
Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Libra - October 6, 2021

On Wednesday, October 6th, 2021 (4:05 AM PDT and 7:05 AM EDT), the Moon begins a new cycle in the airy and charming sign of Libra. Mars and Mercury Rx are also in the mix with the Sun and Moon, and these four planetary bodies are emphasizing balance, peace, beauty, harmony, and our connection with others. Libra is wired to see life from the other’s point of view and isn’t afraid of compromise. She wants things to feel fair, cringes at injustice, and has a big heart for the underdog. When she’s caught up in her shadow, it’s difficult for her to state an opinion. Her aim to please can also leave her frozen by indecision. If you’re concerned about how this might show up, look to see if you are sugarcoating or downplaying the truth, or maybe even using a friendly smile as a wall to hide behind.

Since Mercury Rx has a direct influence on this lunation, we may need to return to some of our prior conversations, contracts, or agreements before moving forward or making any important decisions. While we have several planets in Libra territory, stay open to the other side of the story, notice where you’re projecting, and take time to really listen. We tend to think of Libra as a peaceful sign, but with Mars in the mix we could experience some pushbacks in our relationships and it’s possible for some drama to unfold.

I should also mention that Uranus, the planet associated with change, is making a bit of a challenging aspect to this New Moon. You may feel a strong rush of energy push things into motion, but be careful of moving ahead too quickly. You’re better off waiting for more information to come your way before making an important decision. There may also be some disruptions or sudden changes that throw you off balance and your job is to find a way to restore equilibrium back into your life. There’s no need to force this change; it’s happening whether you want it to or not. There’s always the possibility that Uranus shows up as an awakener and provides you with some fresh new insights and revelations about something you’ve been going through.

I’d also like to add that Chiron, the wounded healer, is opposing this New Moon and can highlight some of our unhealthy relating patterns. Maybe you feel responsible for other people’s feelings. Maybe you prefer to be in the role of the people pleaser. Maybe you hide a part of who you are so that you will feel accepted and loved. Maybe you pretend in order to keep the peace. Whatever it is that you do - What themes do you notice? Where did you learn this pattern? What would help you heal? How might you balance this scale?

The theme of this lunation is relationships. This might be your intimate relationships, friendships, work relationships, or even the relationship you have with food, money, alcohol, exercise, body, Self, etc. Use these next few weeks to reflect and maybe even write about what you feel has been missing, unfair, unbalanced, or causing you problems. You might even consider writing yourself a letter about what feels unbalanced within you. Be as honest as possible about what it is you want and need and the things that are standing in the way of that. It’s also a great time to truly listen to the other. What is their voice in the story? Do your relationships feel balanced? Fair? Open? Connected? Are you giving or receiving too much?

 While we all might feel our relationships highlighted in one way or another, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Pisces - September 20th, 2021


On Monday, September 20, 2021 (4:55 PM PDT and 7:55 AM EDT) the Full Moon glows in the fluid and watery sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to live in metaphors, connects with images, and calls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. And oh, let me tell you, not only does she sense your feelings, she feels them as if they were her own. Her deepest treasure is her inner world and oh my, does that world seethe with life. Pisces is often without edges, and so it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift until she’s completely lost inside her story. 

So what does this mean for this Full Moon?

Keep in mind that a Full Moon is a time of completion, a time for breakthrough, and is also the perfect time for manifesting. A Pisces Full Moon pulls us into the more dreamy and mystical aspects that live outside of our day -to -day reality. Dealing with the polarities of the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces, you may feel thetension between the spiritual and the practical; the sacred and the profane; our spiritual experiences intermingling with our every day earthly routines. Knowing this, it’s the perfect time to lean into your dreams, let those creative juices flow, and bask in that inner world magiK of yours, but if you try to push things to happen to soon, you may find yourself more frustrated than when you first began. What would it be like if you put your trust in the ethereal, surrendered to the unknown, played in the numinous, and drank in the silence? Does that feel scary or freeing?

If you haven’t figured it out yet, this Full Moon is a time when lines feel more blurred, the imagination is turned up on high, and there’s a deeper communion with your intuition. Maybe you’ll feel more sensitive than usual or find that the tears can’t stop falling, or maybe it will all feel like one big release. Maybe you feel more connected to all of humanity right now or maybe you’ll struggle to know where you end and another begins. Or maybe you’ll end up feeling confused on which way to go because nothing seems to feel too real right now. If you’re looking for some clarity, you might want to think back to what was going on during the New Moon in Pisces we had this past March, and then consider how this Full Moon might be a completion to what was started back then. 

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, the dreamy planet associated with mysticism and spirituality, is linked up to this Full Moon. This means your imagination and dreamy like states will be turned up a notch or two, but so is your ability to fall into the illusion of something that’s not really real. It also might highlight your escapist tendencies and making your perception a little more blurry than usual. Whatever it is that you feel is moving through you, it’s the perfect time to relax, do a walking meditation, sleep, paint, imagine, create, dream, and listen to that inner compass of yours. If you’re struggling keep in mind that it’s okay to not know how things will turn out. Sometime the best thing you can do is just let it all play out and surrender to the moment and the next one and the next and the next one.

Mars, the planet associated with the God of war, is in the sign of Libra, and is cozied up close to the Sun, which means it’s opposing this Full Moon. If frustrations arise due to this lack of clarity, then do your best to find ways to calm yourself down and consider taking a time out especially if your wheels keep spinning without getting you anywhere

At the end of this week Mercury will turn retrograde in Libra on September 26th/27th. Things will begin to slow down and you may find that there are several changes being made to some of your previous conversations, contracts, and agreements. You may not have all the pieces you need to make an informed decision, so try to wait on any big decisions or you may find that your plans will need to change. 

So with this full moon use your imagination and find ways to put that wild and creative spark of yours into practice. Listen to your dreams. Move past the edges of what you know, see, and believe, and do your best to trust your Self in learning how to listen to where you need to be, which is always: HERE.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to go within and create something newwe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aquarius - August 22, 2021

On Sunday, August 22nd, 2021 (5:01 AM PDT and 8:01 AM EDT) the Full Moon glows at 29° 37' in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, she prefers to color outside the lines, and she’s all about using freedom to become her most authentic self. Society, friends or even family might try to cage her, but if she conforms to a predictable life simply to please others, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.

This is the second Full Moon in Aquarius we’ve had this summer and it’s linking us to last month’s Full Moon that happened on July 23rd. This Aquarian Full Moon occurs at the 29th degree, which is called the anaretic degree. This just means it’s happening at a critical point and so we’re likely to feel the Aquarius energy of this Full Moon intensify quite a bit. It can also feel as if whatever is happening right now is somehow fated or reaching some type of inevitable conclusion. 

Since we’re dealing with an Aquarius Full Moon there’s the tension between the personal and the collective, following one’s own unique path versus playing to the crowd. The personal ego and all of humanity, the present and the future, and our inner work versus what we choose to share with the world. Aquarius encourages us to move outside our comfort zone so that we can see what lives on the fringes. This energy inspires growth, pulls forth the genius in you, pushes you to see life from a different perspective, and opens you to be who you really are. Since the Sun is finishing up its last moments in the sign Leo, you might feel a surge of creative energy rush through you. One thing to be mindful of during this Full Moon is to make sure that you don’t bypass your emotions or even ignore the emotions of those who believe something different than you.

I’d also like to add that Jupiter, the planet associated with abundance, faith, optimism, and expansion, is cozied up really close to this Full Moon. It gives the feeling that we are in for a big awakening or at least some type of wake up call. Maybe we could use this energy to dream into or reimagine a better world that supports the collective and the individual without creating division.  

