Full Moon in Aquarius - August 15, 2019
On Thursday, August 15th (5:29am PDT and 8:29am EDT) the Full Moon glows in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, she prefers to color outside the lines, and she’s all about the freedom she needs to be her most authentic self. Oh, and I should mention that she carries the archetype of the genius, too. Some might think she’s odd, but here’s the thing: she’s supposed to be. And while society or friends or family might try to cage her, if she conforms to a predictable life that pleases what everyone else wants for her, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process. Eeek. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.
So what does this mean for this Full Moon?
Let’s just say there’s an emphasis on our individuality. You might feel a strong pull to break free from anything that ties you to who you think, or maybe it’s who others think, you “should” be. Maybe ask yourself: Who would I be if there wasn’t a “should be” attached to any of my actions? Who would I find if I chiseled away all the other parts that didn’t mirror my deepest inner truth? What stops me from living my life more freely? Who do I cast as the audience while I play out the different scenes to my life?
Now that Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, turned retrograde, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the areas in your life where you’ve become too attached to an idea, or a belief, or possibly on how your level of comfort constructs your world. Of course there’s nothing wrong with feeling safe and secure, but the deeper question to look into is what is your safety costing you? If you feel unsure, take a moment and think about the stories that govern your life. You know, those stories that keep you in line with your comforts and all the scripts you live by. Unpack those and see if there’s something that wants to break you free from that familiar pattern.
Since we all have stories, the best thing we can do is to become clear about the one’s we’re living. Maybe ask yourself: What are the beliefs and truths that help me construct the walls of my life? Or what would happen if I released myself into a new way of seeing? Hint: if you have a hard time seeing the walls of your playground, simply look to the excuses you use when it comes time to make changes or to do something different. Our excuses are often clues to how we want to keep things the same.
The good news is that this Aquarius energy helps us color outside the lines and think outside of the box. Since we have the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Venus all in the sign of Leo, this is the perfect time to create a new script. Have fun with it: Dream. Play. Write. Create. And be bold with your actions. Let your most authentic self shine as brightly and as colorfully as you would like and don’t be afraid if this means that you will stand out. Remember this isn’t about approval from others, but about living your truth without inhibition.
I do want to emphasize that Venus, the planet associated with love, attraction, values, pleasure, and connection, is opposing this Full Moon and with Uranus and Mercury being in some tension with one another, it’s certainly possible that feelings of loneliness might try to creep into your field. There’s also the possibility that you’ll feel misunderstood by some of your closest friends and if that happens try your best to not take anything too personally. Yes, I know this is often much easier said than done, but if you can practice seeing other’s opinions of you as a story about who they are and not necessarily about who you are, then it often lessens the sting. It also frees you from his or her playground and allows you to play more freely in your own. It certainly won’t hurt if you to pay extra attention to your significant relationships and if friction arises, see if you can take a step back and unravel what caused your disconnect without overreacting.
Lastly, I’ll add that since the Sun and Venus are cozied up rather closely, you might find yourself more drawn to social interactions than usual or maybe a project appears to you out of the blue or maybe you’ll feel inspired to create something new or maybe others will feel attracted to your talents and want to collaborate with you on a new assignment. So many possibilities in front of you and so many stories to create. Just make sure you like the story you’re living, and if not, feel free to write a new one.
While we all might feel pulled to express our individuality, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
New Moon in Leo - July 31, 2019
On Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (8:12 PM PDT and 11:12 PM EDT) the Moon begins a new cycle in the colorful and expressive sign of Leo. The sign that is bold, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. She isn’t here to hide and she knows she has something to share with the world. She’s dramatic, she sees life as a stage, does everything with style, and isn’t satisfied without an audience. She performs not as an act to hide behind, but as a way to show and develop who she is. Some of us feel at home in Leo territory while others may want to run for cover. Leo’s shadow comes out when she becomes overly focused on herself and can only see a “me, me, me” take on life. If she’s consumed with herself then her child like energy turns into childish behavior and well, that’s not fun for anyone. With the New Moon in Leo, the theme for this lunation is EXPRESSION.
So what else can we expect for this New Moon?
Well for starters, we are out of that intense eclipse energy and Mercury is stationing direct. In other words, if these last few weeks have felt a bit “too much” from all the self reflection, misunderstandings, delays, and possible set backs that left you spinning in circles, then feel free to let out a huge sigh of relief knowing that you made it through. Of course everything has its place, and maybe Mercury retrograde also brought resolve to some of your relationships, gave you clarity on your next steps for a project, contract, or event, or maybe it even allowed you to connect with a friend or two from the past. People, things, and situations are rarely all bad or all good, but some can certainly pack more of a punch than others. When that happens, I’m sure we could all use a bit of a break, and guess what- there’s a good chance this New Moon offers us the breather we need.
During this lunation we have the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars all situated in Leo. So it’s the perfect time to boldly claim who you are without apology, indulge in some play, engage in some fun, wildly create, and express as colorfully and as loudly as you would like. Let all that inner reflection move into a time of visible expression for however you feel this would best suit you. Allow your unique self to step into the spotlight and don’t be afraid to shine as brightly as you would like. Reminder: If you see others boldly shining in their talents and accomplishments, join in the celebration with them and know that their joy and light doesn’t diminish yours, but actually adds to it. I promise that there’s more than enough joy and light for everyone.
I do need to mention that Uranus, the planet of unpredictability and change, is making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. There’s a chance that something you didn’t see coming might appear in your path. The good news is that even if this does occur there’s likely to be an opportunity for change. If we can remember that Uranus is ultimately here to free us and help us live out our most authentic self then it doesn’t feel as scary. If we can learn to ride the waves when they come instead of feeling overcome by them we are likely to feel free and less attached to an outcome. That sounds good to me. Or maybe Uranus is here to ignite a new creative idea or stir up an attraction to something new or even to someone new. Who knows you might even find an entirely new path opening up for you that is brimming to the surface with possibilities. So with Uranus making itself known during this lunation, ask yourself: What is it that I really want to express? What makes me unique? How have I been following the crowd? What is my true expression? What in my life brings me the most joy? Who or what can I celebrate? What are my gifts? How can I experience more fun in my life?
Lastly, Chiron, the wounded healer is making a helpful appearance during this lunation. This energy is encouraging you to honor the work you’ve already done in facing your wounds and that if you need more healing to occur that it will easily come through for you right now. Maybe this comes from a friend or a mentor or even from the kindness and love that you show toward yourself. However it shows up, it’s the perfect opportunity to practice gratitude.
So allow yourself to fall more deeply in love with life, reconnect with all the things and experiences that bring you joy, and don’t be afraid to shine. Find ways to celebrate yourself and your loved ones. Pay attention to what makes you excited to get up in the morning and maybe you’ll find yourself becoming more enchanted with life.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to express who we are and celebrate the life we have, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Leo and a few of the planets. Neither the sign nor the planet are gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn - July 16, 2019
On July 16, 2019 (2:38 PM PDT and 5:38 PM EDT), the moon glows in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. The sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, feels joy in productivity and is inspired by accomplishment. I’ll also add that she’s not easily distracted, craves solitude like no other, values integrity above all else and when she’s functioning at her highest- she carries the archetype of the wise elder. At her worst, she becomes rigid, demanding, and controlling. If she ever turns to approval from others, it’s likely that she’ll begin to lose clarity about herself and there’s a good chance that she’ll end up a prisoner even in her success. If this happens, then no matter what she does, nothing will ever quite seem like it’s enough.
Of course this isn’t a regular Full Moon either, since it also happens to be a partial lunar eclipse. In case you’re wondering, a lunar eclipse only occurs during a Full Moon. It happens when the moon passes entirely behind the Earth and into its shadow.If you’re in North America, you won’t be able to see this partial lunar eclipse, but anywhere else in the world and you should be in luck.
So what’s the personal significance of a lunar eclipse? Well, there’s a good chance that it’s linked to an ending, a breakthrough, or some type of resolutionregarding an issue or situation that’s been lingering in the background for a little while now. Specifically, think back to the seeds you planted on January 5thof this year when the New Moon solar eclipse occurred in Capricorn. If nothing in particular comes to mind, don’t worry we still have two more eclipses that occur in Capricorn before this part of the story comes to a close. I’ll also add thatan eclipse is a time when the moon goes into the shadows, sowe might find that our hidden emotions and rejected aspects of our self become more known at this time.This can be an uncomfortable process as shadow material (Think: everything in your psyche that you want to hide from others including yourself) has the potential to become more potent during an eclipse.
In other words, it’s time to make the unconscious conscious. You can do thisby placing a spotlight on what’s been ruling your life from within.Hint: sometimes it’s not a what, but a who – Think: abandoned child, controller, protector, teenager, victim, worrier, or savior to name a few. Sometimes these different aspects of the self take over and it’s important to know which voices are the loudest in your psyche. If you’re struggling to see who the players are then focus on the themes and patterns that keep playing out in your life and notice how you continue to feed them.
