Full Moon in Gemini - November 27, 2023
On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 1:16 AM PST and 4:16 AM EST, the Full Moon glows in the inquisitive and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is open to new ideas, is quick to adapt in any situation, and knows that there’s always multiple sides to every story. With the Sun now shining in Sagittarius, huddled up closely to Mars, and opposing the moon, it will be important to utilize the Geminian energy by staying curious, open, and ready to embrace dualities. This is especially true if some new information is brought across your path and highlights some things you’d rather not see. Be careful with how you handle this and pay attention to how you spin a story to fit your own narrative.
A Full Moon is a time for full visibility, reaching a climax, or a culmination point. This particular Full Moon might bring a conversation, an idea, a belief or a relationship to completion, or it may even provide a new understanding about what is possible. At the very least this Full Moon will inspire important conversations.
There’s an intense astrological alignment happening during this lunation that involves the Sun, Mars, Saturn, and the Moon that will make you feel as though you have to act immediately, defend your stance at all costs, while knowing that something needs to change. No doubt you’ll feel the tension. The tricky thing is that there’s a good chance you won’t feel ready to act on the change even if you feel it’s for the best. Try to listen to alternative perspectives, especially if you’re convinced your view is the correct one. This is where staying open and being flexible comes in handy and so does extending a large dose of compassion and understanding to yourself and others.
Keep in mind that Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, and messenger of the gods, will enter its last retrograde cycle of the year on December 12th which means it’s currently moving through its shadow. This just means Mercury is currently crossing degrees that it will pass back over twice more in the next few weeks. The point will be to highlight an area of our chart that needs attention.
The energy might feel scattered right now, but once Mercury is retrograde things will begin to slow down, giving us lots to consider and reflect upon, as the year comes to a close. Neptune, the mystical planet is in a challenging aspect to Mercury stirring up some confusion, disorientation, and misunderstandings. While you might feel like you know how things are going to play out, the truth is that things are still blurry and out of focus. Landing on a conclusion right now would only be to your detriment. Treat this lunation as an experiment in learning how to trust that more is going to unfold in the proper timing. Hint: You may have to release some control.
Do your best to step outside of your perspective and welcome new information no matter how uncomfortable it feels at first. The good news is that the Sagittarius energy expressed through the Sun and Mars can be used to help redefine or reinvent your path, your image, and your personal beliefs. Remember that it’s okay to change your mind and go in a completely different direction than you were before and maybe even change your mind again. A new idea exists in any given moment. The main thing to guard against is spinning those wheels in your mind so fast that you fill yourself with anxiety and overwhelm. This will then lead you down a path of thinking your emotions instead of feeling them.
We will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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