The good news is that this energy is supportive so keep your eye out for opportunities that give you more freedom and also those that bring you into the fold. This energy also encourages us to find faith for where we are headed on both a personal and collective level. Keep in mind that we’re very much in the experimental and liminal phase of evolution, so don’t be surprised if the shifts and changes you’re moving through feel a bit messy or even awkward at times. 

We all might feel pulled to move outside our comfort zones in one way or another, but we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Leo - August 8, 2021


On Sunday, August 8th, 2021 (6:50 AM PDT and 9:50 AM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything from the heart without inhibition. With the New Moon in Leo, we can pull on the archetypes of the Child, the Queen/King, and the Performer. Can you feel how these archetypes reflect a deep need to express or be noticed? That’s the energy of Leo.

So what else can we expect for this New Moon?

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up next to each other and so the moon becomes invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Leo tells us it’s perfect time to embrace our child like qualities and open our hearts up to the magical and mysterious world of play where we believe that anything can happen. Keep in mind that the most important thing about playing is spontaneity, joy, and being completely in the moment. So much so that you can’t help but express and share who you are. In other words, feel into that big heart of yours and let everything you find spill out onto your life. This is what it means to shine.

Here are a few questions to consider: What would it feel like if I saw my life right now through the eyes of a child? Or through the eyes of a Queen? Or maybe even that of a performer? How do I need to have more compassion for myself? How can I embrace my inner Queen/King more boldly? What space have I given my inner Queen/King in my life? How might I become more present to my life? Where do I feel most alive? What does my soul need to come more alive? 

If we take a closer look, we notice that Saturn, the planet known for limits, restrictions, and self –discipline, is currently in opposition to this New Moon and Uranus, the planet known for instigating major changes, is also forming a challenging aspect to this New Moon. Before you start to cringe and think, oh great, this doesn't sound like it’s going to be too much fun. Just remember that Saturn is here to help us mature and Uranus creates breakthroughs where we need it the most. It’s true that it might feel like you’re facing a reality check involving some type of catalytic change that feels uncomfortable to shift. The good news is it’s wonderful energy for breaking patterns or even breaking some of those familiar habits that you’ve actually out grown. 

Where am I in a rut? What pattern do I keep repeating while still expecting a different result? Are there any patterns I need to break? How am I stuck in an old script? Am I caught in a role of pretending? How am I trying to be something that I’m not? Who is my audience? What would change if my soul became my audience? What needs to change so that I experience more freedom? 

If you find yourself feeling uncertain due to the changes taking place, use the Leo energy to stay present to what’s truly in that heart of yours. Find what helps you shine. Create because you can. Follow that inner spark. And express yourself from the inside out. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aquarius - July 23, 2021


On Friday, July 23, 2021 (7:38 PM PDT and 10:38 PM EDT) the Full Moon glows in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, she prefers to color outside the lines, and she’s all about using freedom to become her most authentic self. Society, friends or even family might try to cage her, but if she conforms to a predictable life simply to please others, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.

We have two Full Moon’s in Aquarius this summer, and this particular Full Moon is positioned in between Pluto, the planet associated with wounds, truth, and transformation, and Saturn, one of the planets that rules Aquarius, and is associated with limits and restrictions. These two planets don’t mess around, so don’t be surprised if this lunation brings a layer of heaviness and difficult truths to the table about what can or can’t be made real. If you’ve been honest and real with yourself and working towards your own individuation, then you might encounter a breakthrough in an area you’ve been wrestling with. Just remember authenticity is key no matter how difficult or uncomfortable it feels to claim. If you were to remove all the expectations and attachments that have very little to do with you, what is the truth you are left with? Stick with that and let it become your guiding force. 

Every Aquarian Full Moon means we feel the energy of the Sun in Leo reflected back to us and the Sun just glided into the sign Leo on July 22nd. Leo likes to shine, needs to shine and does so boldly. Aquarius is a fixed air sign and it represents change, innovation, and a move towards the future. If we listen to Aquarius we can hear her calling us towards for freedom, radical individuality, and authenticity. She is also asking us to break free from the masses so that we can listen to our own inner genius. 

 If we look out into the collective we can see beliefs being exchanged, challenged, and confronted. Many of us are looking for and reimagining new ways of being in the world while still watching some of our old ways and systems collapse during the rebuilding process. This lunation is helping us see where these systems are falling short and failing the people they are set up to serve. This is also happening on a personal level. Look to see where Leo and Aquarius fall in your chart to gain a better understanding of where in your life this might be playing out, or consult your favorite astrologer. But generally speaking, this Full Moon is pushing us to break free from what has felt stagnant and oppressive to the core of who we really are.

 Overall, it’s the tension between the individual and the collective, the personal ego and all of humanity, the present and the future, and our inner work versus what we choose to share with the world. Keeping this tension in mind, consider what’s coming to a breaking point in your life or if there’s anything that needs resolution, especially if it relates to your freedom and independence, the future, and your community. Since Aquarius energy is also connected to the greater community or tribe, and our network of friends, it’s also possible that you’ll experience changes here, too.

 You may feel the desire to release or surrender something from your life during this lunation, or maybe you’ll feel the culmination of some inner promptings that are nudging you to make the changes that need to be made. If you feel stuck or unable to put these changes in motion, there’s no need to worry, you’ll likely have another opportunity at the next Aquarian Full Moon in August.

Here are a few questions to reflect upon during this lunation: What’s no longer working for you? What in your life needs a shift? What patterns are you continually playing out that keep giving you the exact same disappointing results? What do you need to do differently? Where have you felt trapped? What do you need to let go of? How has your freedom been clipped? How would you like to bring more ease into your life? Where could you use more discernment in your life? What will help you shine?

We all might feel pulled to express our individuality in one way or another, but we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Cancer - July 9, 2021

On Friday, July 9, 2021 at 6:17 PM PDT & 9:17 PM EDT the moon begins a new cycle in the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. The sign that feels everything whether you realize she does, or not. She values safety more than anything and will make sure you feel protected so that you can feel whatever it is that you need to feel. She is home. She is compassion. She is sensitivity. Her shadow shows up if she clings too tightly to her role as nurturer and so she ends up becoming invisible. Let’s just say it’s easy for her to put a spotlight on everyone else’s needs, while forgetting to share or tend to her own. The trick she needs to learn ishow to shed her shell and reveal her Self – feelings and all.

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up close to one another making the moon invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Something from the mysteries is ready to be planted in your psyche and Cancer energy is gently nudging you to focus on all things related to your feelings, home, family, and your inner world. 

 You might feel compelled to tuck in and nourish yourself from the inside out these next few days. You may even find that memories from your past are ready to visit you. If so, allow yourself the space to feel your way through or even indulge in your history by looking at some old pictures, family movies, or whatever it is that brings you down memory lane. 

 Consider these questions: What allows you to feel safe? Who are the people you feel safe with? What is something that truly nurtures your soul? What does your soul need to feel?Who are you free to be behind close doors? What are you free to feel behind close doors? What are you afraid to release? Who are you afraid to release?

Pluto, the planets associated with transformation, truth, power, wounds, and the death and rebirth process, is opposing this New Moon. This alignment may bring up some of our fears associated with power and control and we might find that something in us wants to hide. If this happens, pay attention to those fears, for they are giving you clues about what you have been afraid to change and what you feel you need to cling to for your survival. You may find yourself holding on extra tight to someone or something in the hopes it will make you feel safe. However, Pluto wants you to release your grip, surrender to the unknown, and let go of whatever it is you’ve be become attached to. 

Then there’s Chiron, the asteroid associated with the wounded healer, and it’s also making a challenging alignment to this New Moon. Giving us a hint that what you’re clinging to might just be a transitional object for a wound you felt long ago. It might be time to gently confront this wound or attachment and to actually feel what you’ve been afraid to feel. Just keep in mind that Chiron might highlight the pain, but it’s more concerned with healing. 