During this lunar eclipse Full Moon we also need to pay attention to Pluto, who is making a strong appearance during this lunation. Pluto is the planet associated with the death and rebirth cycle and is ultimately about transformation.Of course, this planet can be quite intense and it can feel rather destructive if we aren’t willing to look in the mirror to see what or who is looking back at us. We should note that Saturn and the South Node are not that far away. With this energy combined the emphasis is on facing the truth from our past.Don’t be surprised if old karmic lessons resurface right now. As I mentioned earlier, the trick isn’t to push them down or away, but to uncover the pattern or theme that keeps pulling you in circles. Once you can identify the trap that keeps you stuck you ‘ll find that have all you need to clear the path in front of you. Keep in mind that it’s easy to fall back into old beliefs and patterns, but you must turn to the Sun and North Node in Cancer and show compassion and tenderness for where you are in your life right now. Not where you want to be. Not where you used to be. But right where you are right now.This requires patience. This requires compassion. This requires acceptance.
So just to reiterate, with Pluto cozied up close to this Full Moon something in your life is calling for a transformation and this Capricorn energy channeled through Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node is asking you to face the consequences of your past actions. You might feel the heaviness or possibly some restrictions placed on you. If you do, the key is to remember that this is all part of the process.
Remember with Full Moons we feel a tug of war and this one is between our need tonurture our self and others and what it takes to stand firm in our place in the world.The key is to remember that it’s not about one winning over the other, but about integrating the two. It’s about getting clear about how your vulnerability of who you really are is what gives you your true authority and place in the world. So practice kindness and compassion and remember it’s not so much about being nice as it is about being true to your SELF. So do your best to let go of control and lean into the people and places that bring out your best self.
Lastly, Venus is cozied up close to the North Node and is opposing Saturn. Translation: relationships, the things we value, money, and our talents are being brought to the forefront right now. Don’t be surprised if doubt tries to creep in through some of these areas to highlight some of the imbalances in your life. This would be an excellent time to assess your boundaries. It’s certainly important to know your edges, and it’s equally important to know when and how to soften them.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to face the patterns from our past, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Capricorn. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.
New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Cancer - July 2, 2019
On July 2, 2019 (12:16 PM PDT and 3:16 PM EDT) the moon begins a new cycle in the nurturing and healing sign of Cancer. This isn’t just a regular New Moon either since it also happens to be a Total Solar Eclipse. In case you’re wondering an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking the sun. Unless you’re in the South Pacific Ocean, Chile, or Argentina then you won’t be able to experience the totality in full effect for the 4 minutes and 33 seconds that it’s supposed to last. So while it’s only visible in South America we’re all likely to feel it, even if we can’t see it.
Here’s the thing, eclipses are thought to be more powerful. They are catalysts for change and they move and shake us up. So with this eclipse falling in Cancer, there’s a good chance that our home, family life, our inner landscape, and that which gives us our roots will be the main themes on center stage.
New Moons usually start the beginning of a four -week cycle, but the energy that occurs during an eclipse tends to carry us forward for about 6 months. For this particular eclipse it also helps if we rewind and remember the lessons and themes we experienced six months ago during the January eclipses. You might also want to venture as far back as July 2000 to see if you can recall what was happening during that particular time in your life since it was the last time we had an eclipse on the North Node in Cancer. If you can’t remember and still feel unclear about all that is unfolding, don’t worry, more will be revealed during the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse on July 16th.
Psychologically speaking, when the Moon blocks the sun we must look to uncover our unconscious and be prepared for transitions and rapid changes to occur both internally and externally. Now let’s add in that this New Moon is in Cancer, the sign that feels everything and holds it all deep within. She’s kind, she’s loving, she’s tender, and she knows how to make you feel safe and feel protected. Just imagine a den, a womb, a cave, or even a bubble bath or maybe even imagine that you are cozied up under a pile of blankets. Whatever your image just make sure it’s a place where you can let your guard down, and completely sink into your skin.
So for this eclipse think about the type of nurturing that you need and then think about how you can create a safe space to feel whatever it is that you need to feel.Just keep in mind that the Moon is strong in Cancer, its ruling sign, and when we add in eclipse energy we might find that we are all feeling a little bit more sensitive than usual.
This particular eclipse in Cancer also involves the North Node and so this energy is calling us forward onto a new path. Sounds ideal, doesn’t it? Of course this is also easier said than done because new paths often mean we must face unfamiliar and unpredictable territory. The tricky thing with this is that we tend to be creatures of habit and so it’s easy to fall back into our old patterns and worn out paths even if they don’t serve our highest good. So before we put all our energy on our new path forward, it will be helpful if we first address the South Node (past karma) in Capricorn. It will also help if we pay extra close attention to the planet Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, that is cozied up incredibly close to this South Node and opposing this eclipse energy. Translation: this eclipse is asking us to face the cold, hard truth from our past and take responsibility for any unresolved issues that need some healing. Reminder: sometimes healing is messy and that’s more than okay.
We can’t move forward if we don’t let go of the past or better yet, find a way to integrate it. The good news is that Saturn isn’t trying to harm us or cause us pain, but he is ultimately trying to mature us. The key with Saturn is to learn how to embrace the lessons and not run from them. We can’t forget that Pluto is also in the picture and these two planets are moving closer and closer together and will meet on January 12, 2020. Pluto ups the anti and pushes us to take a good hard look in the mirror so that we can face the truth of who we really are. If you feel tempted to avoid the truth, just remember you will feel more empowered if you choose to face your fears. Hint: As you move towards vulnerability give yourself permission to let go of the outcome.
During this eclipse pay attention to anything that is holding you back and preventing you from moving forward. This can take shape through thoughts, actions, external situations, or any belief patterns that have limited you. Take a moment and reflect: Are there any limitations or restrictions that you are letting define you? Where do you feel stuck? What needs to be released so that you can move forward? Where are you repeating the same patterns over and over again? Where do you find yourself functioning on autopilot? What would it look like for you to step into your own authority? What is the unfinished business in your life that you are ready to address?
With the focus on releasing the past, I’ll end with Joseph Campbell’s words, “We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.” So the real question is: are you ready to shed your skin and claim your path? If so, now is the perfect time.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to let go of the past and move forward on a new path, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.]
Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 17, 2019
On June 17th, 2019 (1:31 AM PDT and 4:31 AM EDT) the Moon glows in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, is filled with a large dose of optimism, and is wired to seek for what exists behind and within every moment. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, loves to be on a quest, believes that anything is possible, relies on freedom, and seeks for truth in everything. When she’s functioning at her best she’s motivated to experience all that life has to offer. Her shadow appears if she only focuses on the “muchness” or “grandness” and forgets that life can also be fragile. It could also appear when she gets wrapped up in claiming what she knows as the only way to live. You’ll likely recognize this in her when it seems she has ALL the answers, but doesn’t leave room for anyone else’s opinion.
As you know, a Full Moon is a time of completion and it is a time of manifesting. It is also a time to consider the polarizing energy from both the Sun and the Moon. This particular Full Moon leads us into the tension between the Sagittarius energy I mentioned above that calls for expansion, faith, and a belief that anything is possible. While the Gemini energy is asking us to remain curious, be inquisitive, and to be ready to absorb everything along our path. Just remember that when polarization is present, integration is the key. So maybe do your best to keep an open mind even though you are certain a situation will turn out a particular way. Sometimes it’s easy to jump ahead in our story, but it’s really important that we stay present to the here and now because we are constantly writing and rewriting the script for our life. As much as we think we know, we must remember there’s more than that. If we manage to stay curious while taking it all in, more and more possibilities will open up for us. Here’s some more good news: based on the placements and timing of this Full Moon, it is likely that a project, event, idea, or situation is finally wrapping up from several months ago. If this is the case, you’re likely to experience a positive outcome.I like the sound of that.
I would also like to add that Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is mingling quite closely to this Full Moon, and it’s in its natural sign. In other words, it’s turned up on high and your faith and belief that anything is possible is now amplified. This is a great time for you to stretch beyond your comfort zone and reach for what you really want.Sounds great in theory, right? Just make sure your answer to that question doesn’t come from a mind that is running on autopilot.
Take some time to get clear about what exactly it is that you really want. Ask yourself: What would I like to experience? What moves my soul? What am I here to create? What am I here to see? To feel? To know? To witness? What do I want from a particular situation? What DO I really want?Play with your answers and don’t be afraid to ask yourself these questions over and over until you uncover what it is that is hiding underneath.
So during this lunation, give yourself permission to dream big and feel the freedom to envision the life you would like to birth into reality.Of course it’s wise to keep in mind that too much of a “good” thing can also lead to feeling overwhelmed and that too much of something can also get us into trouble. Use your discernment and try not to let your overzealous attitude blind you from seeing the potential dangers in a situation.I don’t say that to scare you or to dampen the mood, but to remind you that only seeing the positive in a situation might mean that you are missing crucial aspects to the story, too.
