New Moon in Scorpio - November 13, 2023

On Monday, November 13th (1:27 AM PST & 4:27 AM EST), the moon begins a new cycle in the watery, deep, and penetrating sign of Scorpio. This sign is deeper than deep, and won’t rest until all the truth is out on the table. It wants to expose what’s been hidden and honors realness and rawness as if they were gods/goddesses. Scorpio’s tendency is to approach things as all or nothing, so you might want to leave some room for the areas that fall in between.
Usually, when a New Moon follows an eclipse, there tends to be a sigh of relief, but this lunation comes packed with intensity and a need for transformation. One of Scorpio’s rulers, Mars, the planet of war, action, and assertion, is cozied up real close to this New Moon, while also opposing the quirky, rebellious, and unpredictable planet, Uranus. This can activate sudden and abrupt changes and we’re likely to feel pressure, tension, conflict, irritability, frustration, and a pull to act immediately. Reminder: You don’t need to rush or be pushed into anything right now that doesn’t sit well with you.
With Scorpio’s desire to get to the bottom of everything, we'll be dealing with truths that have been hidden from us or one’s we’d rather not face, but need to. The good news is that new beginnings are just around the corner, but before we can meet those, we’ll need to wade through a few discomforts. It’s likely that what you need to feel and experience right now is happening outside your comfort zone.
There’s an edgy and raw vibe in the air due to repressed feelings and frustrations being dug up from the unconscious. In other words, there’s a good chance that you’ll experience some shake ups, breakdowns or even some type of break up during this lunation. If things start to feel messy, don’t be surprised if your normal tactics of looking away aren’t working. I should also add that with these strong Scorpio energies and the planet Mars in the mix, sex and sexuality will become a central theme. Secrets might be revealed, new information might surface, and it’s possible that what you once believed stops being true. Luckily, Venus, the planet of attraction, and what we value most, is moving through the sign of Libra. This will help us consider the other, find ways to balance things out, and look for common ground.
If you are brave enough to face the truth and not look away, what do you see? What might you say? What do you feel? Are you willing to consider the other side of the story? Is there something you’ve been resisting or trying to convince yourself isn’t true? Is there something you’ve been afraid to feel? What’s the story you’re telling yourself? Is it time to change that narrative? Use this New Moon to dive deep within your soul and confront the parts of yourself that you haven’t felt ready to see until now.
The mystical and spiritual planet, Neptune is also involved in this New Moon suggesting you could receive some higher guidance if you choose to stay open and pay attention. Listen to your intuition. Trust the nudges, insights, whispers, and promptings that are visiting you or whatever it is that makes you feel connected to life. These promptings may prove to be even more important than your logical assumptions and rational explanations.
While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on the truth of who we are and what we need to transform, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, to learn about who you are and what you’ve come here to do, I’d love to set up a session with you.

>>>play on<<<


Full Moon in Gemini - November 27, 2023


Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus - October 28, 2023