I’d also like to add that Uranus, the planet often associated with change, is making a helpful aspect to this New Moon. Maybe you’ll feel a breakthrough when it comes to your patterns of relating, or maybe you’ll feel like there’s a necessary change in your daily routines that helps you tend to your soul more deeply.

All of this energy from Pluto, Chiron, and Uranus seems to be signifying there are certain areas that we’ve been afraid to change, but are also desperately needing to if we want to feel more attuned with our soul. This is all happening as Mars and Venus cozy up close together (July 13th to be exact) and suggests that it’s time to see where we truly belong. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to reflect on the past and cling to what’s familiar, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Scorpio - April 26, 2021


On Monday, April 26, 2021 (8:31 PM PDT and 11:31 PM EDT), the Super Full Moon glows in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is fluent in the language of death and rebirth, and is here to make the unconscious conscious. Scorpio is wired to look deeply, and she needs truth as much as the air she breathes. I’m not talking about a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather the truth of a moment, the truth of what’s real, and the truth of who you are.

So what does all this mean for this Full Moon?

This Full Moon carries the intensity of our deepest and most raw emotions. You might feel more sensitive than usual and more tuned in to the hidden motivations of others, or maybe even more aware of your own. This Scorpio energy wants you to cut through the BS and get real honest about what’s going on in a relationship, project, work, or event, etc. (depending on were it lands in your chart). Since Scorpio tends to play in the depths, she’s familiar with all that is hidden and unseen and it’s clear that the energy of this Full Moon is trying to bring the hidden up to the surface.

Opposing this Moon, we have the Sun in Taurus aligned with the unpredictable planet Uranus. Taurus is the sign that pulls us into our bodies so that we might learn how to calm down. Yet with Uranus close by opposing the Moon we might feel like the ground we’re standing on feels more like shifting sand. Don’t be surprised if something out of the blue catches you off guard or maybe you’ll experience a change about how you thought things would go.

This Full Moon might also highlight the tug of war between Taurus who wants simplicity and likes everything to stay the same while Scorpio makes it a little more complicated by pushing us into extremes and making us feel everything. If you are thrown off kilter by something that happens, try to stay grounded, and find your center so that you don’t get caught in extreme thinking.

I’d also like to add that Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is the planet associated with transformation, truth, power, and the wounds we must face. On the day after this Full Moon, Pluto stations Retrograde until October 6thand pushes you to reflect on what is no longer working. You may want to consider the foundations that support you in your life and whether or not they reflect your truth or whether they require you to keep living in the past. You may want to look back to last October and consider what it was you were releasing then. It might give you some clues about what’s being brought to completion.

While some of the stuff you’ve wanted to keep hidden and below the surface is appearing now, this energy is asking you to face it and move through it. Take a moment and consider these questions: What am I afraid to feel? What am I afraid to see? What truth do I need to claim? Can the foundations I’ve created support the life I want to live?

So use this energy to get in touch with your raw emotions that don’t require you to plaster a painted smile or a simple “I’m okay” response. Do your best to feel it all and if it becomes too much find what grounds you and makes you feel safe – especially if any unexpected events come across your path. So feel it all, but make sure you don’t get stuck in your emotions.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to look deeply within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the She could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Aries - April 11, 2021


On Sunday, April 11th (7:31 pm PDT and 10:31 pm EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and is here to become a warrior. Her greatest strength is her determination.She’s tenacious, she’s bold, she’s daring, and when she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” Some might say she has a flair for finding crisis or maybe we could say that it naturally finds her. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon?

In the northern hemisphere, when we speak of the Sun in Aries, we often talk about spring and everything related to this season: new life, flowers blooming, all things bright and colorful, sunshine and warmth, an awakening of what’s been dormant, a time to be outside, and an overall sense of vitality. It’s the type of energy that carries a lot of force, loves to be in action, is open to take risks, be in the moment, and isn’t concerned with knowing how it’s all going to turn out. If you couldn’t already tell, we’re dealing with fantastic energy for starting something new.

Mars, the ruler of Aries, is in Gemini and this can certainly ignite you to explore new activities, or help you come up with some new ideas. Take a moment and imagine what your life would look like if you didn’t let your fears stand in your way. What if you allowed yourself to see the limitless possibilities of who you could become and what you could do? While I realize this is much easier said than done, you could certainly use this energy to support you in going after what you want. Since we’re talking about Mars in Gemini, we must also be aware of getting overwhelmed, scattering our energy, and being impulsive. If you do feel overwhelmed, just remember that sometimes all you need to do is take the next step without worrying about where it’s going to lead you. 

I do need to add that Mars and Jupiter are in a helpful alignment and this means all this fiery, courageous, and passionate energy is amplified right now. On the high end we will go after the opportunities presented before us and have faith in our vision. On the low end, we must be careful that we don’t become too pushy or aggressive and lose sight of our true goals

Venus, the planets associated with beauty, love, attraction, and what we value most, is cozied up close to this New Moon energy. You may feel this energy fueling a new beginning in your relationships or even your creative projectsbut with Pluto, the planet associated with rebirth, transformation and truth, making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, and especially to Venus, you may also want watch out for power struggles and/or heated connections. You may also want to consider if it’s time to let go of a relationship or surrender an old project. This energy can be challenging to feel and uncomfortable to move through, but it can also lead you into incredible transformations. Do keep in mind that sometimes we need to let go of something before the new can emerge and that a rebirth doesn’t happen without first entering some type of death. 

 This New Moon may help you see what needs to be surrendered or released. Here are a few questions to ponder as you welcome this New Moon: What’s something that I’d like to start, but I’ve put off for one reason or another? What area of my life would I like to be more bold or brave? What do I want? What would I like the title of this chapter of my life to be called? How would I like to see my work transform?My relationships? My health? Is there anything in my life that needs to end so that the new can come in? What would the first step look like on a new project? 

So allow this New Moon in Aries to remind you about your passions, inspire you to create something new, give you the courage you need to take a chance, and to trust that all you need to do is take the next step. 

While we all might feel the passion and intensity of this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Libra - March 28th, 2021


On March 28th, 2021 (11:48am PDT and 2:48pm EDT) the Full Moon glows in the airy and peaceful sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony, is wired to see life from the other’s point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth sits directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Aries, the sign that’s ready for battle, thirsts for life, is full of energy, and carries the mark of a warrior.

So what does all this mean for this Full Moon?

This is the first Full Moon since Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere) began and you may instinctually feel a pull towards releasing the old to clear the path for what’s to come. You also might feel the tug of war between Libra, who is calling for beauty, fairness, connection, peace, and compromise, and Aries, who is armed and ready to claim what she wants and needs for herself. Luckily, Libra likes balance. Maybe there’s a way for you to value the relationship as well as your Self.

Then let’s add to the mix that Chiron, the asteroid associated with the wounded healer, and Venus, the planet associated with relationships, beauty, and love are both cozied up as close as possible to the Sun in Aries. This suggests that wounds from our past may be coming into the picture for some healing.I think we would all agree that it takes courage to face our wounds, and even more courage to show our vulnerability while doing so. You may find that some of your relationships, projects, or events you’re involved in are deeply linked to your karmic story. It seems the emotional tone is set for a breakthrough if you can lean in and trust how it’s all unfolding.

During this lunation consider these questions: Where do I feel unseen or unheard? Is there something close to my heart that I need to protect? Is there something I need to stand up for in my relationship(s)? What’s waiting for me on the other side of this pain/conflict? How can I sink into my vulnerability? What truth do I need to speak?

This isn’t the time to hide away or push your story under the rug. Instead, the energy is asking you to find ways to address a particular situation by being honest about what you need, see, and feel.The challenge of course is that our needs don’t always mix nicely with the other(s) and we must be aware of how our insecurities or fears want to try and creep in to the mix. Keep in mind that true vulnerability is stronger and more impactful than any other type of force.