Lastly, Neptune is making an appearance for this Full Moon. Neptune is the mystical and dreamy planet that is consciousness itself. When it’s functioning at its highest potential dreams, visions, and the imagination flow beautifully, but this planet can also bring illusion, lack of clarity, drifting, and escapism. Since it’s making a difficult aspect to this Full Moon be careful of falling into a situation where it’s hard for you to distinguish fantasy from reality.In other words, we must deal with any illusions that stand before us that are linked to the dreams we have for our life. If confusion sets in let the mystery of the unknown guide you, but also do your best to confront the reality of your situation head on. You have access to plenty of faith right now so use it to lean into the truth and believe that more will be revealed to you in time.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to expand our horizons, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you’re interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.]
New Moon in Gemini - June 3, 2019
On June 3, 2019 (3:03AM PST & 6:03 AM EST) the Moon begins a new cycle in the inquisitive and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is full of energy and loves to see, learn, experience, and absorb everything that comes along her path. She’s quick in her thinking and is wired to move through topics a million miles an hour. Ideas? She has plenty. Curiosity? It drives her. Confusion? She lives it. Boredom? She despises it. Words romance her and if she feels like it, she’ll use them to romance you, impress you, challenge you, spin you, entertain you, and inspire you. Her shadow creeps in when the chatter in her mind starts to consume her. If this happens then it’s not long before the tension spills over and Gemini finds herself depleted and needing to recover from extreme emotional exhaustion. In other words, she needs a release.
So what does this mean for this New Moon?
Usually we expect a New Moon to be a time to slow down, recoup, reset, and put forth some new intentions. However, this New Moon comes buzzing in with its ruler Mercury also in the sign of Gemini. So be ready for lots of mental stimulation, connectivity, plenty of words exchanged, and maybe some new ideas zipping around. Let’s also add to the mix that Jupiter is opposing this configuration so curiosity, movement, thoughts and external stimulation are turned up on high even more so than usual. Don’t be surprised if confusion sets in with so many thoughts all firing at one. In other words, let complexity exist and try to steer clear from putting any of your ideas into a box. After all your ideas aren’t here to be caged, so do your best to let them be free.
If you’re into writing, this is the perfect time to set some new intentions for a project that’s been brewing inside you. If you’re not really into that, then think about what adventure you might like to explore? Or maybe you could focus on an idea that has been swimming around in your mind? Or if there’s a specific topic or subject that you’ve been itching to study, then now is the perfect time to make that happen.
With all the information zooming around, just remember to stay in a place of curiosity. You might feel tempted to think you have it all figured out or that you already know ALL that you need to know about a particular transaction, idea, or situation. But Gemini is here to remind you that there’s always more to the story. Whatever you think you know it’s helpful to say, “yes, but there’s also more than that.” Let the “I don’t knows” stimulate you. Let them open you to new possibilities. Let them help you dream and create and let them inspire you to learn more about what you don’t know. Let them fill you with wonder and at the very least let them open you to a new perspective.
As I mentioned before, Mercury rules the sign Gemini and with Mercury also in Gemini right now we need to pay attention to the movements and patterns of this archetype. A little backstory that should satiate the Gemini vibes of this New Moon is that in Greek mythology, Mercury was also known as Hermes, messenger of the gods. The genius of Hermes is that he knows how to move through boundaries and if necessary he knows how to spin a story. Uh oh. That sounds like he’s a little bit of a trickster. Well, he is and sometimes he’ll tell a lie, but it’s more of an eloquent lie that somehow finds the loopholes, double binds, or half truths that help him move through the blocks. I should also add that he was perceived as being one of the most friendliest and one of the most generous givers. So don’t expect to put him in a box or label him as black or white, right or wrong – because as soon as you think you’ve figured him out, he’s sure to surprise you. His purpose is simply to make opportunity happen through the message he is here to convey. Luckily he has the goods, the inventiveness, and the skills, to do do just that. You just have to trust him. Yes, trust the trickster.
okayyyyy so what does this have to do with this New Moon?
Well If you’ve been feeling blocked in a certain area then let this Gemini New Moon unlock some locks or find some loopholes that open the door for you. Let the trickster show you a different side to the story that helps you see that things aren’t always as they seem. I do need to mention that Neptune is making a bit of a tricky appearance so there is an element of caution around trusting everything we see. The best thing you can do right now is have some fun with the information in front of you. Question it. Is it true? Is there a lie? What is the illusion? What is the dream? What is the half -truth? What’s the opportunity you’d like to receive? Is there a different side to the story? Be curious and play with these thoughts and let them help you discern whether or not you’re chasing a unicorn that certainly looks magical, but unfortunately isn’t completely real. So with that said, allow Neptune to inspire your imagination, spark your intuition, and dream deeply into what you’d like to create. It might help to know that the greatest gift you can access right now is your flexibility and your ability to be completely in the moment.
So let this Gemini Moon motivate you towards change, stir up some magical ideas, engage in both meaningful and surface dialogue, and stay open to the mystery that contains a mountain full of possibilities. If you feel like you’re spinning in circles or if you feel that unwanted anxiety is creeping in due to all the extra mental stimulation, then take a moment to breathe. Yes, return to your breath or at the very least find an activity that allows you to release all this pent up mental energy that's swirling around.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to play with some new ideas, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Gemini. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
New Moon in Taurus - May 4, 2019
On Saturday, May 4th(3:45 PM PST and 6:45 PM EST), the moon prepares to enter a new cycle in the aesthetically pleasing and peaceful sign of Taurus. The sign that delights in her senses and finds fulfillment in life’s simple pleasures. She knows the gift of a sunset and the beauty found in stillness. She’s the type that is likely to appreciate the silence found between the beats of a song just as much as the music. If she feels the crashing waves pulse through her body, she won’t need a single word to describe it. She’ll make sure to appreciate the ambiance of a place just as much as the taste of her food. If you haven’t figured it out, she’s earthy, and wants to enjoy the simple pleasures, but this isn’t to say she doesn’t like her comforts found in the material world; because, she does. In fact, they might even be what fill her with a lot of security. The only catch is that her shadow might appear if she falls into thinking that she needs these things to bring her joy. If this happens, then what she once possessed is now likely to possess her. Oh, and one other thing. You might even recognize her by the accumulation of things that she just can’t seem to let go.
So what does this mean for this New Moon?
New Moons are known for beginnings. They are the perfect time to set intentions and to place things into motion. While last month’s New Moon in Aries urged us to light a fire within, this one is telling us to slow things down and focus on our body. In other words, awaken your senses and make sure to rest if you feel like you need it. This certainly isn’t the time to rush to get things done. It is however, a good time to pause and soak up the sun and feel the warmth of the rays upon your back. Or maybe you need to take off your shoes and feel the ground beneath your feet. Or maybe you need to take a drive at night with windows down and music blaring or maybe you just need to simply drive in silence. Or maybe it’s time you attend that yoga class or go on a hike or work in the garden or maybe lighting candles does the trick. Whatever it is that you need that leaves you feeling recharged and refreshed. Go and do that.
Saturn is making a helpful appearance during this New Moon and so while you might find that there are many pressing needs that call for your attention, you will also likely feel that you can ease into the project without becoming too overwhelmed. We do need to address that Saturn is still mingling rather closely with the South Node and Pluto. So be aware that karmic material from the past is asking you to take responsibility and face what sits before you. As I mentioned, the good news is that this is a helpful alignment so transformation can occur.
If you don’t know your karma, simply look at what patterns you see repeating and ask yourself, “What is the remedy for healing this pattern?” or even “what do I need to face or how can I choose a different story this time?” The cool thing about Saturn is that he’s ultimately here to mature us. And now with him and Pluto retrograde, this is the perfect time for you to review any connections or commitments that have left you spinning in circles. Do your best to release what no longer serves you. Of course letting go is certainly a process and the best place to start is often through envisioning a different outcome. Michael Singer reminds us in his book Untethered Soulthat “in order to be who you are, you must be willing to let go of who you think you are.” This is the same idea with karma. It’s about letting go of your story so that you can find a more authentic one. It’s not about bypassing, but resolving what couldn’t be resolved before.
The key for this New Moon is to slow down and pay attention to the areas in your life that you may have neglected. There isn’t a set formula on how to get it “right.” The important thing is that you take some time to listen to what your body needs. Since Neptune is assisting this New Moon you might find that your imagination is awakened a little more. You might even find that you’re in a more inspired state that helps you express your creativity. I like the sound of that.
Lastly, Venus, the natural ruler of Taurus is currently in Aries making us feel a little impatient in regards to what our heart desires and it just so happens to also be making a challenging aspect to Saturn. This has the potential to bring up some areas of insecurity possibly in your relationships or in how you see yourself. If that annoying phrase – “I’m not good enough” creeps into your mind, be prepared to show yourself some compassion. Or it could even appear in the form of feeling an overall sense of lack. Not just in money, but in how you see yourself. Luckily Jupiter is making a helpful aspect and reminding us to have faith in who we are and in who we are here to become.
