend your playground beyond the edges of what you’ve always known. Since we are dealing with Taurus, I’ll caution you that not all that glitters is gold. In other words, be mindful of over indulging or getting lost in the pleasures of the world. If all else fails, simply go outside and marvel at the magiKal world we live in and remember: peace is always available to you, even in your darkest hours.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to open up to our senses, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Taurus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 29, 2018


On Sunday, April 29th, 2018 (5:58 PM PST and 8:58 EST), the Full Moon glows in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that is here to make the unconscious conscious, the sign that lives in the depths, and is quite fluent in the language of death and rebirth. Scorpio energy knows how to feel, she knows how to penetrate your soul and pull back the veil on your inner most secrets. She is wired to look deeply, and she needs truth almost as much as the air she breathes. I’m not talking about a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather the truth of a moment, the truth of what it exists, and the truth of who you are. She’s concerned with what’s real and if you lie to her, it’s sure to bring out the scorpions from within. We wouldn’t want that, would we?

So what does all this mean for this Full Moon? It’s likely that emotions intensify, the truth is exposed, and there might be a drive to connect more deeply, claim your power, and open to that which is ready for you to transform. I mean that doesn’t sound too bad, does it? And yet sometimes the truth can be scary, sometimes it feels like too much to hold, and sometimes the truth causes us to hide. Scorpio is asking you to take a deep dive within and claim what is real for yourself. She’s asking you to peel back the layers so that you can see your life more clearly. If you hide from your truth, you can be sure those fears lurking in the depths will eventually come to drag you down or even worse they will spill out sideways onto others. And let’s be honest, if that happens things are going to get quite messy real fast. 

This Scorpio Moon and Taurus Sun are making a harsh aspect with the nodes of the moon in Leo and Aquarius and this might suggest that you feel a longing to be seen and yet also terrified of what that might mean. Here's a hint, with this aspect allow yourself the freedom to express. Don't hold back. To bear one’s soul in the face of another is powerful and yet it’s also completely vulnerable. The key is to remember that the other person doesn’t hold the power of who you are unless you let them. If someone doesn’t feel safe enough for you to reveal your truth, then maybe that someone isn’t part of your soul tribe. 

So maybe ask yourself some of these questions. What are the parts of me that I’ve been too afraid to share? Who are the ones that I can trust with my soul? What would it take for me to show you all of me? What am I hiding even from myself? What it would look like for someone to fully see me? How might I make the invisible visible? Transformation occurs when we can first accept what is present. So sit with these questions. Feel them. Learn them. Know them. Embrace them and instead of trying to answer them, live them. 

The good news is that this Full Moon makes a friendly connection to Saturn, the planet of discipline, hard work, limits, and lessons, so it will help you feel more grounded. It will offer you an opportunity to stand firmly in the truth of who you are and that is most definitely something worth claiming. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to look deeply within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Aries - April 15, 2018


On Sunday, April 15, 2018 (6:57pm PST and 9:57pm EST), the moon begins its new cycle in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the heart of the warrior. She’s determined. She knows how to go after what she wants and when she’s told “no” in response, she only hears “find another way.” Aries knows what it means to push through. She knows how to keep moving. You see Aries is wired for battle and rightly so, because what she’s really here to develop is a large dose of courage. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon? First I need to mention that the quirky and rebellious planet Uranus has been hanging out in Aries for quite some time now and this New Moon just so happens to make a very close alignment to this unpredictable energy. So what happens when we put Uranus, the Sun, and the Moon all cozied up in the intense sign of Aries? Imagine pure instinctual wildness with a large splash of bold and daring. Since a New Moon is about beginnings, and it’s clear that something powerful has been stirring in the air, I’d say get ready for some unbridled action to occur. In other words, buckle up. It seems we’re in for a ride. To where, you might ask? With Uranus, the answer is simple – we aren’t supposed to know. 

Instead ask yourself: What do you want? No, really, what do you want? If the answer feels like an automatic response, it probably is. So ask your self again, what do I want? Not the should want or the expected want, but the deep down intense thirsting for life kind of “What do I want?” Maybe you really don’t know the answer to that, but I’m going to guess and say, however you’ve trained yourself to respond, maybe it’s time for a change. So now let me ask, is there something you’d like to change? Is there something you feel that you need to do differently? And since we’re here, where would you like to see a breakthrough in your life?