I’d also like to add that there is a Grand Air Trine formed with the Moon in Libra, Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars in Gemini right next to the North Node. Mars and Saturn might not be your first picks to add to this lunar energy, but these two are certainly power hitters when it comes to making things happen through dedication, hard work, and the ability to push through any obstacle or block. There’s also a good chance that there’s something in your life that is finally coming to completion with minimal effort after a very long and winding journey. So as you move through this lunation, trust your truth and allow your inner knowing to guide you through some of the final obstacles.

While we all might feel a tug between self and otherduring this Full Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra and the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Pisces - March 13, 2021


On Saturday, March 13th, 2021 (2:21 am PST and 5:21 am EST) the moon begins a new cycle in the watery and fluid sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to speak in metaphors, connects with images, and calls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. Here’s the thing: not only does she sense your feelings; she feels them as if they were her own. You’ll likely recognize her for her compassion and her gentle and loving spirit that flows from the inside out. It’s true that some might call her a mystic, others a poet, or an artist, and still others may see her as a dreamer. Her deepest treasure is her inner world, and oh, does it seethe with life. Since Pisces is often without edges, it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift. Warning: Her shadow might appear when the world out there becomes too much to feel, so she’ll do what she does best – she’ll escape or find a way to numb herself, or at the very least she’ll disconnect.

So what does this mean for this New Moon? 

A New Moon is a time to create, a time to breathe new life, and a time to plant our vision deep beneath the surface. Pisces energy can certainly aid us with sensing all that happens in secret and it can also lead us further into a dream. Pisces will easily take you into your inner world, but be aware that when edges soften, confusion might also creep in, and boundaries might start to blur. It’s also not uncommon for illusions, deceptions, and delusions to show up that blind us from what’s real. 

With four planetary bodies in Pisces (Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Venus) we can choose to surrender into something meaningful or lose ourselves in the abyss. If you’re feeling more sensitive than usual, you can use this energy as an opening to connect to the Divine, the Universe, or even the spaces that live in between. Or you may also want to use this energy to help you create since you may feel more inspired than usual. Take a moment and consider: What would it look like if I surrendered to the mysteries? How might letting go open me? Of course on the flip side you may want to be careful about what you’re falling into and really consider how slippery this slope might actually be for you.

Spring is just around the corner and it won’t be long before we feel the Aries energy push us to go after what we want. But right now we are still in the land of dreams, myths, and the imagination. Mary Watkins, a Jungian theorist, wrote a book called Waking Dreams, and she urges us to see the images in our waking world as images for us to engage with and encounter. Maybe during this lunation you could consider how your waking world is much like a dream. If you were to step outside and look at the myth you are living, what would the landscape reveal about your soul? Who are the characters in your play? What images do you see reflected back to you? What is the waking dream that you’re living? What’s the true vision that is trying to be revealed? 

Since Neptune, the dreamy, mystical planets, is the ruler of Pisces, and is currently cozied up rather close to this New Moon, don’t be surprised if you encounter some highly synchronistic or numinous moments that remind you of how grand and big this world really is and that maybe there really are some experiences that can’t be fully explained. 

So as you reflect on your life make sure that you lean into compassion, and be gentle with that beating heart of yours. Do your best to turn towards the mystery, surrender to the unknown, and let the images teach you. Lastly, remember that sensitivity is turned up on high and others might be feeling more vulnerable than usual. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to go within and create something newwe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Aquarius - February 11th, 2021


On Thursday, February 11th, 2021 (11:07am PST and 2:07 PM EST), the moon begins a new cycle in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, and she’s all about the freedom she needs “to be her SELF.” Oh, and I should mention that she carries the archetype of the genius, too. You might think she’s odd, but here’s the thing: she’s supposed to be. And while society or friends or family might try to cage her, if she chooses to conform to a predictable life that appeases what everyone else wants for her, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.

So what does this mean for this New Moon?

First let me add that not only do we have the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, but Mercury Rx, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the asteroid, Pallas, are all here, too. It’s as if the sky is throwing one big Aquarian party and the theme is freedom, change, individuation, genius energy, awakening to the future, innovative thinking, and being willing to do things differently. While I’m sure you can feel the heavy emphasis on free- thinking and individuality, this sign is also deeply linked to the community and the collective. Yet what happens when the group or tribe is not matching what we want or need for our self or vice versa?

Since we are in Mercury Rx and this planet is in the Aquarian mix, it’s a good time to reflect on the past and see where your story fits with the group and where it does not. Where must you consider the needs of the group to be greater than your own and where must we see that our individuality is paramount to claiming our path inside the collective? This isn’t about conforming and it’s not about isolating or exiling one’s self either. It’s about being willing to bring one’s full, authentic self to the table so that the collective can be impacted and changed.

I’m sure you’d agree that there’s never a shortage of hot topics to explore out there on the world’s stage and right now you can take your pick from vaccinations to politics to the economy to global warming to immigration, to technology, to racial inequality to healthcare and more. As you reflect on the past, how have you seen your country progress over the years? What about the planet as a whole? And then think about how you would like to see our society progress as we take steps towards the future. What is your part in this progression? How can you remain true to yourself? Where must you carve out a new path? What is the collective asking of you right now? How would you like to see your own life progress? Where have you been holding yourself back?

I’d also like to add that Mars, the planet of drive, passion, assertion, and aggression, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. You may feel some tensions rise or experience some added frustrations or conflict. This is all part of the process to understand the edges between the self and the tribe. With so many voices out there it sometimes becomes difficult to hear our own. Do your best to get clear on your truth and stay alert to where the group wants you to conform and abandon yourself. It’s also important that you uncover and face any fears you have about not fitting in or where you might struggle to reveal who you really are out into the world. It's equally important to seek and understand where the community needs you. Where are you longing to express yourself more authentically? Who are the people in your tribe?

As you decide what seeds to plant during this New Moon consider what or where you’d like to see some progress in your world. Open yourself up to new perspectives and consider what patterns you need to break for something new to start taking shape. Trust your weird. It may lead you down a road you have yet to see, but need to.

While we all might feel pulled to open our minds towards new thinking, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Capricorn - January 12th, 2021


On January 12th, 2021 (9:00 PM PST) and on January 13th (12:00 AM EST), the Moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. I’ll also add that she’s not easily distracted, craves solitude like no other, values integrity above all else, and when she’s functioning at her highest- she carries the archetype of the wise elder. At her worst, she becomes rigid, demanding, and controlling. If she ever turns to others for approval, it’s likely that she’ll begin to lose clarity about herself and become a prisoner to her success. If this happens then no matter what she does, nothing will ever quite seem like it’s enough.

What does this mean for this New Moon?

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up close to one another making the moon invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Something from the hidden realm is getting ready to come into visibility and this Capricorn energy wants us to build something that will stand the test of time. Oh, and let me tell you something, this New Moon occurs at 23 degrees Capricorn, the same point of alignment when Saturn and Pluto first joined up together last January. It’s also the same critical point between the Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto alignment where we saw the increase in Covid take place. All that to say, this new Moon may have us reflect on how much our lives have changed since then.

We know that Capricorn tends to like responsibility, stability, hard work, integrity, and structure. Yet, this New Moon is what we call “out of bounds.” This just means it’s not playing by the rules right now. It tends to have a bit of that wild child energy coursing through its veins. Maybe it’s time to nurture some of our own inner rebellion to help us find what needs to change and how to do it. Then let’s couple this energy with Uranus, turning stationary, the planet associated with disruptions, change, and some wildness of its own geared towards more freedom. I bet you can imagine that Capricorn isn’t too fond of all of this instability.

