Full Moon in Pisces - September 20th, 2021
On Monday, September 20, 2021 (4:55 PM PDT and 7:55 AM EDT) the Full Moon glows in the fluid and watery sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to live in metaphors, connects with images, and calls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. And oh, let me tell you, not only does she sense your feelings, she feels them as if they were her own. Her deepest treasure is her inner world and oh my, does that world seethe with life. Pisces is often without edges, and so it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift until she’s completely lost inside her story.
So what does this mean for this Full Moon?
Keep in mind that a Full Moon is a time of completion, a time for breakthrough, and is also the perfect time for manifesting. A Pisces Full Moon pulls us into the more dreamy and mystical aspects that live outside of our day -to -day reality. Dealing with the polarities of the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Pisces, you may feel thetension between the spiritual and the practical; the sacred and the profane; our spiritual experiences intermingling with our every day earthly routines. Knowing this, it’s the perfect time to lean into your dreams, let those creative juices flow, and bask in that inner world magiK of yours, but if you try to push things to happen to soon, you may find yourself more frustrated than when you first began. What would it be like if you put your trust in the ethereal, surrendered to the unknown, played in the numinous, and drank in the silence? Does that feel scary or freeing?
If you haven’t figured it out yet, this Full Moon is a time when lines feel more blurred, the imagination is turned up on high, and there’s a deeper communion with your intuition. Maybe you’ll feel more sensitive than usual or find that the tears can’t stop falling, or maybe it will all feel like one big release. Maybe you feel more connected to all of humanity right now or maybe you’ll struggle to know where you end and another begins. Or maybe you’ll end up feeling confused on which way to go because nothing seems to feel too real right now. If you’re looking for some clarity, you might want to think back to what was going on during the New Moon in Pisces we had this past March, and then consider how this Full Moon might be a completion to what was started back then.
Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, the dreamy planet associated with mysticism and spirituality, is linked up to this Full Moon. This means your imagination and dreamy like states will be turned up a notch or two, but so is your ability to fall into the illusion of something that’s not really real. It also might highlight your escapist tendencies and making your perception a little more blurry than usual. Whatever it is that you feel is moving through you, it’s the perfect time to relax, do a walking meditation, sleep, paint, imagine, create, dream, and listen to that inner compass of yours. If you’re struggling keep in mind that it’s okay to not know how things will turn out. Sometime the best thing you can do is just let it all play out and surrender to the moment and the next one and the next and the next one.
Mars, the planet associated with the God of war, is in the sign of Libra, and is cozied up close to the Sun, which means it’s opposing this Full Moon. If frustrations arise due to this lack of clarity, then do your best to find ways to calm yourself down and consider taking a time out especially if your wheels keep spinning without getting you anywhere.
At the end of this week Mercury will turn retrograde in Libra on September 26th/27th. Things will begin to slow down and you may find that there are several changes being made to some of your previous conversations, contracts, and agreements. You may not have all the pieces you need to make an informed decision, so try to wait on any big decisions or you may find that your plans will need to change.
So with this full moon use your imagination and find ways to put that wild and creative spark of yours into practice. Listen to your dreams. Move past the edges of what you know, see, and believe, and do your best to trust your Self in learning how to listen to where you need to be, which is always: HERE.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to go within and create something new, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
>>>play on<<<
[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.