This brings us to Mercury. As I’m sure you know, it’s been retrograde these last three weeks and it finally stations direct on April 15th. Mercury is about communication, our thoughts patterns, and the way in which we perceive our world. It’s highly possible that over the past three weeks you experienced some extra delays, frustrating miscommunication, some technological glitches and mishaps or even found some of your plans were derailed or placed on hold. This wasn’t to punish you, but disruptions often have the effect of slowing us down. When we slow down it's easier to see what’s been going on underneath the covers. During Mercury retrograde, you were offered an opportunity to reflect. And now you’re faced with this New Moon that’s sitting right next to the unpredictable planet Uranus. It seems pretty clear that something is trying to break free and if you haven’t figured it out, your old patterns are no longer serving you. 

I’ll leave you with this: Remember, Aries is here to develop courage. So with this New Moon, step into your skin and claim your courage. Go after what you want. Yes, really. Go after what your soul really wants. Allow Mercury to guide you and give you some clarity. While there’s a very good chance you’ll see fear staring back at you. Let it. And then look it in the eyes and thank it for fueling you towards creating something new. If you attempt to resist this new energy that’s bursting into action, then you are quite possibly up for some serious discomfort. So ready or not, this New Moon is set in motion and how you respond to it, is up to you. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to take some action, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Libra - March 31st, 2018


On Saturday, March 31st, 2018 (5:38am PST and 8:38am EST), the Full Moon that also happens to be a Blue Moon glows in the airy and tranquil sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, craves harmony, is wired to see life from the others point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. She doesn’t care if someone is right or the other is wrong, because she’s not concerned with the truth. If you haven’t figured it out what she cares most about IS the relationship. You see she values connection more than anything. She’ll even sacrifice her own truth if it makes you happy. In many ways Libra acts as a bridge. She sees the other, responds to the other and if necessary, she becomes the other. Since she carries the weight of all these sides, she sometimes feels the chaos bubbling up within. And when she feels the pulse of chaos, her truth is that she needs to calm down. Maybe that’s why she also has a love for creating and a deep appreciation for beauty. I mean let’s be honest, there’s nothing like a little art to calm the soul down. 

Of course we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra doesn’t take a side, she doesn't take a stance, and in fact she refuses to at all costs. To put it mildly - She avoids. Sometimes the easiest way to hide is to focus on the other. Sure she can plaster on a smile at a moments notice and she most certainly knows exactly what it is you want to hear. Her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, is you happy. There’s just one problem, in her drive to please, she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants and so she becomes frozen by indecision – also known as, another way for her to hide. 

Okay so now we know the energy of Libra, but what does this all mean for this Full Moon? I’m sure you can guess there’s an emphasis on relationships, connections, partnerships, and any agreements or contracts you’ve made with others. This is most certainly true, but we also need to pay attention to Mars and Saturn, who are hanging out with each other in the sign of Capricorn and making a harsh angle to this Full Moon energy. This might provide a challenge and stir up some confrontation not just with others, but also within your SELF. 

During this Full Moon don’t be afraid to look within to see how you are showing up in your relationships. Like pull out the mirror and look into your own soul type of reflection. Pause. Go look in the mirror. No, really. Go look. What do you see? Who do you see? Maybe the bigger question is- who is looking back at you? If you can’t see yourself clearly then look to your relationships –What does the relationship say about you? Dig in deep and ask- is there anything I’m projecting onto others? If you still can't see - ask your partner and then listen without defending. Just listen. 

Of course we also need to cast our gaze towards Mercury, the planet of communication, thought, and perception that is currently colored by the energy of Aries (read: fiery and passionate and full of flare) and is directly opposing this Full Moon. Oh, and Wait. One. More. Thing. Mercury is also in retrograde. Yep. It’s that time of year. So be ready for anything that has felt unresolved in your partnerships because I wouldn’t be surprised at all if old conflicts or disagreements resurface at this time. Is there a familiar pattern you find yourself playing out? Pay special close attention to your thoughts and the words you use when you’re expressing yourself. Don’t forget that communication also includes all those words that have remained unsaid.

If you felt yourself cringe a little. I completely understand. This Full Moon sounds like it’s arriving with quite a bit of baggage. Just remember you can choose to carry it with you wherever you go, or you can unpack it and figure out what needs to be released -  or in this case – what needs to be said. One thing is for certain, if you continue to hold on and keep it to yourself, then I have no doubt that the heaviness will keep weighing you down. 

