New Moon in Leo - August 16, 2023
On Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 (2:38 AM PDT and 5:38 AM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful, playful, and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, ignites joy and creativity, and needs to express everything from the heart without inhibition. With this lunation, you’ll feel the archetypes of the Child, the Queen/King, and the Performer taking center stage and emphasizing the importance of being seen and witnessed.
So what else can we expect for this New Moon?
This New Moon happens to align with Venus Retrograde while also making a challenging aspect to Jupiter and Uranus, highlighting some type of unexpected changes around relationships, our values, and maybe even igniting some creative sparks. Consider where this Venus Retrograde cycle has led you these last few weeks since July 22nd, 2023. Are there past relationships or connections coming back? Is there a relational pattern surfacing? Maybe a passion of yours is being reignited? Maybe you’re returning to ideas and hobbies that once brought you joy and now you’re seeing them in a new light? Maybe you’re trying to remember what used to bring you joy? Maybe you’re reflecting on where your passions have taken you and where you’d like to go?
Leo energy wants us to be aligned with what’s in our heart, but this lunation will likely place a spotlight on areas where we feel misaligned, on what no longer resonates, or doesn’t fit into our world anymore. What parts of your heart need to be seen and acknowledged? Where do you need to feel more joy? Where do you need to experience more play in your life? Where have your desires changed?
Feel into that big heart of yours and take note of what wants to spill out. Do we see the fullness of you? Where have you felt limited?
Personally, I’ve been thinking a lot about what it looks like when my life is in flow. I notice that when I’m in flow there’s a lack of attachment to what needs to happen next and there’s a greater pull in my heart to be present to the moment. When I try to control and limit the flow, I begin to function more in a state of lack and my life starts to feel closed, tight, and restricted. When I’m in flow I feel an excitement about life much like a child does who is immersed in play. What is it like for you when your life is in flow? What’s been limiting your flow?
With Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Uranus, the planet of change, both in the mix, you might feel something is pushing you outside of your comfort zone so that you can see what is possible. With this lunation, stay open to change and be willing to challenge what has felt comfortable and a little too predictable in your life.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you
>>>play on<<<