While we all might feel the need to slow down, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Taurus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon in Libra - April 19, 2019
On Friday, April 19, 2019 (4:12 AM PST and 7:12 AM EST) the Full Moon glows in the airy and peaceful sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony, is wired to see life from the others point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise.Of course, we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra refuses to take a stance. You see her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, IS you happy. There’s just one problem, sometimes her drive to please places you above her, so much so, that she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants. There’s also a good chance that she’ll become frozen by indecision. For those of you who have ever felt this, you’re likely to know the frustration that arises from the inability to choose. Libra lives closely to this feeling.
As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Aries, the sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the drive of a warrior. So on the one hand we can feel Libra calling for beauty, fairness, connection, and compromise while on the other hand we see Aries is ready to rush in full force and claim what she wants and needs for herself. Basically, It’s the tension between the needs of the relationship verses what you might need for yourself.
If any of this sounds familiar it’s because this is our second Full Moon in Libra. The last one occurred on March 20that 0 degrees 09’ and this one occurs at the 29th degree 07’, which is known as a critical degree because it’s the last point before it transitions into the next sign. So with this Full Moon at the 29thdegree in Libra, we can feel the emphasis on the completion of those rumblings we felt back in March and that initially started brewing back in October when the New Moon was in Libra.
Take a moment and think back to what you were dealing with a month ago and then how it might connect or relate to events from last October. What were you experiencing inside your relationships? Were there any agreements, negotiations, or decisions that were in the beginning stages?Of course, back in March, this was also when Mercury was retrograde so the lines of communication might have felt a bit unclear then. Fast forward to today and now we find that Mercury has cozied up close to Chiron, the archetype of the wounded healer. Perhaps there are some difficult conversations that we need to have in some of our relationships before we can move forward and put an end to this chapter. Or maybe the difficult conversation is the one we need to have with ourselves.
So this Full Moon carries the potential for us to deepen our connection with others, to accept what we have found difficult to accept, and to help us open up to see the other person’s perspective without surrendering our own.
I’d also like to mention that Uranus, the planet associated with sudden changes, is opposing this Full Moon and is hanging out quite closely to the Sun. This means there’s good reason to expect the unexpected in some of your relationships or connections.Maybe you’ll experience a sudden change in your connection through a departure or a deepening. Maybe you’ll hear some news out of the blue that creates a change for where you’re headed in your life or maybe you’ll find that there’s an opening where there once felt like a dead end.It’s important to remember that Uranus also carries the archetype of the genius and so we might experience her as an awakener or even as that voice of inspiration. With that said, maybe these changes are acting as more of a wake up call for you or maybe they can inspire you to see your life from a different perspective.
Of course we also need to address the presence of both Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn that are also tightly connected to the South Node (your past karma) and together they are making a bit of a challenging aspect to this Full Moon. We associate Saturn with limits and restrictions and Pluto with wounds and the death and rebirth cycle. When they are together there is the power for sustained concentration that can make anything, yes, anything happen especially with a large dose of hard work and a splash of determination. On the other hand, you could feel overwhelmed from all the pressures presented along your path and so you find yourself frozen in the process. If this happens, do your best to breathe and try to step outside of the situation just for a moment. There might be something else that is trying to push through. In other words, this doesn’t have to be the end to the story.
So with this Full Moon do your best to ride the wave of changes that sit before you without falling into your fears, give yourself permission to break free from any restraints you’ve felt inside any of your relationships, embrace your own unique path, and do whatever you need to do to feel a sense of peace, balance, and beauty in your life. Sometimes it’s as simple as going outside and watching the sunset or walking barefoot in the grass or even staring up at the moon.If anything starts to feel too unsettling just remember, there’s always another side to your story and it’s likely that involves a larger story that maybe just maybe hasn’t been revealed to you yet.
While we all might feel that something inside our relationships is trying to move towards completion during this Full Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra and the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as He.
New Moon in Aries - April 5, 2019
On Friday, April 5, 2019 (1:50am PST and 4:50am EST) the Moon begins a new cycle in the fiery and passionate sign of Aries. The sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the drive of a warrior.Her greatest strength is her determination. She’s tenacious, she’s bold, she’s daring, and when she’s told “no,” she only hears “find another way.” If you haven’t already figured it out, Aries knows what it means to push through and she has the ability to do this no matter what the cost. Let’s just say patience isn’t her most natural virtue. She’s wired for battleand underneath her skin she instinctively knows she’s either going to be the hunter or the prey.We might see her shadow creep in when her energy isn’t dispersed in a constructive or helpful way. You’ll immediately know because she’ll appear like a loose cannon in everything she says or does. Translation: she has a flair for finding crisis or maybe we could say that it naturally finds her.Either way, there’s a good chance that if you stumble across her path while she’s caught in her shadow, you’ll need to be prepared to defend yourself. Does that sound a bit intense? Well, newsflash: she is.
So what does all this mean for this New Moon?
Well, first let me address that this New Moon arrives about a week after Mercury moved out of retrograde – we're not 100% in the clear as it’s still gaining it’s speed, but the potency for disruptions has certainly lessened. Many of you might be letting out a huge sigh of relief after dealing with a few detours or set backs that appeared along your path. Keep in mind that some of those obstacles or glitches you encountered were attached to a larger purpose.Sometimes we just need to wait and let time play out so we can see the bigger picture. The good news is that this New Moon’s arrival is filled with energy that is ready to help us spring ahead. But just because we can jump doesn’t mean we “should.” If we utilize this Aries energy in its highest potential, we might be able to confront those fears that have prevented us from taking that leap, that risk, or that chance for creating something new.The biggest piece of caution I can give is to try not rush the process.Aries can sometimes make rash decisions that end up causing more problems in the long run.
If we look to the ruler of Aries, we find Mars hanging out in Gemini ready to fill us up with new insights, new thoughts, new perceptions, and new possibilities.The key word for Mars while it’s here in Gemini is curiosity. One thing to keep in mind is that on April 20th Mars will move “out of bounds” and stay there until June 19th. This simply means that Mars will be outside the influence of the Sun – in other words, it’s gone rogue and it is now acting on its own desires without any accountability.On the high end we can expect intense and powerful creativity bursting forth most likely through taking daring risks and following the adventures. And on the other extreme its reckless behavior might spark impatience, anger, self- centeredness or even acts of violence.
What we really need to pay attention to is Pluto, the South Node, and Saturn all in Capricorn and making a challenging aspect to this New Moon. The South Node pulls us into our past karmic influences, those patterns that we feel destined to repeat, and that bring our wounds up to the surface.Saturn forces us to take a hard look at the reality that stands before us limits and all, and Pluto is challenging us to shed our skinand claim our power. We can’t do that without first looking into the mirror. Ultimately this placement challenges you to face the reality of your past decisions and to take responsibility for who and where you are today.So dig in deep and see what needs your attention.
A few questions you might want to ask yourself: Is there anything that I need to take greater responsibility for in my life? Where might I need more self- discipline? Where do I want to control the outcome? What’s the pattern I keep repeating?
Jupiter’s connection to this New Moon adds a bit of optimism and faith to the mix. You might experience this through feeling the excitement and energy to take on new risks. Again, just remember to be careful about biting off more than you can chew. Keep in mind that Aries has all the energy in the world to start something, but follow through isn’t always her strong suit. If possible utilize Saturn’s energy for strategic planning and for creating something that can withstand the test of time.
While everything in you might be itching to move forward with your goals make sure you take some time to consider all the possibilities before you plow full speed ahead.After all, if you jump the gun at the start of a race, you’ll be disqualified and what’s the fun in that. So do your best to stay patient because forcing a beginning will likely leave you feeling disappointed and discouraged.
While we all might feel the passion and intensity of this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aries is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon in Libra - March 20, 2019
On Wednesday, March 20, 2019 (6:43 PM PST and 9:43 PM EST) the Full Moon glows in the airy and peaceful sign of Libra. The sign that loves relationship, appreciates beauty, craves harmony, is wired to see life from the others point of view, and isn't afraid of compromise. Of course, we can’t forget her shadow and in the spirit of seeing every side as worthy, Libra refuses to take a stance. You see her aim is to please, because what makes her happy, IS you happy. There’s just one problem, sometimes her drive to please places you above her, so much so, that she ends up having no idea about who or what she wants. There’s also a good chance that she’ll become frozen by indecision. For those of you who have ever felt this, you’re likely to know the frustration that arises from the inability to choose. Libra lives closely to this feeling.
As you know, the Full Moon occurs when the Earth is directly between the Moon and the Sun. Right now the Sun falls in Aries, the sign that thirsts for life, is full of energy, and has the drive of a warrior. So on the one hand we can feel Libra calling for beauty, fairness, connection, and compromise while on the other hand we see Aries is ready to rush full force into what’s new and claim what she wants and needs for herself.
During a Full Moon, these places of tension call for integration, and I would also like to suggest a Full Moon is a great time to embrace Carl Jung’s idea of the Transcendent Function. This simply means that with the tension between opposites, a third solution is born that transcends the limitations of the other two opposing forces. So the question might be: What might want to be born from “focusing on the other” and “the passion to create something new”? Sit with that thought for a little while. Maybe something else will want to emerge. At the very least, it’s a pretty neat concept to ponder, don’t you think?
