New Moon in Pisces - March 13, 2021


On Saturday, March 13th, 2021 (2:21 am PST and 5:21 am EST) the moon begins a new cycle in the watery and fluid sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to speak in metaphors, connects with images, and calls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. Here’s the thing: not only does she sense your feelings; she feels them as if they were her own. You’ll likely recognize her for her compassion and her gentle and loving spirit that flows from the inside out. It’s true that some might call her a mystic, others a poet, or an artist, and still others may see her as a dreamer. Her deepest treasure is her inner world, and oh, does it seethe with life. Since Pisces is often without edges, it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift. Warning: Her shadow might appear when the world out there becomes too much to feel, so she’ll do what she does best – she’ll escape or find a way to numb herself, or at the very least she’ll disconnect.

So what does this mean for this New Moon? 

A New Moon is a time to create, a time to breathe new life, and a time to plant our vision deep beneath the surface. Pisces energy can certainly aid us with sensing all that happens in secret and it can also lead us further into a dream. Pisces will easily take you into your inner world, but be aware that when edges soften, confusion might also creep in, and boundaries might start to blur. It’s also not uncommon for illusions, deceptions, and delusions to show up that blind us from what’s real. 

With four planetary bodies in Pisces (Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Venus) we can choose to surrender into something meaningful or lose ourselves in the abyss. If you’re feeling more sensitive than usual, you can use this energy as an opening to connect to the Divine, the Universe, or even the spaces that live in between. Or you may also want to use this energy to help you create since you may feel more inspired than usual. Take a moment and consider: What would it look like if I surrendered to the mysteries? How might letting go open me? Of course on the flip side you may want to be careful about what you’re falling into and really consider how slippery this slope might actually be for you.

Spring is just around the corner and it won’t be long before we feel the Aries energy push us to go after what we want. But right now we are still in the land of dreams, myths, and the imagination. Mary Watkins, a Jungian theorist, wrote a book called Waking Dreams, and she urges us to see the images in our waking world as images for us to engage with and encounter. Maybe during this lunation you could consider how your waking world is much like a dream. If you were to step outside and look at the myth you are living, what would the landscape reveal about your soul? Who are the characters in your play? What images do you see reflected back to you? What is the waking dream that you’re living? What’s the true vision that is trying to be revealed? 

Since Neptune, the dreamy, mystical planets, is the ruler of Pisces, and is currently cozied up rather close to this New Moon, don’t be surprised if you encounter some highly synchronistic or numinous moments that remind you of how grand and big this world really is and that maybe there really are some experiences that can’t be fully explained. 

So as you reflect on your life make sure that you lean into compassion, and be gentle with that beating heart of yours. Do your best to turn towards the mystery, surrender to the unknown, and let the images teach you. Lastly, remember that sensitivity is turned up on high and others might be feeling more vulnerable than usual. 

While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to go within and create something newwe will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<

[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]


Full Moon in Libra - March 28th, 2021


New Moon in Aquarius - February 11th, 2021