So I bet your wondering how to navigate the energy during this weighty Full Moon. Well, you always have a choice, and Libra is here to remind you of the different points of view, but if you’re longing to feel some peace, then you might have to go through the fire. To say it more simply, you might have to face what you would rather avoid. The beauty in this approach is that unresolved issues can finally be placed on the table. So, if you’ve felt that your truth has been buried, then re-center, find your bearings, and utilize anything that will help you speak out with integrity. You might feel tempted to smooth things over because Libra simply wants to get along. But no matter how much you might want to sweep things under the rug eventually everything you’ve placed in hiding will start to take over your life. That's no fun.

So ask yourself: Is there something I’ve been avoiding in my relationships? What is the unnecessary baggage that I am holding? Am I ready to change the contract? Is there an agreement that no longer serves either one of us? Is chaos brewing in my life? What would it take for me to calm down? How can I become a bridge for myself? Where do I need to place some boundaries? Is it possible for me to claim my truth and still stay in relationship? 

So while this full moon might feel a little tricky at first, it’s also offering you a chance to soothe the chaos and experience some peace. But first you have to enter the fire. This won’t happen without some intentional hard work. Remember it’s not about who is right or who is wrong, but taking responsibility for your part. It’s about showing up and accepting that you can’t change the other, but you can certainly attempt to see life through their eyes. Or maybe you are being reminded that you need to see life through your own and claim your truth for once. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to confront our deeper truths in our relationships, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra/Aires is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Pisces - March 17th


On Saturday, March 17th, 2018 (6:12am PST and 9:12am EST), the moon begins its new cycle in the fluid, intuitive, and watery sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to speak in metaphors, plays with images, calls the land of the imagination home, and has the ability to become anything you want or need her to be. You see, Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. And oh, let me tell you, not only does she sense your feelings, she feels them as if they were her own. You’ll recognize her for her compassion. Her gentle spirit sees no barriers and knows that all of life flows together as one. Nothing is separate. Everything is connected. Some might call her a mystic, others a poet, and still others may see her as a dreamer. Her deepest treasure is her inner world and oh is it a world that seethes with life. How could it not? After all, to her the world is really just consciousness itself.

Let’s touch on the shadow for just a minute. Since Pisces is often without edges, it’s easy for her to drift. And drift. And drift. Sometimes drifting comes in the form of simply going through the motions. If this happens, it’s as if she’s an observer to her world, she becomes trapped deep inside her story, unable to live or engage with life out loud. She’s lost deep within. The world out there is too much and so she does what she does best– she escapes. She numbs herself, she disengages, and she hides. Sometimes she becomes so skilled at this that she hides in plain sight. Ask yourself, is there something you’re avoiding? And is there anywhere in your life where you are simply going through the motions?

While the moon and the sun become aligned during this time, we also find that Chiron, the wounded healer, is cozied up rather close by. Don’t be surprised if old wounds, patterns, and themes resurface over these next few days, especially since Mars, the planet of action and aggression is making a harsh angle. This simply means that these wounds could come with a bit of a punch. Use this Pisces energy to go inward and explore the pain through images, your senses, and don’t be afraid to use a language that doesn’t require words. See if you can allow yourself to feel what you need to feel. Sense it. Honor it. Let it move through you. Find Compassion. Create a ritual for release. And if you feel ready, find a way to move through forgiveness and into acceptance. Remember since Chiron is a big player in this configuration moving through this pain isn’t just for you. It also contains the potential for you to impact others. But first, you must tend to yourself.

So ask yourself some of these questions: Are there any self- sabotaging patterns surfacing at this time? Are there any old wounds that are reappearing? If the wound could speak what would it say? What does it need? What in your life needs to shift? If your inner world were an image, what would it be? Is there something I need to forgive myself for? Pisces will support your inner quest. So pay attention to your dreams, move into your imagination, and find a way to create from within so that it doesn’t pull you further and further and further away from showing up in the world.

While it might feel that the pain is turned up a few notches too high, we must remember that sometimes it’s the only way that it knows how to get our attention. Even though Mars is making a challenging aspect, it also contains the fuel needed to create change. Fortunately, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck, and expansion is at a perfect angle to give some much-needed support to your process. Although I must add that Jupiter is known for magnifying and it might also amplify your shadow.