However, if we stay focused, this Capricorn energy is perfect for building a new “project” that is likely related to our work, responsibilities, or some long- term commitments. Remember what I said above - Capricorn likes things to last and loves to point at something tangible, as if to say, “I built that.” While I wish it were as simple as putting actions to your dreams, I have to address that this New Moon is cozied up really close to Pluto, the planet of transformation, who happens to be making a challenging alignment to Eris.

I haven’t mentioned too much about Eris in the past, if at all, but this dwarf planet, is known as the feminine equivalent of Mars. She is the goddess of war, and in Greek mythology, she was often called Discordia. That should give you an idea of her energy. She was known for stirring up trouble especially when she was left out of an event. She tends to make sure that those who have abused power will eventually be put in their place. I believe we are seeing some of this energy directly played out here in the States. Personally, you may want to consider where you have felt excluded or slighted and how you’ve handled that experience. Whatever this triggers in you, you’ll have to decide if you’ll lean on jealousy and vindictive behavior to get your due or if you’ll choose it to fuel your own creative juices.

Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is still cozied up closely to Jupiter in the sign of Aquarius making it harder to see the vision. Additionally, Saturn (in Aquarius) is making a challenging aspect to Uranus (you’ll hear a lot more about this aspect throughout the year). Keep in mind that Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, likes us to look to the future, so we might feel as though we are in a clash between the old and the new. What if it’s not about one or the other though, and instead we consider how we might carry forward the wisdom from the past to help us carve out a new future. Pluto’s presence is powerful and sometimes messy, but keep in mind that Pluto is simply requiring us to be honest so that we can really “see” and embody truth. In other words, maybe Pluto’s energy is exactly what we need to help us face the wounds and claim what needs to transform within us.

What are your priorities right now? Is there anything you’d like to shift? How have you changed from a year ago? What are you building in your life? What’s clashing in your life? What’s the wisdom in the clash? What’s the change that needs to emerge?

One other alignment I need to address is Mars, the planet associated with passion, intensity, and aggression, because it’s getting closer and closer to Uranus and will make an exact conjunction on January 20th. Hmmmm… I wonder how all this volatile and intense energy connected to change will impact the US inauguration?! I’m not sure that the fiery tension between the “two” sides will soften anytime soon, but what Mars and Uranus in Taurus are really looking for is a way to calm down and find peace.

While I'm sure it would be easy to let anxiety and fears take over, use the Capricorn energy to do what you need to do to make it through. Take responsibility for where you are and start making plans for how you’d like to reimagine your future. Take steps to create dreams that might not fully manifest until much later on. Make sure you celebrate the little victories along the way by rewarding yourself for completing tasks. Don’t forget to take some time out to be in solitude, and do your best to let new ideas emerge.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to become clear on what mountain we need to climb, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Capricorn. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Cancer - December 29, 2020


On December 29th, 2020 (7:29 PM PST and 10:29 PM EST) the last Full Moon of the year glows in the nurturing and healing sign of cancer. The sign that feels everything and holds it all deep within. She’s fluent in the language of emotions, so she’ll most definitely know how to make you feel safe and protected. Just imagine a den, a womb, a cave, or even a bubble bath, or maybe even imagine that you are cozied up under a pile of blankets. Can you feel it? It’s a place where you can let your guard down, completely sink into your skin, and be whatever or whoever you need to be. You can fall apart, fall asleep, or fall into the moment of your inner world. There is No judgment. No fear. Only acceptance of what is. This is Cancer. She is home. She is comfort. She is compassion, trust, and pure acceptance. Her shadow shows up if she clings too tightly to her role as nurturer and ends up becoming invisible. It’s easy for her to put a spotlight on everyone else’s needs, while forgetting to share or tend to her own. The trick she needs to learn is how to shed her shell and reveal her self – feelings and all.

So what might this mean for this Full Moon? 

First of all, I must mention that this is the 4th Cancer lunation of the year. Yes. 4th. We began the year with a Cancer Full Moon Eclipse, followed with a New Moon solar eclipse in Cancer in June, then another New Moon in Cancer in July, and now we land on this one. I think we’d all agree that we’ve needed extra doses of nurturing and gentleness this year.

While I wish I could say this Full Moon was closing the year in gentle Cancer form, it’s not. Instead, it’s wrapping up this challenging year with a difficult alignment to Chiron, the centaur associated with the Wounded Healer archetype. I mean how perfectly fitting for 2020 that this is the note we end on, and maybe it’s exactly the “closure” we need. Chiron most definitely brings up our wounds, those tender places from where we’ve been hurt, but we must remember that Chiron is twofold. It is not just dealing with the wound, but also with healing. The healing often materializes when we tend to the pain of another instead of being consumed and trapped by our own. This doesn’t mean we dismiss our pain, but rather we open to it, and when we do, we find that our gift is in our tender hearts.

So with Chiron being triggered alongside a Cancer Moon, there’s a good chance that we are feeling some emotional, physical, or even spiritual pain connected to home, family, childhood, our belongings, or even our family myth. Whatever comes up for you, try to use the cancer energy to create a safe space so that you can feel whatever it is you need to feel, and do your best to tune into your heart.

Full Moons do involve a bit of tug of war between the Moon and the Sun. With the Sun in Capricorn we must picture: discipline, structure, and hard work casting a light onto this nurturing, healing, and sensitive Cancer Moon. In other words, when we deeply tend to our inner world we are ultimately growing our emotional maturity. This means we are creating something deep within ourselves that we can trust and lean into. 

So maybe this Full Moon will be an opportunity for you to let go and heal some of your past hurts, or maybe you can release some of those heavy burdens that have weighed you down for far too long. Or maybe you show up for a friend and create a safe space for her to see what she needs to see. Or maybe it’s an opportunity for you to be completely honest about the things you need in your life. If you’re unsure about what to do, draw that bubble bath, block off your calendar, light those candles, drink that hot chocolate, curl up inside your cozy blankets, and spill your heart to that ever accepting friend.

The point of this Cancer Full Moon isn’t to dwell in any of these emotional states, but to find ways to surrender to the things you can’t control. In other words, go find what makes you feel safe enough to let down your guard and then go and do that; because right now it’s the perfect time for you to release everything you’ve held onto throughout this difficult year. If tears fall, allow the drops to carry the medicine out from the depths of your soul and back into the world. Or maybe you’ll find that rest and relaxation are the best medicine for your weary body.

I’d also like to add that Neptune, the mystical and dreamy planet, and Uranus, the planet associated with radical change and freedom, are making helpful alignments to this Full Moon. Maybe Neptune will show you that you are part of a much bigger story that is somehow all intertwined, or maybe it will help you open to your dreamer, the part of you that uses the imagination to see possibilities in everything. Uranus’s energy is likely to show up with some insights about what it is you need to feel more aligned with who you really are.

As we approach the end of this year, take a moment and reflect upon all you’ve experienced. What emotions or situations have followed you throughout the year? What have you been holding onto? What do you feel? What are you ready to release? What will 2020 continue to hold for you? Is there anything you need to fully let go of so that you don’t carry it into the New Year? What is it that your heart needs to share?

Be gentle with yourself as this year comes to a close. There’s no need to push anything forward or make anything happen. Let your ideas and dreams emerge when they are ready.

While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to feel our emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius - December 14, 2020


 On Monday, December 14th (8:16 am PST and 11:16 am EST) the Moon kicks off a new cycle in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, is filled with a large dose of optimism, and is wired to seek out every type of new experience that catches her attention. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, believes anything is possible, relies on freedom, and seeks for truth. When she’s functioning at her best she wants to experience all that life has to offer. Her shadow appears when she focuses only on life’s grandness and forgets that life can also be fragile. It could also appear when she gets wrapped up in claiming that what she knows is the “right” and only path that exists.

So what does this mean for this New Moon? 

