Full Moon in Scorpio/Total Lunar Eclipse - May 15th, 2022
We're in the thick of eclipse season for 2022. Last month on April 30th we had the first one, a partial solar eclipse in Taurus. Eclipses are often associated with breakthroughs, stir up the intensity, and they amplify whatever needs that extra touch. We are also in Mercury retrograde (currently in Gemini) since May 10th and this energy is asking us to slow things down, pay attention to conversations, look to untangle any misunderstandings, read the fine print, and stay open to ideas instead of trying to draw firm conclusions about what you think is happening or needs to happen.
Jupiter entered Aries on May 10th and will stay here until October 28th when it will briefly return back to Pisces for a couple more months. While Jupiter is in Aries it’s time to put into action much of what surfaced through our dreams and visions these last several months. You’ll find that it will be easier to access your will power and go after the opportunities that you really want. However, there is a slight catch, with eclipse season and Mercury retrograde playing in the forefront, you might need to wait until the second week of June to really put things into action. Use the next few weeks for planning and strategizing.
So what’s happening with this Full Moon/Total Solar Eclipse?
On Saturday, May 15th, 2022 (9:15 PM PDT & 12:15 AM EDT), the Full Moon occurs along side a total lunar eclipse in the intense and penetrating sign of Scorpio. This potent lunation is likely to stir up and amplify some of your feelings that have been repressed, hidden, or stuffed down. It is a call for a deep dive into the unconscious and the Scorpio Full Moon will turn a spotlight on some of your fears that have been buried in your psyche. You also might find that some of your desires and impulses are turned up a notch or two.
Saturn, the planet known for limits and restrictions, is making a challenging aspect to this lunation. This can bring up some resistance, and some sobering feelings that might weigh you down and keep you trapped in a depressive maze. Saturn in its desire to mature you is asking you how badly do you want to live a more full-filling life? What are you willing to commit yourself to that will help you feel more alive and aligned? What has taken your joy? What fears keep you from enjoying simple pleasures in life? Where is your life blocked? How might you choose to live your life with more intention? What’s causing your soul harm?
Use persistence and determination to move through and face your feelings no matter how hard or difficult it feels in the moment. If you stay present to these uncomfortable emotions, you might experience a breakthrough just when you need it most. The good news is whatever it is that’s weighing heavily on you is likely to wane after a few days.
With a south nodal eclipse in Scorpio, there is an opportunity to release unhealthy attachments and explore your relationship with power, control, and hidden motivations. If anything starts to feel too complicated and overwhelming, look for simplicity. Choose something that would bring more ease to the moment. A hug, a walk, a cup of tea, watching a sunset, taking a few deep breaths, sitting by water, resting against a tree, going barefoot, feel the ground, have a conversation with a trusted friend, or even indulge in your favorite meal.
There are also a few planets that are positioned in a helpful way to this lunation: Neptune, the mystical and dreamy planet, Mars, the god of war, and Jupiter, the planet known for abundance, faith, and expansion. Their energy will serve as a guide and potentially soften or help any challenging situations or feelings that surface.
Take control of what’s in your power and surrender the rest. Try to practice that all too familiar line of learning to be unattached to the outcome. Do be wary of falling into spiritual bypassing or some type of escape as a way to cope. Remember that it’s an active engagement with surrender not a defeatist type mentality of giving up. If you do find yourself trapped inside an emotional maze, do your best to recognize that there’s a bigger picture playing out in the background, and this moment is only a small part of it.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to look deeply within, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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