I’d also like to mention that this Full Moon energy occurs in sync with the Spring Equinox for those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere. Here with the Sun’s movement into Aries we now feel the pulse for a fresh new start emerge from a time of darkness and dormancy. For those of you who are fans of Greek Mythology, this is the moment when Persephone returns from the underworld and greets her mother Demeter, who upon her excitement of seeing her daughter allows for everything to breathe life again. Hello Spring.
So what does any of this mean for this Full Moon?
Full Moon’s are about resolution and reaching a culmination for what needs to be made fully visible. And with spring in the air, Aries is supporting us to be bold and daring and to go after the new thing we would like to create, launch, birth, or initiate into life. Of course we should remember that Mercury is still retrograde until March 28th, so while we might want to jump full speed ahead into our process, Mercury might have other plans for us. Be prepared to double check things again and again and you might even experience a few setbacks or delays if you haven’t already. Since this Full Moon does occur in Libra we can expect an emphasis on our relationships and connections as well as in the things we value and desire most.
Another key player for this Full Moon is that Chiron is cozied up real close to the Sun and is also in opposition to the Moon. Chiron, a comet, is associated with the wounded healer. It was named after the centaur, half animal half human, in Greek mythology, who was both a healer and a teacher. So don’t be surprised if some of your wounds connected to relationships get poked or picked at during this time or maybe you’ll find that it’s here to highlight areas in your life where you have not valued yourself or others. Just like any wound, these areas are asking for your extra attention so that you might experience healing and transformation. Be prepared to extend yourself or even others an extra dose of compassion and acceptance. Remember: you carry the medicine for the wound you are facing.
Lastly, I’d like to add that this is a great time to reflect upon where you place your energy. Take note of what or who gets most of your attention and then ask yourself: does this allow me to feel calm and peaceful or does it bring me into disharmony? Let's be honest, balance is a simple yet tricky concept. I’d like to point out that when we walk, we are in a perpetual state of being out of balance, but the movement and give and take of our feet is what keeps us in a balanced and upright position. All that to say, I’d like to think that it’s more important that you work on letting go of what drains you and that more of your time is spent embracing what inspires and ignites you. Notice how this is different than simply trying to create more balance in your life.
While we all might want to run full speed ahead and create a fresh new start especially now that Spring is here, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Libra is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Libra and the sign Aries. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
New Moon in Pisces - March 6, 2019
On Wednesday, March 6th(8:04 am PST and 11:04 am EST) the moon begins a new cycle in the watery and fluid sign of Pisces. The sign that prefers to speak in metaphors, connects with images, and calls the land of the imagination home. Pisces knows how to blend, she knows how to flow, and she can merge into anyone or any THING. For a Pisces, it’s less about sight and more about sensing. Here’s the thing: not only does she sense your feelings; she feels them as if they were her own. You’ll likely recognize her for her compassion and her gentle and loving spirit that flows from the inside out. It’s true that some might call her a mystic, others a poet, and still others may see her as a dreamer. Her deepest treasure is her inner world, and oh, does it seethe with life. Since Pisces is often without edges, it’s easy for her to drift… And drift… And drift. Warning: Her shadow might appear when the world out there becomes too much to feel, so she’ll do what she does best – she’ll escape and find a way to numb herself or at the very least she’ll find a way to disconnect.
So what does this mean for this New Moon?
A New Moon is a time to create, a time to breathe new life, and a time to birth something from the unknown into visibility. Pisces energy will aid in the process of reflectionespecially since it’s cozied up next to Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. I should mention that while Neptune might invite us to dive deep into our inner world, we must also keep in mind that confusion might creep in as lines and boundaries become blurred.It’s also not uncommon for illusions, deceptions, and delusions to show up and blind us from what’s real.
What’s also interesting is that this New Moon occurs directly on the heels of Mercury turning retrograde in Pisces. Mercury is associated with our perceptions and thoughts and it rules communication, technology, travel, contracts, and information. So when Mercury turns retrograde these areas might not run as smoothly as one would like. Think: long travel delays, computer glitches, and miscommunication on overdrive. The purpose isn’t to frustrate you, but rather to help you reflect, deepen, and revise your perceptions as well as to help you fine-tune the words you use. It could also be a time when old lovers or friends show up and perhaps this offers you the opportunity to resolve something that needed resolution. Note: This would be a great time to back up your computer or copy that external hard drive. It would also be a great time to return to old projects, ideas, or connections.
Let’s take a moment and address that Jupiter is making an impact on this New Moon. Jupiter, the planet that likes to expand everything it touches and carries an abundance of Faith and optimism inside it. Since expansion is involved, we must also consider how Jupiter might expand upon the fantasies and illusions of Neptune. Think: only seeing what you want to see and missing what’s actually present right in front of your own eyes.A simple test is to ask yourself: can I lean into [it] without any hesitation? If you can’t, there’s a good chance it’s not as real as you would like it to be.
With Pisces energy showing up so strongly be careful of your desire to disengage or to entertain distractions more frequently. Maybe you feel a little lost and confused right now or maybe you feel inspired to create and express what you feel within or maybe your imaginal world feels more alive than ever, or maybe your intuition feels especially strong at this time. Or maybe you find yourself feeling too much. The bottom line is that Pisces asks us to use a different type of seeing. She nudges us to place our trust in the unknown and to embrace the mysteries that we can’t quite see or understand. This could feel overwhelming, but I’ll also add that having control over every little detail is also an illusion in and of itself. More often than not the best thing we can do is to surrender to the unknown and to learn to see the beauty that exists when we learn to let go of how we think things “should be.”
If you find yourself in a maze of confusion during this lunation or if you find that obstacles and glitches keep appearing along your path try to embrace them with an open heart. Instead of resisting and demanding that it must be done “this way” take some time to reflect and move into a posture of “being” instead of “doing.”If you feel stuck, ask yourself: What would it look like in this moment if I allowed myself to “go with the flow?” or even “What might this obstacle reveal about my current world?
Lastly, this is an excellent time to sense into your dreams, to fall deeper into your imagination, and to get lost inside creativity. If you find yourself moving towards (insert your method of escape) do your best to ground yourself and practice being present to what the moment wants and needs from you.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to go within and create something new, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Pisces is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Pisces. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon in Virgo - February 19, 2019
On Tuesday, February 19th 2019 (7:54 AM PST and 10:54 AM EST), the moon glows in the earthy and practical sign of Virgo. The sign that is finely attuned to details, has a preference for order, and is all about precision. At her core she is wired for service and will be the first to say, “How can I help?” What she does is really who she is and you’re likely to recognize her for it, too. What matters most to her is that the work she does carries meaning. When she’s functioning at her best, she’s clear about who she is, what she does, where she’s going, and knows with unwavering clarity where her place is in the world. Her shadow creeps in through worrying, nitpicking, and scrutinizing over every little thing and every little detail.
Before we dive deeper into the polarizing Virgo and Pisces energy, I would like to briefly mention that we have the Full Moon occurring at 0 degrees Virgo. 0 degrees suggests a beginning and yet Full Moon’s are about conclusions or bringing something to a close. So maybe just maybe there’s a crisis, event, or decision that is asking for a new beginning. Pay attention to what they might be.
Okay so now we know that, what does all this mean for this Full Moon?
As you know when Full Moon’s occur we have to embrace the energy from both the Sun and the Moon. So here we have the tension between Virgo precision, practical action, and meaningful work mixing with Pisces energy that asks us to extend compassion, tend to our imagination, and remove the boundaries that exist between us. When polarization is present integration is the key. Maybe compassion is found through offering your services to another. Or maybe you’ll feel more connected to those you chose to show up for at this time. Funny how that works.
With the emphasis on Virgo we must look to see our purpose and in all the ways we desire growth. You see, Virgo asks us to look for the “more” whether it be in our relationships, or jobs, or self, or in the ways we offer our gifts to the world. The trick is to make sure it doesn’t become about arriving at perfection otherwise disappointment will surely creep in. Instead we must see how we can become more of who we are and what we are here to do. In many ways it inspires us to move towards our “muchness” as the Mad Hatter would tell Alice.
Here are a few questions that might help you sink into the feeling of this Full Moon. What would it look like if I embraced my muchness? What areas of my life would I like to see more growth? Where can I be of more service to others? How can I utilize my skills in more meaningful ways? How can I offer more compassion to my friends, my partner, my family, or even strangers I see? Are there any ways that I have felt disconnected lately? Is there anything in your life that needs to end so that something new can begin?
Here’s what I find interesting. The ruler of this Full Moon is Mercury and it just so happens to be conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, and would you believe that both of these planets currently land in the sign of Pisces. This simply means that creativity and your imagination could run on high during this time, but so could the desire to escape from feeling everything you’ve been thinking about recently. If we move towards the highest path this would be an excellent time for you to trust your instincts, create a new vision, see with new eyes, or maybe even open up to greater compassion for your self or another.