Well, first I’d like to mention that this is not an ordinary New Moon; we’re also experiencing a Total Solar Eclipse. It will be visible to those in the Southern parts of South America with Chile and Argentina being the countries that experience the path of totality. It will also be seen in some of the Western sections of South Africa. While the rest of us might not be able to see it, we will all feel it in one-way or another. Eclipses are unique. They stir up the intensity and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. In case you’re wondering, an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking the Sun. 

Eclipses are thought to be more powerful and while New Moons usually start the beginning of a four -week cycle, the energy that occurs during an eclipse tends to carry forward for about six months. Additionally, this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse happens a week before Saturn and Jupiter make their powerful alignment in Aquarius on December 21st. This also happens to be Winter Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere (the day we experience the least amount of light). I think we would all agree that 2020 has been an intense year that has come with many challenges, changes, restrictions, deaths, and an overall feeling of “what the #*^% is going to happen next?” The good news is that the shift that’s coming leads us into territory that helps us re-imagine our lives. That sounds hopeful, doesn’t it?!

This change won’t happen overnight of course, but astrologically speaking it does seem the heavy energy is starting to lift. The Saturn and Pluto alignment that’s been hitting us hard with challenges will start to dwindle, and will continue to do so through the end of next year. Like I said, this is not a magical reset button, but this energy is allowing us to see that we can create something new. Think of it as more like a time to pivot from where we think we’ve needed to go into a new path that contains an uncharted future. Please keep in mind that with Saturn still deeply involved in this re-imagining process that he is also asking us to WORK hard to create this path forward. So this is not the time to bask in the sunlight, it’s time to work hard to bring your vision to life. The good news is that Mars, the god of war, the planet associated with assertion and aggression is also making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. He’s giving us a little bit of oomph so we can make things happen.

To put it another way, this New Moon in Sagittarius is really asking us to seek after the bigger picture, to believe beyond our own understanding, to have faith, hope, and to trust that everything we’ve been through is tied to some “greater” purpose and meaning. You may even want to think back to the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse we had on June 5, 2020. What did you need to surrender or release? What have you created or nurtured in “its” place? Whatever it was, this is now a time for you to plant more seeds and dream into what you’d like to grow.

Mercury, the planet associated with communication, makes a helpful alignment to this New Moon/Total Solar Eclipse and suggests that ideas, information, conversations, thoughts, and perspectives connected to the past will be on center stage right now. I wonder what would happen if you let your old beliefs fall away? What would happen if you could see your world through a new lens? I wonder if you could open yourself up to let your truths be challenged and changed?

Maybe take some time and reflect on this last year: Where have you felt the most challenged? Where have you experienced the most growth? Where have you devoted your time, energy, and mind this year? And while you’re at it pay attention to who, what, and where you’ve been giving your attention and focus. You may even want to look back on the year and look for the gold that was hidden in the shadows. Side note: There is always gold, sometimes you just have to dig really deep for it – but the greater the depth to that search, the greater the beauty you’ll discover in that reflection.

I do want to add that Neptune, the ego less and mystical planet, is making a challenging alignment to this New Moon, so things might still feel a little hazy or confusing. Be careful you don’t fall into illusions or miss some critical piece to the puzzle, and do keep your eyes peeled for any dogmatic beliefs or fanaticism that might try to take over. On a personal level, know that the choice is yours: drift into a place of escape and possibly fall into the role of victim, OR you use can use the blurriness to dream into the magic that is fueled by your imagination. Then you might be able to see everything that is possible within and around you.

Sagittarius is here to help you expand your horizons and to move you beyond the walls of what you’ve always known. It likes to play big and if you lean into its energy you might find that you believe anything is possible right now. So dream those dreams, test your old beliefs to see if they still hold true, and follow the arrow in flight that knows it’s on a mission, but is still unsure about where it will land.

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Scorpio - November 14, 2020

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On Saturday, November 14, 2020 (9:07 PM PST and 12:07 AM EDT on the 15th), the moon begins its new cycle in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is here to make the unconscious conscious, and is fluent in the language of death and rebirth. She has a knack for sensing and uncovering the hidden and isn’t afraid to call BS if she smells even a hint of a lie. She needs truth like she needs air and not necessarily a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather a truth of a moment, a truth of who you are, and a truth about what remains when everything else falls away. She wants what is real and she isn’t afraid to go to the hidden places to find it. Her shadow creeps in when she becomes lost in the self-discovery maze called the underworld or you might also see her shadow if she avoids the depths all together. If this happens, moodiness and despair tend to color her every move. 

So how does this Scorpio energy impact this New Moon? 

Since Scorpio must feel her way through everything, you might feel your emotions more intensely during this lunation. Don’t be surprised if anger, rage, powerlessness, jealousy, brooding, or even shame start to bubble up from your unconscious.If they do, then do your best to welcome these emotions and remain curious about what it is they are here to tell you. Scorpio craves honesty and realness so it’s not about putting your feelings in a prettier package, but seeing what it is you really feel inside.

The modern ruler of this lunation is the powerful and regenerative planet Pluto, who is also cozied up quite closely to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, faith, and expansion. These two planets are making a helpful alignment to this New Moon so it’s a good time for you to look for opportunities that allow you to claim more of your power. In other words, believe in the power of your truth.

I’d also like to add that Mars, the traditional ruler of Scorpio, stations direct on November 13thafter spending two months retrograde, but it will continue to stay in the sign of Aries until January 6. During the last two months you probably felt a slowing down in areas where you wanted to move forward. While it was a chance to reflect and realign with whatever house Aries falls in (consult your chart), it’s never fun to feel like you have one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the break. With this image in mind it’s easy to see how challenging these last few months have been and I’m sure you felt some frustrations or even some restlessness, but now with Mars moving direct, you’ll gradually feel the momentum start to pick up.

Since Mars turning direct is happening alongside this New Moon we should also consider that this planet is asking us to confront whatever has stood in the way of the thing we must face and transform. Take a moment and consider: What truths do you need to stand up for? Or what truth do you need to embrace more? Where do you need to claim more space in your life? How might you develop the courage to face some of your more hidden wounds? 

I’d also like to mention that Neptune, the mystical and ego less planet is also making a helpful alignment to this New Moon and is asking us to sink in and surrender to the magic. Light some candles, play some soft music, and allow yourself to sink into the mysteries that somehow remind you that this world is much bigger than you could ever fathom.

Since the New Moon is about setting intentions and creating new beginnings, use this Scorpio energy to dive deep into your psyche and feel what you need to feel. This requires a dance with the dark and a willingness to sit quietly with who we really are without any excuses or rationalizations.If you’re open to it, you’ll find that the night holds the deepest mysteries about our soul. So let the myths of your past rise up to tell you a story about who you’ve been and while you listen, take note of the messages that are hidden underneath the wounds. That’s where the magic of transformation takes place. 

While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.] 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Taurus - October 31, 2020


On Saturday, October 31st, 2020 (7:49 AM PDT and 10:49 AM EDT) the Blue Moon glows in the aesthetically pleasing, secure, and peaceful sign of Taurus. We can see the Moon in its full brightness thanks to the Sun’s light that falls in Scorpio, the sign that thrives off intensity, lives in the depths, and is wired to penetrate to the core of all things. Taurus will ask you to slow down, to take your time, enjoy the moment, be still, and embrace the silence, while Scorpio will pull you deep into the moment so you know the truth about what is really happening. It’s certainly possible that this tension is highlighting some of the more practical issues in your life that are connected to your security and the things you most value. Since we’re also dealing with Scorpio territory be aware of how control, fear, and power want to creep in to the mix.

So what does this mean for this Full Moon? 

