New Moon in Aquarius - February 11th, 2021
On Thursday, February 11th, 2021 (11:07am PST and 2:07 PM EST), the moon begins a new cycle in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, and she’s all about the freedom she needs “to be her SELF.” Oh, and I should mention that she carries the archetype of the genius, too. You might think she’s odd, but here’s the thing: she’s supposed to be. And while society or friends or family might try to cage her, if she chooses to conform to a predictable life that appeases what everyone else wants for her, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.
So what does this mean for this New Moon?
First let me add that not only do we have the Sun and Moon in Aquarius, but Mercury Rx, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and the asteroid, Pallas, are all here, too. It’s as if the sky is throwing one big Aquarian party and the theme is freedom, change, individuation, genius energy, awakening to the future, innovative thinking, and being willing to do things differently. While I’m sure you can feel the heavy emphasis on free- thinking and individuality, this sign is also deeply linked to the community and the collective. Yet what happens when the group or tribe is not matching what we want or need for our self or vice versa?
Since we are in Mercury Rx and this planet is in the Aquarian mix, it’s a good time to reflect on the past and see where your story fits with the group and where it does not. Where must you consider the needs of the group to be greater than your own and where must we see that our individuality is paramount to claiming our path inside the collective? This isn’t about conforming and it’s not about isolating or exiling one’s self either. It’s about being willing to bring one’s full, authentic self to the table so that the collective can be impacted and changed.
I’m sure you’d agree that there’s never a shortage of hot topics to explore out there on the world’s stage and right now you can take your pick from vaccinations to politics to the economy to global warming to immigration, to technology, to racial inequality to healthcare and more. As you reflect on the past, how have you seen your country progress over the years? What about the planet as a whole? And then think about how you would like to see our society progress as we take steps towards the future. What is your part in this progression? How can you remain true to yourself? Where must you carve out a new path? What is the collective asking of you right now? How would you like to see your own life progress? Where have you been holding yourself back?
I’d also like to add that Mars, the planet of drive, passion, assertion, and aggression, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. You may feel some tensions rise or experience some added frustrations or conflict. This is all part of the process to understand the edges between the self and the tribe. With so many voices out there it sometimes becomes difficult to hear our own. Do your best to get clear on your truth and stay alert to where the group wants you to conform and abandon yourself. It’s also important that you uncover and face any fears you have about not fitting in or where you might struggle to reveal who you really are out into the world. It's equally important to seek and understand where the community needs you. Where are you longing to express yourself more authentically? Who are the people in your tribe?
As you decide what seeds to plant during this New Moon consider what or where you’d like to see some progress in your world. Open yourself up to new perspectives and consider what patterns you need to break for something new to start taking shape. Trust your weird. It may lead you down a road you have yet to see, but need to.
While we all might feel pulled to open our minds towards new thinking, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
>>>play on<<<
[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]