I also want to mention that Venus is cozying up pretty close to Saturn right now so this could inspire deeper commitments, and a serious look into your relationships with those closest to you. This could also suggest there are some added challenges that might need to be addressed in your relationship before you are able to experience the resolution and begin something new.
And lastly, with Uranus making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon you might find that outside of the box thinking appears to you now and this might be exactly what you need to experience freedom from where you have previously felt stuck.
So with this Full Moon give yourself permission to experience power in the details, let meaningful work inspire you, extend compassion where it’s needed, and seek for all the ways in which you would like to grow and of course don’t forget to expand into your “muchness.”
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to see the details and engage in more meaningful experiences, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Virgo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you are interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Virgo. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
New Moon in Aquarius - February 4, 2019
On February 4, 2019 (1:04 PM PST and 4:04 PM EST), the moon begins a new cycle in the rebellious and radical sign of Aquarius. The sign that moves to the beat of her own drum, thrives when she creates her own path, and is used to being called weird. She’s different, she’s quirky, and she’s all about the freedom she needs “to be her.” Oh, and I should mention that she carries the archetype of the genius, too. You might think she’s odd, but here’s the thing: she’s supposed to be. And while society or friends or family might try to cage her, if she chooses to conform to a predictable life that appeases what everyone else wants for her, there’s a good chance, she’ll lose her soul in the process.
I’m sure you’ll remember this quote from Apple’s campaign of “think different” that says, “Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently – they’re not fond of rules . . . You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things. They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.” Can you hear it? Every line here is overflowing with Aquarian energy and it is the perfect statement that reminds us how powerful it can be when people are willing to color outside the lines. Side Note: I’d also like to add that Steve Jobs had his Mercury in Aquarius. Think: communication and perception mingling with outside of the box thinking.
So what does this Aquarian energy mean for this New Moon?
First let’s address that Mercury is hanging out close by and reminding us to create room for that spark of genius to appear. Have you ever wondered where new ideas come from in the first place? Are they really just born out of thin air? And if so, how do we attune our mind to see and think and feel differently so that we don’t miss that air of genius? While I don’t have the answers to those questions, I’ll remind you that Aquarian thinking certainly isn’t about following the rules or expecting things to be done the way they have always been done.
I’d also like to mention that Jupiter and Mars are making a helpful aspect for this New Moon and are adding some faith and optimism to the mix. Jupiter is the planet that is usually associated with expansion and abundance while Mars is associated with assertiveness, action, and passion. It’s the perfect recipe for assisting you in creating a new path forward. So surround your thoughts with a hopeful blanket of what “could be” and allow yourself the freedom to believe that you can make any wild idea a possibility.
If you’d like a few promptings for this New Moon consider these questions: What is my pattern of thinking that keeps me moving in a loop? What would it look or feel like if I gave myself permission to think or do something differently? What does it mean for me to color outside the lines? What would it look like if I created my own rules for this particular situation? What would it take for me to believe in myself? How would my life look differently if I believed in my unique ideas? How have I been underestimating myself in my current situation?
The theme for this New Moon is to think differently. So free your mind from those annoying critical tapes that keep your life stuck on a loop, or from those thoughts that seep in that tell you a version of “I can’t.” This is the time to open yourself up to “outside of the box” thinking and if you do, there’s a good chance that wild ideas might show up out of the blue. Let’s just say that this is an exciting new moon and it’s overflowing with potential and pure radicalness. I like the sound of that, don’t you?
While we all might feel pulled to open our minds towards new thinking, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Aquarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Aquarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Supermoon/Wolf Moon/Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Leo - January 20th/21st, 2019
On January 20, 2019 (9:16 PM PST) and on January 21st(12:16 AM EST) the Supermoon/Wolf Moon/Blood Moon/Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon catches our attention in the fiery and expressive sign of Leo. A Supermoon is simply the phenomenon that occurs when the Moon appears bigger and brighter in the sky due to the Moon reaching the closet position to the Earth. A Wolf Moon simply applies to the first Full Moon in January. A Total Lunar Eclipse is when the moon passes entirely behind the Earth and into its shadow. When this happens, the Moon appears red, hence the name, Blood Moon. Phew. Now that we’ve got all of those descriptions out of the way, you might be wondering, what does all of this actually mean?
First, I’d like to suggest that you go outside and experience this Total Lunar Eclipse for yourself. Sometimes the simple witnessing of “other worldly” events is enough to remind us about how big and magical this world is regardless of the situation you currently find yourself in. For those of you wondering about the personal significance of this Full Moon, there’s a good chance that it’s linked to an ending, a breakthrough, or some type of resolution regarding an issue that’s been lingering for quite some time. When the moon goes into the shadows, we might find that our hidden emotions and desires become more revealed. It’s almost as if the hidden is deeply desiring an opportunity to be seen. In other words it’s a time to make the unconscious conscious- to move the invisible into a visible presence. That feels powerful to me.
We’ll need to keep in mind that this Full Moon is receiving energy from the unpredictable planet, Uranus, and also from the Moon’s North Node in Cancer. Uranus tends to inspire, disrupt, or create change. Sometimes the unexpected moves us with excitement and other times it terrifies us with its unstable dance. Since it will be making a challenging aspect this energy might feel a little unnerving. How you choose to experience this radical influence will greatly depend on your response to the unknown. Do you welcome it? Or do you resist it? The North Node in Cancer reminds us to embrace our emotions and to release anything that we’ve been holding on to. The release helps us move forward on our evolutionary path. This might require some vulnerability. Just remember that this isn’t a time to cling to our familiar patterns no matter how comfortable they might feel.
Of course, we can’t forget to address the fact that Leo is the energy behind this Full Moon. Leo, the sign that has a flare for the dramatic, thrives off of creativity, and needs to express everything without inhibition. This is the sign that wants to be seen, craves a witness, and loves an audience. Two words: Expression and Visibility. This is what makes Leo happy. Now with the Sun, the ruler of Leo, in Aquarius and shining the light on this Full Moon, there is an emphasis on your personal truth and all that makes you unique. Since Leo has a flare for the dramatic it might be helpful if you stay clear from anything that wants to pull you into the drama.
The shadow for all of this would likely appear if the energy gets stuck in an extreme “me, me, me” attitude or what we might call an inflated ego. Remember the key for creative and playful expression is to be child-like not child-ish.
Here are a few questions you might like to ponder: Who am I in my shadow? What has felt hidden within? What would it look like for me to move out from the shadows? What does it mean to be uniquely me? What would it take for me to shine? What is my invisible presence? How do I respond to change? What is the unexpected asking of me? What might I need to release? How can I reveal more of who I really am?
So with this intense Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo make sure you boldly express your truths, claim the parts of yourself that lurk in the shadows, allow the hidden to be revealed, do your best to welcome change. Allow yourself some room to create, to play, to dance, to feel, and to break yourself free from any previous constraints. Remember, you’re the one writing your story – so you might as well make it an interesting one.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to express our hidden desires, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Leo is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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New Moon/Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn - January 5, 2019
On January 5, 2019 (5:26 PM PST and 8:26 PM EST) the moon begins a new cycle in the earthy and practical sign of Capricorn. This isn’t just a regular New Moon either – while it marks the first New Moon of the year, it also just so happens to be a partial Solar eclipseand the first eclipse since the Nodes of the moon have changed signs. In case you’re wondering, an eclipse means that the moon is positioned in such a way that it will be blocking part of the Sun. The key word is partial, so most of the sun will still be visible. Here’s the thing, eclipses are thought to be more powerfuland while New Moons usually start the beginning of a four week cycle, the energy that occurs during an eclipse tends to carry forward for about six months. This suggests that the seeds you plant now will be tied to the Capricorn lunar eclipse that happens later this year on July 16th.Psychologically speaking, this is a time for rapid changes to occur on both an internal and external level. All in all, I would say it’s not a bad start to the year for those of us trying to implement New Year’s resolutions.
Now, let’s talk about how we have three planets (Mercury, Saturn, Pluto) plus the Sun, Moon, and the Moon’s South Node (Past Karma) all in Capricorn, the sign that is wired for hard work, understands the need for discipline, and finds joy in productivity and accomplishment. That’s a lot of serious and practical energy. Not to mention, we have the eclipse sandwiched between Saturn and Pluto right at the midpoint that turns up the serious vibe another notch or two while also casting a bit of a dark feel to this New Moon.
The good news is that with Saturn’s influence at the time of this eclipse, you might feel more focused, determined, and ready to tackle new projects that are likely to require a lot from you. As in, it’s time to start that new business, clean out that storage room, write that dissertation, start your autobiography, or even build that new house. Whatever it is, it’s time for you to jump in and make it happen through your dedication and hard work. It’s also possible that you’ll be forced to face any limitations or obstacles that have been weighing you down or preventing you from this endeavor. This could feel overwhelming, but remember this potent Capricorn energy is offering you a chance to make the necessary changes that will benefit you for months to come.In other words, you are being asked to build something concrete that will stand the tests of time. I like the sound of that, don’t you? But before we build, we need to be clear about what stands before us. Some of you might feel unclear about what is “coming up next” but you’ll need to trust that the hard work you put into any new endeavor will likely provide you some solid ground to stand upon until you do know.