If it all starts to feel too much, just breathe and if you are able, create something. Your breath will lead you into the next moment. And into the next, and the next, and the next. One breath at a time. Keep following your breath until you FEEL your self connected to something much greater than your pain, your wound, your situation, and your story. There is always something bigger, because with Pisces we are connected to everything. So go outside, and look up. Look at the sky. Sense the stars. Sense the mystery and allow yourself to surrender to the unknown. Don’t be afraid to fall into it. Don’t be afraid to Become it. Embrace it. Embrace it all.

If this energy feels too boundary less for you, then the good news is that Mars is only moments away from entering Capricorn, the sign that loves structure and practicality. This could quite easily move you into some concrete action. One more thing, since Mercury is getting ready to turn retrograde, these next few weeks might require you to really slow down and pay attention to your words, your thoughts, and your surroundings. If you don’t, well then you might just find yourself stuck inside some misunderstandings: yours and others.  

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to visit some wounds and embrace our world within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE is a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]



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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Virgo

clarity in woods.jpg

On Thursday, March 1, 2018 (4:52 PM PST and 7:52 PM EST) the full moon shines in the earthy and practical sign of Virgo. The sign that thrives off of growth, is finely attuned to details, prefers order, and expresses herself through service. You see, she’s wired to master something and that something could be anything, but one thing is for certain - her skills need to be utilized. She is the sign that embraces what she does because it’s also who she is and you’ll recognize her for it, too. She’s all about precision and when she’s at her best, she’s clear about who she is, what she does, where she’s going, and also where her place is in the world. Now I’d definitely call that some clarity. 

If you haven’t figured it out, then I’ll give you a hint: this girl is driven. She needs purpose, but the trick is her work must be meaningful to her. Complacency definitely doesn’t fit inside her vocabulary. And while it’s true she’s aiming for perfection, I’d also like to mention that she’s here to learn and experience some humility. You see it’s important that her skills are of service to the world because ultimately this is what transforms her.

So, where’s her shadow, you ask? Imagine worrying, nitpicking, and scrutinizing over every little thing and every little detail. Yep. You guessed it. It’s easy for her to feel overwhelmed. Oh, and her skill at noticing everything, this includes everything about her and everyone else, too. This can set her up for some serious self-destruction. It’s easy for her to become her worst enemy because from her perspective nothing is good enough. It might take lots of reminding and some deep soul work, but her art in the world is to somehow learn that she IS enough. If she doesn’t, I can promise you that she’s not going to like anything she sees. Her healing comes when she learns to love and accept herself, flaws and all. I also mentioned that she’s driven, but if she ever loses sight of her goals then doubt and uncertainty will surely creep in. It’s quite natural for her to focus on the future, but she might learn to calm her nerves, if she spent more time in the present. 

While the full moon passes through Virgo, we have four planets (Sun, Neptune, Mercury, and Venus) plus the comet Chiron pulling the energy in the opposite direction in Pisces. Nothing like a little tension between two opposing energies. Before you become concerned about what this might mean, sometimes tension is needed. Sometimes it helps us birth something new into our life. 

Pisces in her highest expression stirs our imagination, inspires us to connect with all of humanity, pulls us into the mystery, fills us with compassion, and dazzles us with all things dreamy. She sounds magiKal, doesn’t she? Now let me tell you what she’s like at her worst. She blurs lines, pushes us into illusions, masquerades as something that isn’t quit real and in the end all you’re left with is a large dose of confusion. Even though she has no boundaries, it’s still easy to get trapped because you can float forever and never commit to anything. To navigate Pisces successfully, you can’t be afraid to surrender to the unknown and sometimes (almost always) this means there’s not a lot to hold onto. 

Can you feel the tension between Pisces and Virgo? So while this full moon is urging you to ground inside a skill, move with greater clarity, and understand life more through your ability to reason. Pisces is asking you to drift off into the abyss and just dream into your imagination. So how should you handle all of this? Well the good news is that this full moon is here to help you focus, especially if you’ve been feeling a little lost lately. If you’ve been meandering and wondering what it is that you’re here to do, maybe this is the time you'll start to gain some clarity.

Ask yourself, what are you skilled at? How do you add service to the world? Is there any particular skill or talent in your life that you would like to improve? Where is your place in the world? If you don’t know how to answer that, just sit with it. I mean with all that Piscean energy you could even dream a little about what you’d like your place to be and how you would like to show up for yourself and others. Remember with Pisces, there are no limits, so feel free to dream big.