Let’s first address that Uranus, the planet known for its disruptions and unexpected shifts, is hanging out quite closely to this Full Moon. To be honest, these two planets couldn’t get too much closer if they tried. This means we’re likely to feel the Uranian energy shaking things up and pushing us to break free from the status quo, or maybe it’s opening us up to something new, or even pulling us away from following the crowd mentality so we can create our own path. Due to this alignment, there’s always the chance that we’ll encounter something that we didn’t see coming. Maybe there’s a loophole in a situation, or even something that surprises you to your core. Or maybe the thing that you thought was too impossible to change starts to come tumbling down. Or maybe you experience an incredible breakthrough. Of course these unexpected shifts could be something that makes you feel more alive and excited for life. Just be aware that some type of change is brewing, and you might not get too much notice before it occurs. 

The high expression of Uranus is to help us individuate. So do keep in mind that the disruptions and changes we experience now are really here to help us become more aligned with who we really are.This is so much easier said than done, because being the humans we are, we tend to like the things we’ve become attached to- such as our relationships, or situations, or the places that we reside. Yet what happens if these “things” no longer serve our evolution? Yep. Sometimes we need a little help to break free. So if you experience a shake up or a sudden change during this Full Moon, it might be exactly what you need. To know how this energy might impact you, we’d need to take a closer look at where this Full Moon falls in your chart.

Taurus likes life to be calm, steady, and secure, but the Uranian energy is pushing for some change. As I mentioned at the last New Moon, if we are caught in chaos, the calmest part of the storm is in the center. So this Taurus energy invites us to find our center, and it reminds us to tend to our body. Take a moment and consider: What grounds you? What helps you feel more centered? How can you slow down? How do you listen to silence? If you don’t know, try to listen to the sound a sunset makes as it breathes its last breath before dipping below the horizon. You’ll find your answer there.

So on this Full Moon and also the few weeks that follow, maybe it’s time for you to make a radical change in your life or to see how your comforts and the things that make you feel safe are actually costing you some of your freedom. Again, with this alignment don’t be surprised if what you’ve been standing on starts to feel like shifting sand. If it does, it’s also time for you to consider a new way to embrace what’s coming up for you. 

Lastly, the ruler of this Taurus Full Moon is Venus, and it’s currently in Libra, the sign that is ruled by Venus. This planet is known for beauty, peace, and love. While it’s not making any strong alignments to any of the other planetary bodies, it still carries a strong charge due to the rulership and it being in one of the signs it rules. So for this Full Moon, I’d suggest keeping it simple. Move towards what makes you feel at peace. Get out into nature. Take that nap. Sit in that hammock. Enjoy that juicy apple. Sit by the fire. Drink some tea and do the things that make you feel safe, balanced, and connected. If you stay honest and true about the simple things that you value most, there’s a good chance you’ll feel more prepared and ready for the changes that are moving through and around you. 

While we all might find ourselves caught between complexities and simplicities, and instability and security, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to doI’d love to set up a session with you.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Libra -October 16, 2020


On Friday, October 16th, 2020 (12:30 PM PDT and 3:30 PM EDT) the Moon begins its new cycle in the airy and charming sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony,is wired to see life from the other’s point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. Of course we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra refuses to take a stance. You see her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, is you happy. There’s just one problem, sometimes in her drive to please, she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants, and so she becomes frozen by indecision.

So what does this mean about this New Moon?

Well, it’s likely to emphasize our relationshipsthe things we value, and the things we desire most, but I realize I won’t be able to do justice to this New Moon without addressing that we are in one of the most charged astral alignments of the year. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all felt the energy building, but we are now reaching the apex, the most critical point, and to call it intense is quite the understatement. 

When I pulled up the chart for this New Moon, I immediately noticed that almost every planet made some type of alignment to another planet. This is quite unusual. I mean most of the time, we’ll see a few planets involved in the Moon’s energy, but there are usually at least a few that seem to be hanging out and doing their own thing. Not the case for this New Moon. This one comes packed with Mars Rx in Aries opposing the Sun and Moon in Libra, Venus, the ruler of Libra, is in opposition to Neptune in Pisces while aligning forces with Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn. Then there’s Uranus, the planet we associate with unexpected events that shake us up, and it’s opposing Mercury Rx in Scorpio, while Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn are all making a very challenging alignment to this New Moon and also to Mars Rx. Say what? Translation: Yowza! We’re in the midst of some insanely intense energy and there’s no way for us not to feel it. 

Yet, we know that Libra is about peace, balance, calm, beauty, and connection. She’s focused on the other and wants to know the other side to the story, perspective, belief, debate, or experience. The good news is that this New Moon does carry a little bit of magic with it. It’s making a helpful alignment to the nodes. Keep in mind that sometimes to move forward we need to look back. This means that there’s likely something from the karmic past that wants your attention so that you can move forward and break free. If you find that that some of your struggles or issues from the past are resurfacing, those same ones you thought you settled long ago, don’t be alarmed. Pay attention to the themes and remember that the path forward asks us to stay open, become curious about our situations, and to listen to other perspectives instead of assuming we know the answer or know how it will all turn out. 

Since Libra is all about the relationship, we know that this New Moon is looking for a way to create peace in the midst of some of the most chaotic and intense energy of the year, and it will be important for us to reflect on how we create peace moving forward. This might be easier said than done with Mars opposing this peaceful Libra energy and instead we might feel forced to feel the tension between self and other.

So take some time and consider: How do you calm down when you’re faced with conflict? What grounds you? What centers you? How do you let the beauty seep in? Maybe it’s through a sunset, maybe it’s through a conversation with a friend, maybe it’s simply sitting in stillness and taking some deep breaths, or maybe it’s through painting? Dancing? Singing? Journaling? Or maybe it’s time to use the Libra energy to help you embrace ambiguity and paradox when difficult situations arise? What I do know is that when we engage with beauty, even though chaos might be raging in the backdrop, we have found our path to peace. 

As we look to Jupiter, the planet associated with faith, abundance, and expansion, Saturn, the planet associated with limits, restrictions, and fears, and Pluto, the planet associated with death and rebirth, we see that they are pushing this peaceful Libra energy to its limit. Talk about feeling our edges. But with edges comes the opportunity to create change in particular around what is fair, just, and in harmony with others and our self. So while you might feel entangled in some power struggles, harsh limitations, or forced to navigate some deep and dark emotional waters, there is a message inside the madness.But the only way to hear it clearly is by moving towards the calmest part of the storm. Yep, the eye, the center, the place where the torrential winds can never completely reach you.So do your best to find that space and consider that getting there might require that you take an entirely different approach than what you’ve been conditioned to see.

While we all might feel the need for balance in the midst of chaos, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

Full Moon in Aries - October 1st, 2020


On Thursday, October 1st, 2020 (2:05 PM PDT and 5:05 PM EDT) the Full Moon shines in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the heart of the warrior. Her greatest strength is her determination. When she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” Aries knows what it means to push through and she certainly knows how to keep moving. She’s wired for battle and rightly so, because instinctually she knows, she’s either going to be the hunter or the prey. And so what she’s really here to develop is a large dose of courage. Now since she’s always armed for battle, her shadow can creep in if she doesn’t use her energy in a constructive or helpful manner. You’ll immediately know, because she’ll appear like a loose cannon. In other words, she’s always on the attack and anyone who comes along her path will likely feel the need to defend his or herself. Does that sound a bit intense? Well, newsflash: she is. 

So what does this mean for this Full Moon? 

 As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Libra, the sign that wants peace and balance, and is wired for relationship, while the Moon, as we already discussed, is set ablaze in the bold and daring sign of Aries. So on the one hand, we can feel Libra calling for fairness, compromise, and the needs of the “other”, while Aries is ready to claim what she wants for herself without any compromise. Can you feel the tension? It’s certainly building both internally and externally, and is spilling out onto the world’s stage. It seems that in order to move through all the shifts and changes, we will need to lean into Libra’s energy of compromise and connectivity. Hint: When you feel the tension rising, instead of seeing it as a problem, engage with it as an invitation to know what both the “I” and the “we” need right now. 

