New Moon in Aquarius - January 31, 2022

On Monday, January 31, 2022 (9:46 PM PST and Feb 1st 12:46 AM EST), we experience the second New Moon of the month. This New Moon carries the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird.

The two rulers of Aquarius are both deeply impacting this New Moon. Saturn, the planet aligned with restrictions, limits, fears, discipline, and hard work, is positioned right next to this lunation. This alignment suggests we need to build something that can withstand the test of time. What is worth your time, energy, commitment and dedication? While Uranus, the planet known for stirring up change and disruption is making a challenging aspect. This highlights the importance of breaking from how you’ve always done things and being willing to create a new path that is more aligned to who you are and where you’d like to go. It’s also possible that ideas, perceptions, and visions for the future will be challenged on both a personal and collective level.

Keep in mind that Venus stationed Retrograde back on December 19th in a conjunction with Pluto, the planet of truth and transformation, and she finished her descent to the underworld on January 29th. These 40 days and 40 nights have led us into some of our relational wounds, altered our perceptions, possibly opened us to a change of heart, and had us reflecting on our relational truths. We needed to take things slow so that we could ponder our connections, our projections, and to see if anything needed to fall apart. Now that Venus has stationed direct, we might experience new insights and gain new revelations about how we relate to our self, each other, and our relationship to beauty, peace, and love. Venus must now retrace her steps until she meets Pluto again on March 3rd, but this time she comes with more wisdom than she had before.

How has your heart changed since December 19th? What did you recover from your unconscious? What have you learned about your heart’s desires? What do you truly value?

Even though Venus Retrograde is complete, Mercury Retrograde continues until Feb 3rd reminding us that we are still in a time of reflection and pondering. This New Moon might feel sluggish and slow as if we’re not quite ready to put everything into motion. It’s also signaling we’re moving through a significant break with the past. The Aquarius energy of this New Moon nudges us to take at least one step forward even if we don’t know where the rest will lead us. It might take time to completely break free from an old story, but you can still take steps to nurture your new vision and know that it may need to change directions once you get moving. Saturn is reminding us to be strategic and really make the next step count instead of trying to rush to the finish line.

While we all might feel pulled to open our minds toward a new path, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.

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