Maybe it’s simply time that you fine tuned some of your skills, or maybe you're ready to level up in the world, or maybe you need to accept that who you are is enough and that you do indeed have something to offer this world. Don’t be alarmed if those voices of doubt start to creep in, there’s enough Piscean energy to help you accept who you are and to know that you are so much more than what you do. Not to mention, Saturn is making a helpful trine to this Full Moon and he’s here to help you add in that extra dose of hard work and self-discipline so you’ll be sure to get things done. 

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to focus and hone in on a skill, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo/Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius


New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius

On Thursday, February 15th, 2018 (1:05 pm PST and 4:05pm EST), the moon begins its new cycle in the airy and rebellious sign of Aquarius. She is the misfit, the rebel, the revolutionary, and the genius. She is the sign that dances to the beat of her own drum, prefers to color outside of the lines, exhales her own uniqueness, and needs freedom to express herself - even if this means she doesn't fit in- especially if she doesn’t fit in. But you see, that’s just it. She isn’t here to fit. She’s here to stand out. She’s here to splash her own colors. She’s here to be weird. 

She must accept that her path isn’t always easy and It’s certainly not carved out. I’ll let you in on a little secret though – she’s stubborn and I'd say with good reason. She’s often misunderstood. And when things or people are misunderstood, it’s easy to want to change them. People often want her to be more like them. The problem is they don’t understand she’s here to be different and in their discomfort they miss the beauty of her presence. If she listens to someone who can’t see or know her, she will eventually betray her own being. And for what? To make another feel more comfortable?! Let’s hope she never puts on that mask. If you try to confine her, box her in, tell her who she’s supposed to be, then you might want to prepare yourself for disappointment. If you didn't realize it yet, She’s not here to fit inside your story. She’s here to carve her own. If she falls prey to your insistence, then I guarantee she’s experiencing a death inside. You'll know if this has happened - take one look in her eyes and you'd see a hollowness staring back at you. She's compromising who she is.

There’s a shadow side to everything and while her uniqueness is her greatest gift to some she might be seen as unreliable, unpredictable, and insensitive to other’s feelings. This might feel unsafe because there’s not anything to hold onto. We must remember though that she’s not here to create a container, but she's here to set us free from it. So with this new moon, I must ask the question, what do you need to be set free from?

While some of you might be thinking it’s not fair that she gets to do what she wants, let me warn you that her loyalty to herself comes with a price. She's often misunderstood. Let’s be honest, if she’s true to herself then it’s likely that she may upset you. It’s likely that she won’t listen to you and even less likely that she’ll get back in line. She does have a beating heart and she knows it’s difficult to disappoint the ones that she loves. But she’s not here to play nice or follow anyone's rules. Let me reiterate. She’s here to shake things up. She’s here to stand out. She’s here to be different. She’s here to be weird. This is the energy of Aquarius – can you feel it?

A couple of weeks ago we had an expressive and impactful total Lunar Eclipse in the fiery sign of Leo, and now this Aquarian partial Solar Eclipse is here to illuminate that spark of genius inside you. If you don’t think you’ve met your own genius, I’ll give you a hint. It’s the part of you that isn’t looking for acceptance from anyone or anything, but has something powerful to say. Now this new moon sits close to Mercury, the planet that emphasizes our communication and perception. It’s here to help us pay attention to old thinking patterns that no longer serve us. So ask yourself: what thoughts do I play on repeat? How am I stuck? Where are my edges? What playground do I live on? What playground do I want to create for my life? What are the phrases or excuses that stop me from doing this? 

As I mentioned above there is a shadow side and with the South Node not too far from this new moon, we need to remain vigilant of falling prey to any temptation that requires us to compromise and hide our true self. This will only cause the lights on our soul to grow dim. And who wants that? So allow yourself to move closer to your own uniqueness, embrace the rhythm that is YOU, and splash your colors onto this world with YOUR natural paintbrush. Create those intentions, feel your own wildness, and don’t be afraid to move outside of your edges.

I know this might feel easier said than done, but with Jupiter in a square aspect to Mercury and the Moon, there is the possibility to see a new vision for your future. While a vision sounds refreshing and hopeful, sometimes we have to be ready to surrender the old. If we don’t, then that something new might feel blocked. So ask yourself: What am I holding on to? What stands in the way of my new vision? What needs to move, so that I can expand into who I am becoming? Who would you like to become? What are you ready to let go of? Sit with those questions. Feel them. Get to know them. 