If you’ve neglected to take responsibility in some areas of your life, now would be a great time for you to step up and be present to those needs. Maybe you’ve avoided these responsibilities due to fears, or circumstances, or beliefs, or laziness, or maybe it’s been due to a lack of knowing what to do or where to go from here. Regardless of your reasoning, I’m sure it doesn’t feel easy to let go of how things have always been. Just keep in mind that this eclipse is offering you a chance to really examine your ways and to be honest about where you have fallen short. If these changes aren’t made then there’s a good chance it will be difficult to move forward and this will only prevent you from maturing into who you really are and all you are capable of accomplishing in this world.
Lastly, I’ll add that Neptune is forming a helpful aspect for this New Moon and reminding us to lean in to our intuition, to connect deeply to our dreams, and to allow compassion to fill our cups.
So with this New Moon partial solar eclipse, go for it. Take that initiative, be brutally honest with yourself, and take responsibility for what you’ve neglected in the past. Now is the time to make things happen, not with force, but with diligence and a trust in your own inner compass.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to take on new responsibilities and to start that new project, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Capricorn is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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Full Moon in Cancer - December 22, 2018
On December 22, 2018 (9:49AM PST and 12:49PM EST) the last Full Moon of the year glows in the nurturing and healing sign of cancer. The sign that feels everything and holds it all deep within. She’s fluent in the language of emotions, so she’ll most definitely know how to make you feel safe and protected. Just imagine a den, a womb, a cave, or even a bubble bath or maybe even imagine that you are cozied up under a pile of blankets. Can you feel it? It’s a place where you can let your guard down, completely sink into your skin, and be whatever or whoever you need to be. You can fall apart, fall asleep, or fall into the moment of your inner world. There is No judgment. No fear. Only acceptance of what is. This is Cancer. She is home. She is comfort. She is compassion, trust, and pure acceptance. Her shadow shows up if she clings too tightly to her role as nurturer and places a spotlight on everyone else’s needs, while forgetting to share or tend to her own. The trick she needs to learn is how to shed her shell and reveal her self – feelings and all.
So what might this mean for this Full Moon?
As this year comes to an end, it’s the perfect time to tuck inside and allow yourself a safe space to really tend to your feelings. Take a moment and reflect upon these questions: What emotions or situations have you carried with you this year? What are some of the emotions that have been pushed down in your psyche and are now ready for release? What has this year been for you? Is there anything you need to fully let go of so that you don’t carry it into the New Year? Who are the people in your life that you trust enough to let your guard down? If you were to feel completely safe with your feelings, what is it that your heart needs to share?
Keep in mind that a Full Moon is about integration. With the Sun in Capricorn we must picture: discipline, structure, and hard work casting a light onto this nurturing, healing, and sensitive Cancer Moon. In other words, when we deeply tend to our inner world we are ultimately growing our emotional maturity and this means we are creating something deep within ourselves that we can trust and lean into.
So maybe this Full Moon will be an opportunity for you to let go of the past, or to let go of those heavy burdens that have weighed you down for far too long. Or maybe it’s an opportunity for you to be completely honest about the things you need in your life. Or maybe it’s time you drew that bubble bath, blocked off your calendar, fixed some soup, drank that hot chocolate, curled up inside your cozy blankets, and spilled your heart to that ever accepting friend. To put it bluntly, go find what makes you feel safe enough to let down your guard and then go and do that; because right now it’s the perfect time for you to release those feelings that have lived inside your heart this past year.
We must keep in mind that the out of sign squares made by Mars and Chiron to this Full Moon set up a T-Square pattern. This simply means that since our emotions might be flowing more freely that we also need to be aware that over reactions are more likely to occur during this time. Don’t be surprised if you feel temped to fall back into old family dynamics. Just remember if tensions do arise, do your best to extend compassion, kindness, and acceptance. After all, friction is really just another opportunity for healing to occur.
The good news is that Uranus is making an out of sign sextile to this Full Moon. This suggests that it’s time to break free from the past. If you feel tempted to cling to any of your old ways, just remember that there is no going back to “the way things used to be” and even if everything looks the same, the truth is something within you is now different. Let your intuition be your guide and trust those inner nudges that remind you it’s time to create a new path. You’ve got this.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to share our deep- seated emotions, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Cancer is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Cancer. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
New Moon in Sagittarius - December 6th and 7th, 2018
On December 6, 2018 (11:20 PM PST) and December 7, 2018 (2:20AM EST), the Moon begins its new cycle in the fiery, resilient, and adventure seeking sign of Sagittarius. The sign that is here to expand beyond the familiar, is filled with a large dose of optimism, and is wired to seek for what exists behind and within every moment. She is the sign that thrives off of taking risks, believes anything is possible, relies on freedom, seeks for truth in everything, and when she is functioning at her best she is motivated to experience all that life has to offer. Her shadow appears when she focuses only on her “too muchness” and forgets that life can also be fragile. It could also appear when she gets wrapped up in claiming what she knows as the only way to live.
So what does this mean for the last New Moon of the year?
Well first I’d like to mention that this New Moon occurs on the same day that Mercury stations direct and Mars’ joins up with Neptune. I’m sure some of you might be letting out a sigh of relief knowing that Mercury is no longer retrograde. Just be sure to keep in mind that miscommunication, delays, and glitches with technology tend to increase right when Mercury stations direct. The good news is that by next week you’re likely to see those things that were held up during retrograde are ready to flow freely now.
The Sagittarian energy of this New Moon might pull you to take a risk at this time, or set out on a new adventure, or expand your knowledge in one way or another. Boldness and passion are certainly present, but with Mars cozied up close to Neptune and making a challenging aspect to this New Moon, don’t be surprised if some of this wild energy gets tempered with complications and set backs. You might even feel that in all your zeal for something new that you are now hit square in the face with the thought, “what if I just made a big irrevocable mistake?” It’s also possible to find yourself tricked or deceived by something or someone you were ready to put your trust in. Just remember if you can’t sink into it, then it’s likely just a mirage filled with empty promises. If discouragement surfaces, hopefully you will allow yourself some compassion, patience, and acceptance. Hint: It helps if you see these limitations as gifts that contain messages about what you need to move forward.
Since Neptune is in the mix it’s an excellent time to look out for signs and omens or those synchronistic moments that remind you everything is connected to a purpose. So during this time expand your boundaries, trust your intuition, and surrender to the unknown. After all, that’s the place where the magic lives.
So embrace the expansive energy and test what is true. Allow your world to open to the miraculous and believe that there’s a reason for wanting to take that leap, that jump, or that next step into the unknown. Trust yourself even when it feels like you’ve lost your way. Remember: You have an inner compass that is aligned to something much greater than what you can see with your eyes.
While we all might feel pulled during this New Moon to expand our horizons, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Sagittarius is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Sagittarius. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon in Gemini - November 22/23, 2018
On November 22 (9:39PM PST) and November 23rd (12:39am EST), 2018 the Full Moon glows in the inquisitive and perceptive sign of Gemini. The sign that is full of energy and loves to see, learn, experience, and absorb everything that comes along her path. She’s quick in her thinking and is wired to move through topics a million miles an hour. Ideas? She has plenty. Curiosity? It drives her. Confusion? She lives it. Boredom? She despises it. Words romance her and if she feels like it she’ll use them to romance you, impress you, challenge you, spin you, entertain you, and inspire you. Her shadow creeps in when the chatter in her mind starts to consume her. If this happens then it’s not long before the tension spills over and Gemini finds herself depleted and needing to recover from extreme emotional exhaustion.
So what does this mean for this Full Moon? Well first let me take a moment to mention that the Sun just moved into the expansive and adventurous sign of Sagittarius, Mars is now in the dreamy and transcendent sign of Pisces, Venus completed 40 days and nights in her retrograde cycle mostly in Scorpio, Mercury then said, “my turn” and entered retrograde for 21 days on November 16th in Sagittarius, and then back on November 8th Jupiter decided it was time to leave Scorpio and enter the sign of Sagittarius. Phew! Can we say changes?! So with this Full Moon in Gemini be ready for an increase in mental stimulation, new ideas forming, an abundance of possibilities arising, curiosity piqued, information overflowing, and there’s even a chance your perspective might change on a topic or two.
The ruler of Gemini is Mercury and since it just turned retrograde it’s that time when detours, delays and hiccups occur a little more frequently. The point isn’t the mishaps, the frustration, or the confusion, but rather to get us to slow down to see what really needs our attention. It’s usually not the best time to sign a contract or finalize a deal. And if you do, let’s just say there’s a good chance that you might have to go back and revise things before it can be considered a “done deal.” The key for any transaction right now is to take your time and read every line, communicate every detail, ask questions, and be prepared to listen to all sides. Oh, and remember to take note of the things that are also left unsaid – this could possibly help prevent you from encountering some miscommunication. If you feel stuck, keep in mind that there’s usually another way. Stay present, remain open, and maybe you’ll hear or see something from a different perspective that ends up freeing you.