I’d also like to add that Chiron, the comet connected to the wounded healer archetype, is cozied up really close to the Moon and pushes us to feel into our wounds, to the places where we’ve been hurt, and all the places that leave us feeling vulnerable. So don’t be surprised if some of your past hurts come more into the light right now.The good news is that Chiron wants us to break open from those tender spots within, and when we tend to them, it becomes a place where we can help others heal, too. If you feel extra sensitive or more exposed during this Full Moon, try not to react to external situations. Instead, turn inward, and see how you can gently and kindly respond to your vulnerabilities. 

I should also mention that Mars, the ruler of Aries, is retrograde and making a difficult alignment to both Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, and to Saturn, the planet of limitations and restrictions. So while Aries energy usually propels us forward, you might feel like you have the weight of your world tied around your neck or pulling you down due to all the restrictions, limitations, and responsibilities that surround you. Or maybe you’re experiencing friction with authority figures or maybe there are some places or people that you need to break free from. Whatever it is, there’s a good chance that this energy will carry on throughout the month of October. So do your best to understand what wants to transform within and around you by facing these limitations. 

Keep in mind that sometimes clashes are necessary and the friction can be a tool to helps us find exactly what it is that we need. So take some time and consider: What are these restrictions and limitations teaching you? What is holding you back? Where are you maturing? What is the tension you feel within?Where is your energy pulling you? What do you feel you need the courage to face and conquer? What’s the anger about? What does your frustration need?How do you tend to uncomfortable emotions when they come to the surface? Where have you felt most vulnerable recently? How might you tend to your wound? 

 We will all feel the tension during this Full Moon between the intense fiery energy of Aries, who is ready to claim what’s hers, in contrast with the peaceful and other focused energy of Libra that is asking us to consider the other. Each of us will experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Virgo - Sept 16, 2020


On September 17, 2020 (4 am PDT & 7 am EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and service oriented sign of Virgo. The sign that is finely attuned to details, prefers order, is all about precision, and is driven by her desire for growth. At her core she is wired for service, and it’s important that the work she does is also an extension of who she is. In fact, there’s a good chance you’ll recognize her for it, too. The key behind her work is that it must be meaningful to her and if it’s not, she’ll feel like a slave to it. When she’s functioning at her best, she’s clear about who she is, what she does, where she’s going, and knows with unwavering clarity where her place is in the world. Her shadow creeps in through worrying, nitpicking, and scrutinizing over every little thing and every little detail. To put it simply, she’s been known at times to become a little bit obsessive. 

So what does this mean for this New Moon?

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up close to one another making the moon invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Something from the hidden realm is ready to come into visibility and Virgo energy wants us to be productive and tend to those details and projects. You might feel compelled to fix anything and everything, even if it’s not broken, but especially if it is, and you also might feel frozen, overwhelmed, exhausted, and confused and have no clue as to where to start. 

The good news is that both Saturn, the planet associated with limits and restrictions, and Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, are making a helpful aspect to this New Moon. This alignment suggests it’s time for you to roll up your sleeves and devote yourself to some hard work so that you can find ways to perfect and hone your skills. Virgo wants you to master your craft, not so you can be known or seen, but for the sake of being of service to others. How are you extending yourself into the world? What is your gift? What would you like to devote yourself to completely without any reservations? 

 I’d also like to add that Neptune, the mystical planet that has no energetic edges, is making a difficult alignment to this lunation. With this strong pull to get to work, you might equally feel like tucking yourself away or hiding somewhere far far away from all the needs clawing for your attention.Yet the Virgo energy is asking you to get things done, to tackle that next project, and do everything with excellence. This tension is pulling us in two different directions and we might feel confused or frustrated as a result. Maybe the best use of this energy is to be present with what appears along your path, but instead of pushing it, try to relax into it. Release the reigns a little, surrender into the unknown, and move towards acceptance for what is possible. Maybe then you can lean into the project and not be too attached to the outcome. 

Work without a vision is simply work, but if you can dream into a new beginning or imagine where it is that you want to go, and what you want to create, then tending to the details makes the work come alive. It gives it meaning. Take some time to see where you’ve been stuck just spinning your wheels and see if you can reimagine a new way of doing things. Where would you like to see more growth in your life? What areas in your life feel most meaningful? What are some steps you can take to make your vision real? How have you been avoiding your calling? Instead of getting lost in the details and trying to figure it all out, what’s one thing you can do to make an improvement? What might create some ease for you along your path? 

Lastly, I’d like to point out that Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is making a challenging aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance. So be careful of making any grand claims right now or passing extreme judgments on others. While it’s important to have faith, show conviction behind our words, and chase after big ideas, it’s also important to create the sacred in the day to day by devoting ourselves to what is most meaningful. While Virgo craves perfection, you might need to remind her that sometimes things feel messy and you don’t have all the answers for how things need to look and well, that’s perfectly okay, too. After all, it leaves room for growth, and that’s what Virgo craves the most. 

 While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to get to work and tend to the details, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Virgo. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.] 

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Joey Paynter Joey Paynter

New Moon in Leo - August 18, 2020


On Tuesday, August 18, 2020 (7:41 PM PDT and 10:41 PM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. She isn’t here to hide and she knows she has something to share with the world. She’s dramatic, she sees life as a stage, does everything with style, and isn’t satisfied without an audience. She performs not as an act to hide behind, but as a way to show and develop who she is. Some of us feel at home in Leo territory while others may want to run for cover. Leo’s shadow comes out when she becomes overly focused on herself with a “me, me, me” take on life. If she’s consumed with herself then her child like energy turns into childish behavior, and well, that’s not fun for anyone. With the New Moon in Leo, the theme for this lunation is EXPRESSION.

So what else can we expect for this New Moon?

New Moon’s occur when the sun and moon cozy up next to each other and so the moon becomes invisible in the sky. This is why New Moons tend to represent new beginnings, fresh starts, and a time to plant new seeds. Something from the hidden is ready to come into visibility and Leo energy wants us to express, be bold, be creative and find ways to play. If you can open your heart to the wonders and mysteries of the world and try to see life through the eyes of a child, you might experience a little bit of magic. At the very least you’ll give the world an opportunity to (re) enchant you with all its wonder. If you have a project, idea, event or situation you’ve been sitting on, now is the perfect time to bring it into visibility. Whatever it is just make sure you find a way to engage with it and bring it to life. This is not a time to keep things hidden or secret. 

Mercury, the planet associated with communication, thoughts, and your perspective, is cuddled up closely to this New Moon. So get your message out there, allow yourself some space to shine, and share who you really are with the world and those around you. Don’t be surprised if you feel inundated with communication in all forms – texts, phone calls, emails, conversations, or even commitments or contracts you need to look over. Since the North Node is in Gemini and is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon, we get a clue that whatever it is we are putting into motion with through our message right now is linked to our path forward. To move forward we must leave behind some of our old patterns, old ways of thinking, and any worn out belief systems in exchange for the new.

I’d also like to add that Saturn, the planet associated with limits and restrictions, is making a challenging alignment to this New Moon. You might feel some added pressure placed upon you, or maybe you feel weighed down by your responsibilities, or maybe some type of limitation is inhibiting you from what you want to express. Sometimes restrictions help us become more focused and clear about what it is we are trying to say. If you do feel a block, don’t let that be the end of the story. Saturn is simply asking you – how badly do you want to share your message? And what is the work you need to do so that you can become more visible. 

Lastly, Mars, the fiery planet associated with assertion, passion, courage, and intensity, is making a helpful alignment to this New Moon. This interaction offers us the courage to face our fears, and the push we need to get our message out there. So go on – believe in yourself, give yourself permission to let your true nature shine, and celebrate who it is you’re becoming. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Leo and a few of the planets. Neither the sign nor the planet are gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]

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