Lastly, let’s address Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, who is making a helpful presence during this eclipse. He’s carrying the energy of liberation and is ready to assist you in seeing your world differently. So is the North Node in Leo by further helping you find what part inside you is aching for an expression. If any of this sounds overwhelming then take a deep breath and as you exhale, ask the universe to help you feel (re)enchanted with life and to remind you of the magiK that’s everywhere and in every thing.

While we all might feel a pull during this new moon to own our individuality, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, let’s set up a session. 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Lunar Eclipse in Leo - January 31, 2018


On Wednesday, January 31, 2018 (5:27am PST and 8:27am EST) the Full Moon offers us a reddish glow in the fiery and expressive sign of Leo. This isn’t any ordinary Full Moon; it’s a Supermoon, and it also happens to be a total lunar eclipse. Sounds like a lot to take in. Let’s tackle the energy of Leo first.

Leo on its own is a sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. She isn’t here to hide and she knows she has something to share with the world. Leo is dramatic, she sees life as a stage and isn’t satisfied without an audience. You see, Leo craves the spotlight and is fueled by recognition. She knows she’s here to be seen and so she does everything with style. She performs not as an act to hide behind, but as a way to show and develop who she is. Some of us feel at home in Leo territory while others may want to run for cover. But during this full moon whether we like it or not she’s here to offer us a gift, but first we have to step into her presence. And I have no doubt that once in her presence she will ask one thing from us: to EXPRESS.

Okay >pause< So what about the fact that this full moon is also an eclipse? Well, the moon doesn’t produce her own light, she reflects it, she responds to it and we know she gets her glow from the sun. So with this lunar eclipse, the moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, and this means the light from the sun will be blocked. Not entirely, but enough to give the moon its reddish glow. So while this just addresses the appearance, I imagine you might be wondering how does this affect me? Let’s just say lunar eclipses turn up the energy a notch or two, they accelerate the pace and are often the catalyst for big changes. What kind of changes? Well this particular Leo eclipse is occurring right next to the North Node, placing significant impact on the future. That’s right- these moments could significantly impact the trajectory of your life. But once again it requires you to act and Leo requires you to express. Hopefully you’re sensing a theme.

So this isn’t a time you want to shrink or hide behind what’s become familiar and outdated. Instead, it’s a time for you to move forward and move into what you can’t quite see. This requires trust. This requires faith. This requires boldness. All things Leo has in her back pocket. So ask yourself: Where have I been hiding? What am I ready to create? What in me needs an expression? How can I dare to step onto the center stage of my life a little more? And maybe even a lot more? If you don’t like what you’ve been creating, then how would you like to change it? What would it take for you to move forward? If your life were a performance what act are you living?

If you don’t know the answers to those questions then choose to live inside them? Move the questions forward, put them in the spotlight – let them guide you. Because I guarantee something in you is begging for you to express who you are and some part of you is tired of taking “No” for an answer. So Dream. Step out. Dance. Create. Sing. Write. Open up to that childlike part of you that remembers what it’s like to play. Allow yourself to fall in love with the wonder that your soul is aching to express. You don’t need to know what it looks like – that’s the point, paint your canvas as if you were still a five year old.

We need to take a moment and address Venus. She’s hanging out close to the South Node right next to the Sun in Aquarius. This of course makes her in opposition to the moon and North Node in Leo. Phew, nothing like a little tension to stir things up. Venus loves relationship and she’s all about beauty. But what happens if her shadow is brought out?  Maybe ask yourself are there any relationships that keep me from expressing my true self? Have I become isolated? Withdrawn? Or maybe you’ve turned your expression inward? You might also ask: How have I followed the crowd instead of engaging with my own unique genius? Is there someone I’ve been hiding behind? And while you’re at it look for those who push you to create, who inspire you to dream, and who pull the authentic you out onto center stage. These are your people.

You could certainly say that this is a powerful time and it certainly offers an opportunity for you to experience some breakthroughs. I’m sure most of us like the sound of that. Not to dampen the celebration, but with every light there’s also a shadow and Leo’s shadow falls in the area of pride. So yes - go for it, absolutely go for it, be bold, shine, and express who you are, but don’t forget to take the power of vulnerability with you. This might save you from a drastic fall if ego becomes too involved.

So here’s to stepping into the playfulness, for surrendering into the unknown, and for trusting your Self to create something new.

While we all might feel a pull during this eclipse to move towards expression, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in our chart. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, please contact me at or check out my website at

>>>play on<<<


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