Let’s address the fact that Mars is in the dreamy sign of Pisces and is making a challenging aspect to this Full Moon. Maybe we are being asked to claim what it means to be a spiritual warrior or maybe we need to expand our knowledge with a new and compassionate vision for our future. Or maybe you’ll feel compelled to take a risk in the face of fear, or maybe you’ll find yourself engaging in some reckless behavior. Maybe you’ll find yourself wrapped up in a conflict due to displaced anger or maybe you’ll feel the intuitive pull that tells you it’s time to move on. Maybe you’ll find yourself caught inside a heavy blanket of apathy or maybe you’ll feel inspired to follow the calling that your inner guides or soul have been nudging you to take. How you experience this energy largely depends on how you choose to engage with it.
I’d also like to point out that Jupiter plays a key role in this Full Moon and so we can be sure that expansion, growth, and abundance are part of the equation. This combination of Gemini and Sagittarius can inspire some fun and wild energy that is fueled with curiosity and a desire to know more. While this might sound exciting, keep in mind that it’s important to pace yourself. When expansion is on the table it’s usually best to prepare yourself for a marathon and not just a sprint.
While you might find yourself ready to take that big leap it will be important that you stay mindful of any loose ends that might pop up at this time. It would be wise to think before you speak because with the rapid flow of information from Gemini and the opposition to this Sagittarius Sun, we could also find that we become overly attached to our ideas and not leave much room for the voice of another. It’s the perfect recipe for words to fly out in haste creating a path of destruction along the way. So be mindful of your thoughts, speak with compassion, and take responsibility for the words you share. It will help if you remain flexible to the flow of events and keep that inquisitive mind of yours open, especially if you find yourself caught in the middle of any heated debates.
While we all might feel pulled during this Full Moon to engage in some new ideas, we will all experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Gemini is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Gemini. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.
New Moon in Scorpio - November 7, 2018
On Wednesday, November 7, 2018 (8:02 AM PST and 11:02 AM EST), the moon begins its new cycle in the watery and penetrating sign of Scorpio. The sign that lives in the depths, is here to make the unconscious conscious, and is fluent in the language of death and rebirth. She’s the sign that isn’t afraid to look you in the eye and when she does- she’ll penetrate you to the depths of your soul. Good luck at trying to hide anything from her. She has a knack for sensing and uncovering the hidden and isn’t afraid to call BS if she smells even a hint of a lie. She needs truth like we need air and not necessarily a meaning of life kind of truth, but rather a truth of a moment, a truth of who you are, and a truth about what remains when everything else falls away. She wants what is real and she isn’t afraid to go to the darker places to find it. Her shadow creeps in when she becomes lost in the self-discovery maze called the underworld or it might creep in if she chooses to avoid the element of self- discovery all together. Either way, moodiness and despair will become her companions.
So how does this Scorpio energy impact this New Moon? Well first let’s address that Neptune and Pluto are making an appearance. Neptune is that mystical and whimsical planet that moves us into our imagination and allows us to dream. Of course when its shadow is triggered it can also lead us into illusions. Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and the planet that is here to transform your life through the death and rebirth cycle. This planet can be quite intense. It can feel rather destructive if we aren’t willing to look in the mirror and see what or who is looking back at us. The good news is that for this New Moon these planets are making a helpful appearance and they are here to remind us that it’s time for some deep soulful reflections. We are invited to sink into our own depths and to claim what is both real and true for who we are and who we are becoming.
So with this New Moon ask yourself: Where have I been hiding? Where am I playing it safe? What is the truth behind what I feel, what I know, what I don’t know, what I want, what I need, and what I long for? What is my soul here for? What am I here for? What, if anything, is no longer serving me along my path? What do I want to create and cultivate in my life? What dreams do I need to plant that are congruent to my true path?
Just remember we are playing with some deep and intense emotions here. While what we may discover during this deep inner dive can inspire us to move closer to what we desire and need in our life, we can also be pulled too deeply into our struggle and find ourselves covered in moodiness. Of course the other option is avoidance all together and this will only leave us unsatisfied and trapped inside a vault of despair. A key for not getting lost is to hold onto your boundaries so that you don’t drift off into nothingness. In other words, find what tethers you to your world and become clear on where you end and another person or thing begins. To say it more simply: Be clear and mindful with your thoughts, your words, and your actions. If you know who you are it will be easier to hold onto you.
So for this New Moon look deeply into your own reflection, plant your seeds deeply, envision the truth of who you are and what you want to create, surrender to the unknown, embrace the mystery that unfolds, and remain open to where the next step might lead you.
While we all might feel pulled to reflect deeply on who we are and who we are becoming during this New Moon, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Scorpio is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would like a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Scorpio. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]
Full Moon in Taurus - October 24, 2018
On Wednesday, October 24, 2018 (9:45am PST and 12:45PM EST) the Full Moon glows in the aesthetically pleasing and peaceful sign of Taurus. The sign that delights in her senses and finds fulfillment in life’s simple pleasures. She knows the gift of a sunset and the beauty found in the stillness of a forest or even the pause between beats in a song. She feels the crashing wave pulse through her body, but doesn’t need a single word to describe it. She’ll make sure to appreciate the ambiance of a place just as much as the taste of her food. If you haven’t figured it out, she’s earthy, but this isn’t to say she doesn’t like her comforts found in the material world. In fact, they might even be what fill her with a lot of security. The only catch is her shadow might appear if she falls into the trap of needing these things to bring her joy. In other words, she’ll become trapped if what she once possessed not only possesses her, but also defines her.
So what does this mean for this Full Moon? As you know we are in the midst of Scorpio season (Think: intense, deep, mysterious, uncovering truth, and a time to penetrate the depths of all things) with the Sun entering these deep waters on October 23rdand joining Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter. So don’t be surprised if you feel the intensity of these planets leading you into the depths and pushing you to take an honest look at yourself. Venus is still retrograde and will soon conjunct the Sun on October 26thmarking the midpoint for this descent into the shadows. This inferior conjunction signals the culmination for all that has been illuminated from our relationships and the things we most value. Hopefully we have spent some time looking to see where our relationships, money, and the things we value have started to define us.
As this Full Moon cozies up as close as possible to the planet Uranus and makes an opposition to both Venus and the Sun in Scorpio, we can be certain that there’s a bit of uncertainty in the air. Uranus is often associated with breakthroughs, change, and unpredictability and while all of these things can be refreshing, if we cling to the past or aren’t ready for movement, then we can find this planet to be rather unsettling. I would also like to add that this particular placement offers a chance for matters that have been stuck in liminal space to receive that much needed shake up to help you move something forward towards completion.
With Venus as the ruler of this Full Moon and currently retrograde in Scorpio, it’s quite evident that this planet is a key player for this lunation. I’ll reiterate that this places a spotlight on your relationships, the things you value, and possibly your finances that are all tied to the past and are in need of resolution. I saw a meme the other day that says, “Let the rest of the year be the plot twist you’ve been waiting for.” Well, let’s just say there’s a good chance that this might just be true. Just when you thought your life was all set in one direction now is the time to be prepared for it to take a completely different turn. Maybe you’ll experience this through a sudden change of heart in your relationship(s), or find that someone you thought was out of your life has now appeared again. Or maybe you find that you’re able to let go of a relationship you’ve been holding on to for far too long. Or maybe it’s that your creative genius comes to life and leads you down a completely new path, or maybe you feel inspired in an area that you didn’t even know existed. Or maybe you finally get to experience that financial breakthrough that you’ve been waiting for.
I would like to add that Saturn is making a helpful aspect to this Full Moon and wants to add a layer of practicality and focus to these sudden breakthroughs or changes. This isn’t about limits so much as it is about all the hard work that you have already put in to that relationship, project, investment, thesis, job, or vision. Everything you’ve done has led you to where you are today and Saturn wants to honor this.
If you’re wondering what to do – I suggest that you try to surrender to the rhythms that surround you. Feel the freedom to take a risk. Allow yourself to move outside your normal playground and follow your heart’s desires. Just remember you need to listen deeply to how your heart wants to move. This isn’t about calculated or conditioned decisions, this is about that spark of genius that moves you in the same way that music can transport your soul with a single beat. So during this lunation open your heart to your own wildness that lives in the depths of your soul – that part of you that can howl with the moon and dance naked around the fire. Let her be free. Let her show you what she needs.
In summation, this Full Moon offers us all a chance to feel released from the past and provides us with an opportunity to embrace a new direction for our lives. Uncertainty of where this path will lead is a given. Your job is to learn how to flow with the rhythm of these changes and feel the freedom that comes when you release your expectations and remain unattached to the outcome.
While we all might find ourselves caught in the unpredictability of change, we will each experience this lunar energy differently depending on where Taurus is located in your chart or if you have a natal planet associated with it. If you would be interested in a more personalized reading, I’d love to set up a session with you.
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[*Note* The ABOVE contains a personification of the sign Taurus and the planet Venus. The sign is not gendered and the SHE could just as easily be used as HE.]