New Moon in Libra - October 6, 2021

On Wednesday, October 6th, 2021 (4:05 AM PDT and 7:05 AM EDT), the Moon begins a new cycle in the airy and charming sign of Libra. Mars and Mercury Rx are also in the mix with the Sun and Moon, and these four planetary bodies are emphasizing balance, peace, beauty, harmony, and our connection with others. Libra is wired to see life from the other’s point of view and isn’t afraid of compromise. She wants things to feel fair, cringes at injustice, and has a big heart for the underdog. When she’s caught up in her shadow, it’s difficult for her to state an opinion. Her aim to please can also leave her frozen by indecision. If you’re concerned about how this might show up, look to see if you are sugarcoating or downplaying the truth, or maybe even using a friendly smile as a wall to hide behind.

Since Mercury Rx has a direct influence on this lunation, we may need to return to some of our prior conversations, contracts, or agreements before moving forward or making any important decisions. While we have several planets in Libra territory, stay open to the other side of the story, notice where you’re projecting, and take time to really listen. We tend to think of Libra as a peaceful sign, but with Mars in the mix we could experience some pushbacks in our relationships and it’s possible for some drama to unfold.

I should also mention that Uranus, the planet associated with change, is making a bit of a challenging aspect to this New Moon. You may feel a strong rush of energy push things into motion, but be careful of moving ahead too quickly. You’re better off waiting for more information to come your way before making an important decision. There may also be some disruptions or sudden changes that throw you off balance and your job is to find a way to restore equilibrium back into your life. There’s no need to force this change; it’s happening whether you want it to or not. There’s always the possibility that Uranus shows up as an awakener and provides you with some fresh new insights and revelations about something you’ve been going through.

I’d also like to add that Chiron, the wounded healer, is opposing this New Moon and can highlight some of our unhealthy relating patterns. Maybe you feel responsible for other people’s feelings. Maybe you prefer to be in the role of the people pleaser. Maybe you hide a part of who you are so that you will feel accepted and loved. Maybe you pretend in order to keep the peace. Whatever it is that you do - What themes do you notice? Where did you learn this pattern? What would help you heal? How might you balance this scale?

The theme of this lunation is relationships. This might be your intimate relationships, friendships, work relationships, or even the relationship you have with food, money, alcohol, exercise, body, Self, etc. Use these next few weeks to reflect and maybe even write about what you feel has been missing, unfair, unbalanced, or causing you problems. You might even consider writing yourself a letter about what feels unbalanced within you. Be as honest as possible about what it is you want and need and the things that are standing in the way of that. It’s also a great time to truly listen to the other. What is their voice in the story? Do your relationships feel balanced? Fair? Open? Connected? Are you giving or receiving too much?

 While we all might feel our relationships highlighted in one way or another, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you. 

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.


New Moon in Scorpio - November 4, 2021


Full Moon in Pisces - September 20th, 2021